26251From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 21 December 1811 (Adams Papers)
The journal of the 22d of May 1783, proceeds— Mr. Hartley’s observations and propositions left with the American ministers, the 21st of May 1783: A proposition having been offered of the American ministers for the consideration of his Britannic majesty’s ministers, and of the British nation, for an entire and reciprocal freedom of intercourse and commerce between Great-Britain and the American...
26252To James Madison from Jonathan Russell, 21 December 1811 (Madison Papers)
The inclosed is a copy of a letter which I received several months since from Mr. Wichelhausen. I have not hitherto communicated it to you from a repugnance to impeach an old acquaintance & fellow labourer in the public service at a time when it appeared no longer in his power, from a change of circumstances to abuse his official information or influence. Having however recently learnt that Mr...
26253Micajah Harrison to Thomas Jefferson, 21 December 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
I trust you will excuse the freedom I have taken in addressing you on a subject, by no means interesting to you, having however full assurance of your obliging disposition, and knowing the deference, deservedly given to your opinion in all cases; I have been encouraged to take the liberty of requesting your opinion on the following subject, upon which there is a difference of opinion between...
26254From John Adams to William Cranch, 20 December 1811 (Adams Papers)
Will you be kind enough to advance five Dollars for me to Mr Gales for a Second years Subscription for his National Intelligencer, and let me pay it to Mr Peabody or any other on your account. I have desired him to ask the favour of Mr Quincy or you, hoping I might take such a Liberty with either. Your Friends are all well and with Health Wealth and long Life to you and yours. MWiW .
26255Resolutions of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, [20 December] 1811 (Madison Papers)
The present is a period replete with National occurrences as momentous as ever marked the Annals of the World. That Collision of Kingdoms and Empires, which has deluged Europe with blood, borne down the practice and nearly extinguished the principles of justice and humanity, is not in its effects confined to that unhappy quarter of the Globe. The Unparalleled prosperity, the enterprising...
26256From James Madison to David Gelston, 20 December 1811 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
20 December 1811, Washington. “J. Madison, with respects to Mr. Gelston, requests the favor of him, to forward the inclosed letter by the first safe conveyance to the Island of St. Kitts.” Printed facsimile ( Joseph Rubinfine American Historical Autographs , List 104 [West Palm Beach, Fla.], item 19). Enclosure not identified.
26257John W. Campbell to Thomas Jefferson, 20 December 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
After reviewing the papers contained in the volumes you were pleased to lend me, I have concluded to decline their publication, principally from the reasons suggested in your letter , that they would at this day, be not interesting to the mass of readers. I return the volumes, with my sincere thanks for the loan of them. I am RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received 29 Dec. 1811 and so recorded...
26258John W. Campbell to Thomas Jefferson, 20 December 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
I have taken the liberty of enclosing you a proposal for a work which I expect to publish during the next Summer. I have progressed in this work, as far as the year Seventy Six, but for the period, subsequent to that, I find it extremely difficult to procure materials. I would be much gratified by your advice as to the best sources of information; an d if you have any thing, that would yield...
26259Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours to Thomas Jefferson, 20 December 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
J’ai eu l’honneur de vous adresser ces jours derniers une Lettre assez étendue que M r Barlow veut bien vous envoyer par la Frégate des Etats-Unis La Constitution . J’apprends aujourd’hui que cette même Frégate portera en Amérique M r de Correa de Serra
26260Alexander von Humboldt to Thomas Jefferson, 20 December 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
J’arrive hier de Vienne où mon frere est Ministre du Roi de Prusse et ou j’ai passé un mois pour voir mes parents. J’ai eté bien heureux de retrouver à mon retour l’interessante lettre que Vous avez daigny daigné m’écrire, Monsieur, et que Vous avez accompagné d’un cadeau auquel je mets le plus grand prix. Les notes sur la Virginie seront placeés dans la bibliotheque que nous avons formé mon frere