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Results 26221-26270 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Pequannock [ New Jersey ] June 26, 1780 . Directs Gouvion to proceed to West Point. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Ramapo [ New Jersey ] June 27, 1780 . Approves measures taken by legislature. Explains that unless the Continental battalions are completely filled there can be no success in the proposed cooperation. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Ramapo [ New Jersey ] June 27, 1780 . States that Major General Robert Howe has been ordered to dismiss the militia. Emphasizes necessity of completing Continental battalions. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Ramapo [ New Jersey ] June 27, 1780 . States that with addition of Connecticut line and present position of the Army the troops at West Point will be sufficient for its defense. Orders Howe to dismiss militia. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Ramapo [ New Jersey ] June 27, 1780 . Explains that militia is no longer needed. Emphasizes importance of completing the Continental battalions. Df , in writings of George Washington and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Ramapo, New Jersey ] June 29, 1780 . Refuses Phillips’s request to go to Philadelphia to meet Major General Benjamin Lincoln. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
I received my Dear Laurens a letter from you which came by Mr. Ternant; and I since learn you are arrived at Philadelphia on a parole restricted to the State of Pensylvania. I regret the loss of Charles Town as a public misfortune. I regret it, as it affects my friends and among these I need not tell you how much my heart distinguishes your case. I know what you must suffer ⟨to⟩ have your...
Agreeable to your request my Dr Baron I communicated your pro[po]sal to the General. Happily the inactivity of the enemy has given us time to make dispositions which render the calling out the Militia unnecessary; and the whole has been accordingly countermanded. The General requests that when you have completed the objects of your errand in your departments and put things in train you will...
Ramapo [ New Jersey ] June 30, 1780 . Asks Dennis to come to Headquarters. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Dennis was a pilot.
Ramapo [ New Jersey ] June 30, 1780 . Is sending Brigadier General John Stark to “collect and forward the drafts for your battalions.” Explains importance of completing these requisitions. Suspends date for assembling of militia until French fleet arrives. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Weare was president of New Hampshire.
I wrote you, my dear, in one of my letters that I had written to our father, but had not heard of him since, that the operations in the islands hitherto cannot affect him, that I had pressed him to come to America after the peace. A gentleman going to the island where he is, will in a few days afford me a safe opportunity to write again. I shall again present him with his black-eyed daughter,...
I have been wishing my love for an opportunity of writing to you, but none has offered. I sit down to have a line ready for a sudden Call which will be inclosed to Col Hay. The inclosed was sent to you at Morris Town, but missed you; as it contains ideas that often occur to me, I send it now. Last evening Doctor Cochran delivered me the dear lines you wrote me from Nicholson’s. I shall...
Bergen County [ New Jersey ] July 4, 1780 . Asks Board to comply with Brigadier General Henry Knox’s request for military stores. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Bergen County [ New Jersey ] July 4, 1780 . States that “legislature of Pennsylvania has vested you, in case of necessity with a power of declaring Martial law throughout the state, to enable you to take such measures as the exigency may demand.” Urges Reed to use this power to complete Continental battalions. Df , in writings of George Washington and H, George Washington Papers, Library of...
Bergen County [ New Jersey ] July 4, 1780 . Requests powder for Army. Explains importance of Continental battalions. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Here we are my love in a house of great hospitality—in a country of plenty—a buxom girl under the same roof—pleasing ⟨expect⟩ations of a successful campaign—and every thing to make a soldier happy, who is not in love and absent from his mistress. As this is my case I cannot be happy; but it is a maxim of my life to enjoy the present good with the highest relish & to soften the present evil by...
Dr. W. Mendy is one of those characters that for its honesty, simplicity, and helplessness interests my humanity. He is exceedingly anxious to be in the Service and I believe has been forced out of it not altogether by fair play. He is just what I should like for a military parson except that he does not whore or drink. He will fight and he will not insist upon your going to heaven whether you...
Nous avons sçu ici que le desir du Général a été que l’offrande des dames de Phaladelphie et même de la Pensylvanie fut employée en achat de chemises pour le Soldat. Toutes les femmes ont applaudi à cette idée, elles ont pensé que pour rendre la souscription beaucoup plus avantageuse au Soldat il seroit à propos de les charger elles mêmes de ce detail. Elles proposent donc, que le produit de...
[ Bergen County, New Jersey ] July 11, 1780 . Orders Lee to Monmouth, New Jersey, to assist Brigadier General David Forman. Sends instructions for aiding and contacting French fleet on its arrival. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Bergen County, New Jersey ] July 13, 1780 . Sends news that French fleet has been sighted off of the “Capes of Virginia and Delaware.” Regrets slowness with which the states are complying with requests of the Committee. LS , in writing of H, Papers of Continental Congress, National Archives.
[ Bergen County, New Jersey ] July 14, 1780 . Directs Greene to send George Olney to New London to receive clothing, arms, and ammunition expected from France. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Bergen County [ New Jersey ] July 14, 1780 . Informs Congress of arrival of the French fleet off Newport. Encloses plan for inspector general’s department. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. A draft of this plan in H’s writing dated July, 1780, is found in the Washington Papers, Library of Congress. According to Fitzpatrick ( GW John C. Fitzpatrick, ed., The...
[ Bergen County, New Jersey ] July 14, 1780 . Is sending George Olney to New London to receive clothing, arms, and ammunition which is arriving with the French fleet. Requests that Trumbull use his authority to furnish wagons and teams to transport these goods. Hopes to begin “operations at a very early period.” Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Bergen County, New Jersey ] July 15, 1780 . Informs Knox that objective of siege is to be New York. Instructs Knox to bring forward all cannon and stores as quickly as possible. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Fishkill, New York, July 16, 1780. On July 23, 1780, Hamilton wrote to von Steuben : “I have received My Dear Baron your two letters of the 16th. and 18th.” Letter of July 16 not found. ]
[ Bergen County, New Jersey ] July 16, 1780 . Asks Lee to confirm or contradict report that Admiral Thomas Graves has arrived at “the Hook.” Reports that the French fleet has appeared off Rhode Island. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Bergen County, New Jersey, July 16, 1780. ] Welcomes Rochambeau. Is sending the Marquis de Lafayette to New London to meet with Rochambeau to “fix our plan of operations.” Df , in writings of George Washington to H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Bergen County, New Jersey ] July 16, 1780 . Welcomes the Chevalier de Ternay and informs him that the Marquis de Lafayette “is charged by me to settle with you all arrangements.” Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Charles Henri d’Arsac, Chevalier de Ternay, was in command of the French naval squadron that conducted Comte de Rochambeau’s expeditionary force...
Headquarters, Preakness [ New Jersey ] July 17, 1780 . Pass and certificate of character for “Capt John Johnson, formerly an officer,… whom I have for a long time known.” ADS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. This may be the John Johnson of New York who retired from service in December, 1776. Presumably H and Johnson became acquainted at the outbreak of the war when H was captain of the...
[ Fishkill, New York, July 18, 1780. On July 23, 1780, H wrote to von Steuben : “I have received My Dear Baron your two letters of the 16th. and 18th.” Letter of July 18 not found .]
Preakness [ New Jersey ] July 18, 1780 . Is disappointed at scarcity of stores. Urges Board to continue efforts to procure more supplies. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Bergen County, New Jersey ] July 18, 1780 . Approves of von Steuben’s measures. Sends information about light infantry. Cites unconfirmed report that Admiral Thomas Graves is off Sandy Hook. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Preakness, New Jersey, July 19, 1780. On July 30, 1780, Laurens wrote to Hamilton : “Your letter tho dated the 19th. did not reach me till yesterday.” Letter not found. ]
[ Bergen County, New Jersey ] July 19, 1780 . Instructs Lee to report on the situation at Monmouth every two days. States that pilots need not remain at Monmouth. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Bergen County, New Jersey ] July 19, 1780 . Acknowledges receipt of dispatches. States that “on our part we shall make every effort in our power.” Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
I communicated My Dear Sir to the General your ideas of an union between the patriotic males and females; which he relished so well that he has taken the first opportunity to write to the Presidentess recommending it. I hope the proposal may be approved as it will be useful. You will have heard before this gets to hand of the arrival of the Counte De Rochambeau and of the Chevalier De Ternay,...
It is an age my dearest since I have received a letter from you; the post is arrived and not a line. I know not to what to impute your silence; so it is I am alarmed with an apprehension ⟨of your⟩ being ill. Sometimes I suspect a ⟨– – –⟩ of your letters. Sometimes my anx⟨iety accuses⟩ you of negligence but I chide my⟨self⟩ whenever it does. You know ⟨very well⟩ how precious your letters are to...
Totowa [ New Jersey ] July 20, 1780 . “The troops will move from this Ground at 3. OClock … should His Excellency have anything particular to mention or Recommend, I will wait on him if Necessary.” ALS , New Jersey Historical Society, Newark. On July 20, 1780, Washington sent Wayne orders to make an attempt against Bulls Ferry, which was on the Hudson, about four miles north of Hoboken, New...
[ Bergen County, New Jersey ] July 20, 1780 . Makes suggestion for use of subscriptions which have been raised. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
We have just received advice from New York through different channels that the enemy are making an embarkation with which they menace the French fleet and army. Fifty transports are said to have gone up the Sound to take in troops and proceed directly to Rhode Island. The General is absent and may not return before evening. Though this may be only a demonstration yet as it may be serious, I...
Colonel Dey’s [ New Jersey ] July 21, 1780 . Reports rumor that English are embarking troops in order to attack French fleet and army. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
I take the liberty my Dear Sir to request your interest for a friend of mine and a member of the family, Dr McHenry. He wishes to quit a Station which among foreigners is not viewed in a very reputable light and to get into one more military. He will go into the Marquis’s family as an aide. He has been in the army since the commencement of the War—first in the medical line, since the 15th of...
The alliance is not come nor our arms, nor our powder. They probably will come with the second division we want to know what we can do in the meantime in the article of arms without those; will you send us immediately a memmorandum of what we have to your knowledge? Do you know whether the Eastern States can furnish any on loan and in what proportion. We must borrow of them and borrow of our...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] July 22, 1780 . Has sent “definitive proposals of co-operation to the French General and Admiral.” Is proceeding on assumption that the states “will ultimately consult their own interest and honor; and not suffer us to fail for want of means which it is evidently in their power to afford.” Reiterates need for transportation. Df , in writing of H, George Washington...
[ Bergen County, New Jersey ] July 22, 1780 . Regrets that the Chevalier de Ternay objects to entering the harbor. Asserts need for arms and powder. Regrets inability to visit Rochambeau. Urges Lafayette to impress on the French difficulties involved in a siege of New York. Sends rumor of British embarkation for Rhode Island. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Bergen County [ New Jersey ] July 22, 1780 . Requests loan of two thousand arms and as many “Cartouch Boxes” as can be spared. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
I have received My Dear Baron your two letters of the 16th. and 18th. On the formation the light infantry, The General has already written to you. I presume it will be ultimately nearly as you have proposed. Smith set out some days since to join you. Bradford, I am told is undecided about entering into the office. Col Scammell has promised to bring him to me, and if he accepts we will forward...
By His Excellys. command I am to request you will be pleased to put General Hands brigade under marching orders to move by break of day tomorrow morning. He will see General Greene and take orders from him. An impress of waggons is the object. I have the honor to be with the truest attacht. Yr Lordships Most Obedt. serv. ALS , MS Division, New York Public Library. Brigadier General Edward...
[ Bergen County, New Jersey ] July 24, 1780 . Directs Lee to drive off all horses “fit for waggon or riding service” and “fat Cattle” in Monmouth County, New Jersey, and to deliver them to the quartermaster general. After executing this business Lee is to proceed to Easton, Pennsylvania, to impress teams. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Bergen County, New Jersey ] July 26, 1780 . Transmits plan for conducting the quartermaster’s department. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.