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Results 26251-26280 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
26251 Howe, William Washington, George To George Washington from General William Howe, 26 … 1777-11-26 I am averse to Altercation, and therefore wish to be explicit, and understood in my Answer to...
26252 Knox, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Henry Knox … 1777-11-26 I exceedingly lament my want of experience and ability to fill properly the important Station in...
26253 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Lafayette, 26 … 1777-11-26 I went down to this place since the day before yesterday in order to be acquainted of all the...
26254 Laurens, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Laurens, 26 November … 1777-11-26 I beg leave to refer Your Excellency to my last trouble unacknowledged of the 22d by Jones. Your...
26255 Mentges, Francis Washington, George To George Washington from Major Francis Mentges, 26 … 1777-11-26 I find by a late arrangement of the field Officers of the pennsylvania State, I have been much...
26256 Washington, George Washington, John Augustine From George Washington to John Augustine Washington, 26 … 1777-11-26 Your Letters of the 26th of Octr and 7th Instt have come safe to hand —by the last, it would...
26257 Continental Congress Adams, John Commission for Benjamin Franklin, Arthur Lee, and John … 1777-11-27 The delegates of the United States of New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and...
26258 Adams, John Resolution on Property Confiscation, 27 November 1777 1777-11-27 Resolved That it be Earnestly recommended to the several States, as soon as may be, to Confiscate...
26259 Franklin, Benjamin Lee, Arthur Franklin and Silas Deane to Arthur Lee, 27 November … 1777-11-27 AL : Princeton University Library We should be glad to see you as soon as convenient to you, in...
26260 Washington, George General Orders, 27 November 1777 1777-11-27 A detachment of 300 men are to parade to morrow morning on the Grand-parade, precisely at half...
26261 Washington, George Clark, John Jr. From George Washington to Major John Clark, Jr., 27 … 1777-11-27 I have yours of Yesterday and am obliged for the particular information which you give to the...
26262 Greene, Nathanael Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Nathanael … 1777-11-27 Your favor of yesterday I receivd last Night about 12 OClock—The greater part of the troops...
26263 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1777-11-27 This moment my Express going off I recd the Honor of yours of the 13th Inst. to which I shall pay...
26264 Washington, George Peters, Richard From George Washington to Richard Peters, 27 November … 1777-11-27 I was duly favd with yours of the 11th inst. The inattention of the Officers to the dress of...
26265 Bingham, William American Commissioners William Bingham to the American Commissioners, 28 … 1777-11-28 Two ALS : American Philosophical Society I have herewith the honor to convey to you Copy of my...
26266 Lovell, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Lovell, 28 November 1777 1777-11-28 I shall not in my great hurry repeat to you any of the matters which I have written to Mr. S....
26267 Roberdeau, Daniel Adams, John To John Adams from Daniel Roberdeau, 28 November 1777 1777-11-28 I would not take pen in hand until I could reasonably suppose you safe arrived to your long...
26268 Dumas, Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric American Commissioners Dumas to the American Commissioners, 28 November 1777 … 1777-11-28 Letterbook abstract: Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague Envoyé les feuillets du Mercure Novembre...
26269 Sarsfield, Guy-Claude, comte de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Comte de Sarsfield, 28 … 1777-11-28 AL : American Philosophical Society Count Sarsfield’s compliments to mr. franklin and has the...
26270 Washington, George General Orders, 28 November 1777 1777-11-28 At a General Court Martial held the 24th instant, of which Col. Grayson was president, Major...
26271 Continental Navy Board Washington, George To George Washington from the Continental Navy Board … 1777-11-28 We are under a Necessity of drawing your Excellency’s Attention, once more, to the Frigates at...
26272 Craig, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Captain Charles Craig, 28 … 1777-11-28 I receiv’d some intillegence this morning from the City and have thought my duty to forward to Yr...
26273 Washington, George Craig, Charles From George Washington to Capt. Charles Craig, 28 … 1777-11-28 Letter not found: to Capt. Charles Craig, c.28 Nov. 1777. In his second letter to GW of this date...
26274 Craig, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Captain Charles Craig, 28 … 1777-11-28 I have this moment been Honoured with your Excellencys Letter—and embrace this oppertunity of...
26275 Dickinson, Philemon Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Philemon … 1777-11-28 Having obtained the fullest Information, respecting the Strength & Situation, of the Enemy upon...
26276 Greene, Nathanael Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Nathanael … 1777-11-28 Three Brigades are now on their march for Head Quarters my division & Glovers brigade —General...
26277 Washington, George Greene, Nathanael From George Washington to Major General Nathanael … 1777-11-28 Capt. Duplessis has just delivered me yours of this Morning from Burlington. Every account from...
26278 Washington, George Howe, William From George Washington to General William Howe, 28 … 1777-11-28 In Answer to your Letter of the Instant which came to Hand on Wednesday Evening, I am to inform...
26279 Washington, George McLane, Allen From George Washington to Captain Allen McLane, 28 … 1777-11-28 I have certain information that Lord Cornwallis returned from Jersey Yesterday, and ’tis said...
26280 McLane, Allen Washington, George To George Washington from Captain Allen McLane, 28 … 1777-11-28 Evry Intelligence from the City agree that the enemy is in motion and intend a Grand stroke last...