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Results 26221-26270 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. Hugh Mercer, 18 Aug. 1776. In a letter to GW of 19 Aug. , Mercer refers to “your Excellencys Letter of yesterday.”
J’ai l’honneur de porter à la Connoissance du gouvernement federal le fait suivant. Tout étoit disposé à Baltimore pour le départ de quelques batiments Marchands que J’étois parvenu à faire charger de marchandises nécessaires à la france; Ils n’attendoient que quelques pieces d’artillerie destinées à leur défense. La frégatte qui devoit les éscorter étoit complettement armée et organisée, et...
9 June 1804, New Orleans. “Captain Turner the Commandant at Nachitoches, in a letter to me dated the 27th. Ultimo, says—‘Every thing is at present tranquil, and the people appear satisfied with their condition.’ He adds—’I learn that, the Spaniards are strengthening the garrison at Nacogdoches; that all persons from Louisiana are prohibited settling on this side of St. Antonio, and no repairs...
In consequence of a note at the bottom of a petition to you in behalf of Charles Houseman , I have the honour to state, that he was indicted at June term last for stealing plank, and Carpenter’s tools from three several persons. It appear’d in evidence that the articles were found in his possession, but were of little value. He was found guilty on each indictment, and sentenced to be burnt in...
The President was authorised to cause to be opened a road, or roads through the territory lately ceded by the Indians to the United States, from the river Mississippi to the Ohio, & to the former indian boundary line established by the treaty of Grenville by the 7th Section of an act entitled “an act to regulate and fix the compensation of clerks and to authorise the laying out certain public...
do you not pitty me my dear sister to be so soon all in a Bustle? and wary of Removing again, as much Boxing and casing, as if we were removing to Europe. our furniture may well be stiled movables . the expence attending the various removals would very handsomely furnish one House. I feel low spirited and Heartless. I am going amongst an other new set of company, to form new acquaintances to...
I duly recieved your favor of June 13. with a copy of the letters on the calling a Convention, on which you are pleased to ask my opinion. I have not been in the habit of mysterious reserve on any subject, nor of buttoning up my opinions within my own doublet. on the contrary, while in public service especially, I have thought the public entitled to frankness, and intimately to know whom they...
I had the pleasure to write to your Excellency in Decr last and at the same time to send you (Via Norfolk) some Trees and other things which must I think have got to hand as I heard of their safe arrival at Norfolk from whence they were to be immediately forwarded. Mr John Blagge who went supercargo of the Ship Hope for Alexandria which Sailed yesterday was so good as to take Charge of a Case...
2622911th. (Adams Papers)
We did not recite this day. As the quarter draws near to a close, the Students are falling off quite fast. A third of our Class are absent now. This day completes my 19th. year. I finished studying for this Quarter.
ALS : Bibliothèque de Genève Reflecting with Pleasure on the agreable and instructive Conversation you favour’d me with, when I had the Happiness of seeing you in London, I embrace this Opportunity of recalling myself to your Remembrance, & of requesting your Acceptance of a Copy of the American Constitutions. With great and sincere Esteem I have the honour to be Sir, Your most obedient and...
1 September 1802, Bank of United States. “I have been honord with yours of 26th. Ulto. enclosing the Treasurers Check for eighty two hundred dollars—which amount is credited to the Secretary of State for the time being &c—as requested.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). 1 p.; docketed by Brent as received 6 Sept.
Ever since the receipt of your last very kind and flattering letter, I have been so much occupied by executorial and other business, which called me, unexpectedly, to the lower Country, that I have not been able to attend to any thing else, not even to my own health. This has been much impaired by an Influenza, from the pulmonary effects of which I have hardly yet recovered. Mrs. Corbin and my...
I perceive, in one of your late letters, a fresh application for medicines and Hospital stores. — Colonel Stevens mentions to me that a supply of those articles for a year had was forwarded to your post in April last, and that he has a letter from you acknowledging the receipt of information that those articles they were on their the way to Niagara. This, of course, supersedes the necessity of...
I have received yours of the first of this Instant and am glad to find you have me still in Remembrance. I wrote you some time ago, and ventured to acquaint you with the appointment of fifty dollars a Month to the Judge Advocate for himself and his Clerk, to commence from his first appointment. This I hope you received. I feel more anxious about Letters than formerly as you may well imagine....
1817. Jan. 25. remitted him 70.D. of which 10.D. was for his paper to May 1. 1817. June 19. sent him 5.D. to May 1. 18 Duane . Nat l Intellig r 1813. Oct. 17. pd to Oct. 31. 12. 1817.
Sales of Government Bills on Amsterdam, at the Office of Discount and Deposit in New York. Vizt, 225,000 Guilders @ 36⁴⁄₁₁ Ninetieths of a Dollar ⅌ Guilder, on a Credit of Six Months, With Interest for the Last Four Months. When sold. To whom sold. Amount in Guilders Amount in Dollars. When paid Amount of Interest. Sums paid. April 25th. Rowlett & Corp. 162,000
I receiv’d a letter from you containing several enclosures the Evening before I left Annapolis, & in the hurry of departure the package was left behind. I have since repeatedly written to have it forwarded to me but as this has not yet been done, I conclude that it is mislaid & that I shall not receive it whilst here. I must rely altogether therefore on my memory for the contents & will only...
A Letter has been received recently from Mr Long, in which, I regret to say, it is stated, that after three years of Turbulence, the affairs of the London University seem to be drawing to a Crisis, and that a fortnight will determine whether he still may continue attached to it. In the "Observer" which I send you, you will discover manifest evidence that the affairs of the university are not...
Your carriage arrived here last night only, having been detained some days at Edgehill by the late rains & consequent rise of the river. all the donations which you have been so kind as to charge on it have arrived in perfect order; and being to set out tomorrow for Bedford , this day will be employed in setting out the plants. by the return of the carriage I shall send you three or four...
A few days since I was honored with Your Excellency’s letter of the ; and was glad to find your ideas on the subject corresponded with mine. As I shall in a day or two take leave of Congress, I think it my duty to give my opinion to the legislature on a matter of importance to the state, which has been long depending and is still without a prospect of termination in the train in which it has...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania It was late in the Evening when I came home last Night, or I should have sent you Mr. Smith’s Letters, concerning which I shall be glad to talk with you when you have a little Leisure. If you are at liberty to dine where you please to day, I shall be glad of your Company; my Dame being from home, and I quite Master of the House. Your humble Servant...
John Foncin appointed at first Engineer at Baltimore, and newly at Boston, presents to the President of the united States his most respectful thanks; happy, if by his fidelity, and his constant endeavours to perform his duty, he may deserve the continuation of Such a favor; happy again if during many years, he may consider and admire the high influence of the Virtues of the President, who by...
In your letter of the 18th. Ultimo, you intimated that you had applied for a Habs. Corps: in behalf of Capt. Mouesan. Be so obliging as to make me acquainted with the result, & with any other circumstance r elating to his case subsequent to the date of your letter. I am &c: DNA : RG 59—DL—Domestic Letters.
Previous to my setting off to Mt Vernon and Alexandria the last time I was up, a great Coat of yours that you had been kind enough to lend my son Corbin when he was last at your House, and a book that my Wifes maid the time before the last that she was there had put up supposing it to be her Mistreses, as she had one in the Chariott to read on the road, was carefully sowed up in a bundle and...
26245General Orders, 23 February 1776 (Washington Papers)
Lieut. Thos Cummings tried at a Genl Court Martial for “behaving in a scandalous and infamous manner, unbecoming the Character of an Officer and Gentleman”—is sentenced to be cashiered—The General approves the sentence and orders it to take place immediately. The General also confirms the sentence upon James McCormick of Capt. Farrington’s Company, in Col. sergeants Regiment, and commands the...
I put pen to paper to induce you to reply or rather to remind you of your promise to convey me some information from those interesting Scenes, France and our Amn . Parliament. Mr. Potts elected the Senator here is I fear at the acme of Aristocracy, Colo. Stone got 19 votes against him the only two polled for. There was certainly a very limited choice. Mr. A. got all the votes here as V.P. tho’...
17 March 1803, “Evans’s Hotel,” Baltimore. The brig Hope of Baltimore, in which he intends to embark, will sail “on Thursday” for Oporto in Portugal. Immediately after arrival he will proceed to Madrid. Offers to be the bearer of “any commands you may have for that country.” Asks for a letter of introduction to Pinckney. Offers his compliments “to Mrs Madison & Miss Pain.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD...
Mr Dawson a member of the late Congress is appointed to be the bearer of the Convention with France, and will be ready to leave this place, within two days, for Baltimore & thence to proceed immediately for Havre, which I think the most eligible port for him to land at. I have therefore to ask the favor of you to give the necessary orders & instructions to the Commander of the Maryland to...
I have safely received your favor of yesterday Morning, about an hour ago. Before the arrival of your Letter, I had not received any particulars of the fleet lately arrived at N. York, but expect minute Accts every instant; I shall comply with your request; as it is my most earnest desire by comparing all the different intelligences to ascertain the state of Matters among the Enemy, with the...
I recieved last night from my friend in Gloucester an answer to my letter requesting some Gloucester hiccory nuts. he informs me that the few which are saved are generally consumed early in the season, and that accident only has enabled him to send me 4. nuts, which are from the genuine trees. I now forward them to you, and expect soon to recieve a better supply from Roanoke. by comparing the...
To morrow I shall be engaged all day, but will, in the course of it, fix a time to view the Big bones at Doctr. Wisters. I hope Mr. Blodget does not begin to hesitate concerning the loan?—And I hope the Commissioners, when they are about it, will build a Stone bridge and a compleat one, over Rock Creek—it will be the cheapest in the end.—Yrs. sincerely, RC ( DLC ); addressed: “Mr. Jefferson”;...
Being informed that the King’s Adjutant General in America has been stopt under Major General Arnold’s passports, and is detained a prisoner in your Excellency’s Army, I have the honor to inform You, Sir, that I permitted Major André to go to Major General Arnold at the particular request of that General Officer; You will perceive, Sir, by the inclosed paper that a Flag of Truce was sent to...
26253[Diary entry: 21 March 1770] (Washington Papers)
21. Joind some dogs that were self hunting & from thence went to the Mill & was levelling all the remainder of the day with Jno. Ball &ca.
Should a co-operation with the French fleet take place, it will be indispensible to our measures to have in stock a considerable quantity of good ship-bread, and a much larger quantity of rum than usual. You will however, and at all events, turn your immediate attention to these two objects; so as to have in readiness, and as soon as possible, such quantities of these articles, as from your...
I inclose you Story’s oration that you may be enabled to take his measure. be so good as to return it. I retain the letter of E. Livingston urging the validity of Baron Bastrop’s monopoly of the Indian commerce for 10. years, because I presume it may be proper to lay it before Congress. the postmaster at Washington writes me that during our recess the post will come 3. times a week, the 3d....
Your favor of the 8th Instant reached me last Evening and I sincerely hope this will meet you returning successfull from your Expedition. Inclosed is the Warrant you desired, empowering you to impress the Horses & Sleighs necessary for your purpose. with esteem I am Dear Sir Your very Obedt Servt NNPM .
I think it will be expedient to lay before congress, on the second day of the session, all the papers which relate to the embassy to France, that they may be printed together, & the public enabled to judge from correct and authentic documents. To this end I request you to order copies to be made of your letter to Mr. Murray & his answer, of his letter to Talleyrand & his answer which should be...
It is expected that a Republican Carracter will be appointed to the office of supervisor of the Revenue in this City in the place of Colo. N. Fish. and having had some conversation with my brother Pierre Van Cortlandt Junr: upon this Subject I find it will be very Acceptable to him; & altho a brother I hope there will not appear any impropriety in expressing my full approbation and of Joining...
And a good story you shall have, Madam, as you desire. Know then that your friends both at Haverhill and Braintree are well. But I had forgot. One sad stroke has caused us much trouble, Aunt Smith is dead . She died about a month since. She was first seized with a lethargic fit, was lost to every thing, but apparently had recovered from her disorder and was preparing to take a journey as far...
In the forenoon this day I got here—soon saw the President & your affectionate friend Mr. Jefferson. The first has nearly recovd. Mr. J. & myself dined with him & as far as I can judge, no chance for 16 years opposes the happiness of the U:S from any event feared by us in N york. As to your corn which you so much prized & which Mr J. seems to reckon valuable & uncommon, the president says he...
The inclosed Extracts, are of So much Importance, that I send them to you, for your opinion whether it is prudent to communicate them to the Russian Minister, or not. The Intelligence is such that I can make no official Communication. If you think it will do any good, and no harm or at least more good than harm, you may communicate it in Confidence to Friends. Mr. Dana’s Commission, which...
Paris, 22 June 1792. She has already thanked TJ for the certificate he gave Derieux concerning a bequest of 15,000 francs from his uncle and now asks him to use his good offices with Robert Morris to facilitate the prompt and advantageous sale for Derieux of a cargo of merchandise worth the 10,000 francs due on the bequest, which Derieux will receive in this form rather than cash because of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le Supliant à l’honneur de vous represantée quétant prisonniee à bord du Vaissaux Anglais le Blenheim il y fut conduit quelques prisonniee ameriquain prévenant du Corsaire Ameriquain le Prince-Noir pris dans une prise, ces gans avait été tous dépouliee et avait besoin de tout je les soulaga autant qu’il fut dans mon pouvoir et il me Donnerent ce pouvoir qui...
Tr ( LC : Force Transcripts). Addressed to “The Honble James Madison jr Esqr Philadelphia.” Another copy of the original manuscript is printed in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society , 2d ser., XIX (1905), 147–48. I have yr favr of the 7th and regret the Irregularity of the Post which has deprived me of some & delayed others of yr agreeable letters. However I comfort myself...
An unclaimed letter under your frank, addressed to M r George Jones — New york , remains in this Office—It was received here on or about the 6 th instant — M r Jones is not a Resident of this City
I received this morning your letter of the 16~ instant inclosing extracts from Lieutt. Coll. Smiths letter to you of 7~ instant. I cannot doubt the correctness of the Colonels representation relative to the state of the muskets. It is probable the old stock, long since provided, from which the delivery to his regiment may have been made is generally as he has represented. The muskets which...
I have been here upwards of two weeks labouring with the Assembly—in hopes to prevail on them to adopt some more affectual mode for filling up the Line of the State, than that last session—I thought I had a tolerable will grounded prospect till this day—when a Bill for the purpose was reported to the House—read a second time & debated by paragraphs, by which it was so much cut to pieces that...
By this post I forward to mr Bacon 50. D. for you: and this day also mr Jefferson will deposit 450. D. on my order in your name in the Richmond bank, subject to your order. by the next post I shall be able to forward to you the reciept of the bank. Inclosed I send you directions for hanging the bells. they are so few, & so contrived that I think you will have wire enough. I have some idea of...
Your favor of Oct. 1. came duly to hand, and in it the Memorial which I now return. I like well your idea of issuing treasury notes bearing interest, because I am persuaded they would soon be withdrawn from the circulation and locked up in vaults & private hoards. it would put it in the power of every man to lend his 100. or 1000.D. tho’ not able to go forward on the great scale and be the...
To the enclosed, I answered in a note, that the whole of the business to which it related, was entrusted to you: from whom, if application was made, complete information might be obtained. A few days afterwards, Mr Cooper applied to me personally; intimated that the land was valuable; that he was desirous of purchasing; and would give a good price for it. I answered as before, and added that...