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Results 26251-26280 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I am averse to Altercation, and therefore wish to be explicit, and understood in my Answer to your Letter of the 14th Instant, and to your very importunate Requisition of the 23rd. I shall never agree to a partial Exchange of Prisoners, until you have on your Part fulfilled the Cartel agreed upon; but as that Matter has already been sufficiently investigated in the Course of our...
I exceedingly lament my want of experience and ability to fill properly the important Station in which I am, and I am more particularly distress’d when such important Questions are refer’d to my decission as those which your Excellency gave us in charge the last evening. The happiness or misery of the people of America may be the consequence of a right or erroneous judgement. Much lately has...
I went down to this place since the day before yesterday in order to be acquainted of all the roads and grounds arround the ennemy—I heard at my arrival that theyr Main body was betwen great and little timber creek since the same evening—Yesterday morning in recconnoitring about I have been told that they were very busy in crossing the delaware—I saw them myself in theyr boats and sent that...
I beg leave to refer Your Excellency to my last trouble unacknowledged of the 22d by Jones. Your favor of the 23d containing the Six papers refered to I had the honour of receiving in the minute I was Sitting down to pay my present respects, the whole Shall be duly presented to Congress to morrow. I am ordered to convey to your Excellency the undermentioned Resolves which will be found covered...
I find by a late arrangement of the field Officers of the pennsylvania State, I have been much injured in point of Rank, being reduced from the first to the Eleventh Major in their Line; and that without even an imputed Charge that ever I heard of, or any tryal Whatever, in express Violation of the Article of War in which it is declared that no Officer shall be reduced untill he has had a...
Your Letters of the 26th of Octr and 7th Instt have come safe to hand —by the last, it would appear that a Letter which I wrote you about the 18th of Octr had not reached you which I am exceeding sorry for as, to the best of my recollection, I wrote you very fully on the posture of our affairs and should be exceedingly concernd if it should have fallen into the hands of the Enemy or some...
The delegates of the United States of New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pensylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, to all who shall see these presents send greeting. Whereas a trade upon equal terms between the subjects of his most Christian majesty the king of France and the...
Resolved That it be Earnestly recommended to the several States, as soon as may be, to Confiscate and make sale of all the Real and Personal Estate therein, of such of their Inhabitants and other Persons who have forfeited the same, and the right to the Protection of their respective States; and to invest the money arising from the Sales in Continental Loan office Certificates, to be...
AL : Princeton University Library We should be glad to see you as soon as convenient to you, in order to consult on the Dispatches. We are, Your most obedient Servants Addressed: Honble Arthur Lee Esqr / Chaillot Notation: F & D In BF ’s hand. The meeting is discussed in the headnote on the commissioners’ dispatch below, Nov. 30.
26260General Orders, 27 November 1777 (Washington Papers)
A detachment of 300 men are to parade to morrow morning on the Grand-parade, precisely at half past three o’clock in the morning—Col. David Hall, Lt Col. Craig and Major Tyler are appointed Field Officers for the detachment. Twelve light dragoons are to go on the same command, and to repair this evening to Col. Biddle’s quarters. After Orders. A detachment of 100 men to be under the command of...
I have yours of Yesterday and am obliged for the particular information which you give to the points I gave you in charge. As I have now got the necessary information as to the Enemy’s Works, position &ca what your Friends will particularly attend to, will be, the Return of Lord Cornwallis and his Troops, and what appear after that, to be their intentions. Whether to sit down in quarters for...
Your favor of yesterday I receivd last Night about 12 OClock—The greater part of the troops returnd to this place last Night and marched early this morning to cross the Delaware—I staid at Haddenfield my self with General McDougals division to give the necessary Orders to the Militia—I have left the riffle Corps at Haddenfield and Capt. Lees troop of light Horse to encourage the Militia and...
This moment my Express going off I recd the Honor of yours of the 13th Inst. to which I shall pay strict attention. I shall be hapy in every matter of great importance to have a signification of your Excellency’s pleasure, and shall be very cautious how I act without your advice or direction, am most fully sentiment with your Excellency respecting the Troops of the Convention as expressed in...
I was duly favd with yours of the 11th inst. The inattention of the Officers to the dress of their Men has been I beleive one principal cause of their present bareness and want of Cloathing. I have repeatedly given positive orders that such a list of Necessaries as you call a Rag Roll, should be kept and the Articles weekly inspected, but that, like too many other wholesome Regulations has...
Two ALS : American Philosophical Society I have herewith the honor to convey to you Copy of my last Respects. You have doubtless heard of the glorious Success of the Army under General Gates, upon which I sincerely congratulate you and all the Friends of America. Betwixt the Date of the Gazettes which I had the honor to enclose you, and the 15 October, there were four Engagements, by the last...
I shall not in my great hurry repeat to you any of the matters which I have written to Mr. S. Adams as you can have them, on sight of him. I expected Brother Geary would have written to you but he has just requested me to inclose two Letters which he opened in consequence of your orders; and to give his Compliments to you begging your excuse of his further silence as he is preparing to go on a...
I would not take pen in hand until I could reasonably suppose you safe arrived to your long wished for home, on which I now presume to congratulate you and sincerely hope you have met with Mrs. Adams and your Children well and every domestick concern to your entire satisfaction for all which I feel myself much interested from the sincere regard contracted for you in our short intimacy, which I...
Letterbook abstract: Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague Envoyé les feuillets du Mercure Novembre sur le Genl. Arnold, &c.; et la Gazette de Delft sur le même. Les Barrils expediés à Mr. Holker à Rouen. Extrait de la Lettre de Lalande et Finje. Probably the Mercure historique et politique , The Hague. The shipment of butter and cod.
AL : American Philosophical Society Count Sarsfield’s compliments to mr. franklin and has the honour to inform him that, as he Seemed to like better, the dinner with mrs. macaulay will take place moonday next half an hour after two o’clock and that he hopes for the honour of messrs. franklin’s and mr. Deane’s company. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur franklin / Chez mr Rey de Chaumont / A...
26270General Orders, 28 November 1777 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court Martial held the 24th instant, of which Col. Grayson was president, Major Ross, charged with “Leaving his arms in the field, in the action of the 4th of October near Germantown”—was tried, and acquitted with the highest honor—The Commander in Chief approves the court’s judgment—Major Ross is released from his arrest. The General Court Martial of which Col. Grayson is...
We are under a Necessity of drawing your Excellency’s Attention, once more, to the Frigates at this Place. Notwithstanding our Endeavours, we have not been able to raise the Effingham—she still lyes on her Beam Ends in a very disagreeable Situation. After the Destruction of our Fleet at Red Bank, the Officers & Crews of the several Vessels came up to this Place, to the Amount of between three...
I receiv’d some intillegence this morning from the City and have thought my duty to forward to Yr Excellency. Yesterday a Number of the enemy Cross’d over Schoolkell it is said the intend to March Towards Wilmington, The whole of British Army are under Marchg orders, a Number of Boats are prepared to go up the river. I am with Great Respect Yr Excellencys Most Obt Servt ALS , DLC:GW . The...
Letter not found: to Capt. Charles Craig, c.28 Nov. 1777. In his second letter to GW of this date , Craig says that “I have this moment been Honoured with your Excellencys Letter.”
I have this moment been Honoured with your Excellencys Letter—and embrace this oppertunity of returning an Answer By every Account—Lord Cornwallis is return’d, it is a Certainty that a number of Troops are Arived at the City—both Horse and foot, I wrote Yr Excellency this Morning the Enemy ware under Marchg orders, it is expected the will March to night Your Excellency may Depend on the...
Having obtained the fullest Information, respecting the Strength & Situation, of the Enemy upon Staten Island, & made the necessary Preparations, I called in many Volunteers, whose Numbers, in addition to those who were on Duty at this Post, amounted to about 1400 Men, with this Detachment, I landed Yesterday Morning before Day, upon the Island, from Halsteads Point—The whole Strength of the...
Three Brigades are now on their march for Head Quarters my division & Glovers brigade —General MDougalls division is not yet come to town—they had orders to march at four this morning and I was in hopes they would have been in town by the time Glovers brigade got over the River—I am afraid the want of provision has detaind them this morning—It is with the utmost difficulty we can get bread to...
Capt. Duplessis has just delivered me yours of this Morning from Burlington. Every account from Philada confirms the Report that the Enemy mean to make a speedy Move. I shall not be disappointed if they come out this Night or very early in the Morning. You will therefore push forward, the Rear Brigades with all possible expedition and the Moment that the Troops and Baggage have all passed, let...
In Answer to your Letter of the Instant which came to Hand on Wednesday Evening, I am to inform you, that I accede to the proposition contained therein, and have directed measures to be immediately taken for releasing All your Officers upon the condition you mention. At the same time I wish that a more extensive relief had been agreable to you. I have sent Mr Boudinot to examine into the state...
I have certain information that Lord Cornwallis returned from Jersey Yesterday, and ’tis said they intend an Attack upon this Army with their joint force before Genl Green can rejoin us. I therefore depend upon your keeping a very good look out upon their line, and gaining every intelligence from people coming out of Town, that I may have the earliest Notice of their Movements or Intentions. I...
Evry Intelligence from the City agree that the enemy is in motion and intend a Grand stroke last night they gave out that a body Cross Schulkill and to Cover the deception they kept, their Waggons and Artillery moveing through the City all night this moment I Reced a few lines from my old friend I have good Reason to believe that he keeps a Good look out, and Gives the best intelligence I...