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Results 26221-26270 of 184,431 sorted by author
A warm but humble wellwisher to the rights of humanity, and consequently of thy Country, begs thee would oblige him so far as to accept of this small token of his esteem for thee, on account of thy very laudable and unblemishd conduct in the cause wherein thou hast been engaged. Thy friend DLC : Papers of George Washington.
City & County of Newyork } ss An Inquisition Indented taken for the People of the State of Newyork At the third Ward of the City of Newyork in the County of Newyork, the thirteenth day of July in the year of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and four, and Continued by adjournment until the Second day of August in the year Aforesaid, before me John Burger Coroner for the Said City and County...
Sir, You did me the honor the winter before last to subscribe to a little Astronomical essay of mine and on my presenting the work I was honor’d by your invitation at Braintree, which gain’d me access to your Excellency: when on your understanding that I had been some many years in the East Indies, Your Excellency was pleas’d to intimate that you would present to your friends in Congress a...
Letter not found : from Vachel Burgess, 16 Aug. 1779. On 16 Aug., GW wrote Burgess: “I received Your Letter of this date.”
DS : American Philosophical Society; two copies: Yale University Library Apud Civitatem Sancti Andreae Secunda die mensis Octobris anno partus Salutiferi Millesimo Septingentesimo quinquagesimo nono. Quo Die Magistratuum illustris ordo et Honorandus Senatorum Coetus Inclitae Civitatis Sancti Andreae Indebiti amoris et affectus tesseram Erga virum valde generosum Benjaminum Franklin Armigerum...
When I Vew the Kind Prvidence of God in Delivering me Throw So many Dificultys I think I Canot Give him Sufficient Praise At the Same Time I Feel a hart Full of Gratitude For the Many Favours I have Recevd From Your Excelency Your Order: For Rations for my Self and Children Are Punktily Obeyd Wicth is Great Releif to me in A Strange Place I Recev’d a Kind Letter From Your Aidicamp Informing me...
July 17th being Sent for by generr. Patterson Surspacted For helping the amaricans presiners to mak their acape gorge Hebbuy Coming from your Exelence the Weak before and Cared out Mager van Burah Capt. Crain Lt Lee Who Mad ther acape from the guard on Long Island Gorge Higby Braught a paper to me from your aide Derectted to Col. Md gaw on Long Island he the Sd gorge Higly being taking up and...
C’est avec la joye la plus vive, que nous avon⟨s⟩ vû par la Copie des patentes, presentées au Bourguemaitre President de cette ville par le Citoÿen Arnold Delius, que Vôtre Excellence, de concert avec le tres Illustre Senat des Etats Unis de l’Amerique, lui a fait expedier les heureuses dispositions, de resserrer les liens, dont les avantages mutuels du Commerce et de la navigation,...
Le Sr Fréderic Jacques Wichelhausen, venant de nous présenter les lettres patentes, qui font foi de sa nomination au poste de Consul des Etats Unis de l’Amerique pour le port de cette Ville, nous ne tardons pas, de marquer à Votre Excellence, combien il nous est agréable, que Son choix pour cet employ est tombé sur une personne, que les talens, que nous lui connoissons, Ses merites & Sa...
A letter from the Secretary of State Mr Randolph written to us on the 3 of february of the present year, in reply to one which we had the honor of addressing to your Excellency on the 15 of October of the last year with respect to the nomination of Mr Arnold Delius to the office of Consul of the United States of America in this City, gave us the pleasing expectation that you would nominate a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Comme les Provinces unies de l’Amerique Septentrionale doivent principalement au merite distingué de Votre Excellence l’indépendance et la souveraineté, dont ils jouissent aujourd’hui, en vertu du traité, conclu avec Sa Majesté Britannique , nous prenons la liberté de feliciter Votre Excellence de voir couronné Son ouvrage. Nous avons addressé à cette même...
Letter not found: from Gen. John Burgoyne, 11 Feb. 1778. In his letter to Burgoyne of 11 Mar. 1778 , GW referred to “your very obliging Letter of the 11th of February.”
I beg you to accept my sincerest acknowledgements for your very obliging letter. I find the character which I before knew to be respectable is also perfectly amiable; and I should have few greater private gratifications in seeing our melancholy contest at an end than that of cultivating your friendship. I shall take particular care of your letter to Mr Fairfax. He is a gentleman I much esteem,...
Your Excellency will have observed by the dispatch from Sir Willm Howe to me which passed thorough your hands, that it was matter of great doubt whether the transports destined to carry the troops to England according to the Convention would be able to make the Port of Boston in this advanced season of the year; & therefore that it might be advisable to send them to Rhode Island, upon the...
I was prevented, by business, from answering your letter as early, this day as I wished. I shall now make a few remarks on the subject of it. The attack which I conceived you made on the southern Militia, was, in my opinion a most unprovoked and cruel one. Whether the candour of your friends conveyed to you any intimation of it I know not: but the occasion will, I hope, excuse me if I assure...
I gave to an English Gentleman, Mr. Brown, a Letter of introduction to You, as a man that has seen the world much, and is, I think, respectable for polite manners and information. I introduced him also to Genl. Dear-borne, in the Character I mentioned to You; I believe I was strictly correct in it. Since I wrote, it has been lately mentioned to me, that he is a candidate for some employment...
Your letter of this day in which you explictly declare that you had no intention, in your Eulogium on General Green, to cast any reflection on Militia in general, or on any description of the Citizens of South-Carolina, removes all ground of dissatisfaction on my part. I therefore cheerfully and explicitly retract every thing offensive which I said in the House of Representatives on Wednesday...
5 June 1801, Charleston. Introduces Mr. Brown, “an English Gentleman who has resided amoung us in this City for two or three years past, and who stands in great respect and estimation in the Circle he mixed in.” RC ( DLC ). 1 p.
I remember, it was about the last fortnight that we served together in Congress, in 1791. I one day called You aside, and mentioned the name of Mr. Phillip Freneau to You, as one I knew You esteemed, and then lay strugling under difficulties, with his family. My memory brings to my recollection, that You mentioned the Matter to the Secretary of State, Mr. Jefferson. Freneau was invited from N....
16 June 1801, Charleston. Supports Dominic Augustine Hall for federal judgeship. RC ( MiU-C ). 1 p.
I have some days Agoe Wrote to You to request You would Permit me to Joyn Colonell Pattens regimt now raising in this City the loss I have met with by Desertion and what I am likely to meet with has Obliged me to Waite on their honours the Congress for the same Purpose they have thought Proper to order that General schuyler should put it in Publick orders that I should Joyn Colonell Pattens...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; AL (draft) and two copies: Sheffield Central Library I feel, as an honest man & as a good Citizen ought to feel, the Calamities of the present unhappy War. The only part however of these Calamities which personally affects myself is, that I have been obliged to discontinue my intercourse with you: But that misfortune I must consider as equivalent to...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin … (3 vols., 4to, London, 1817–18), II , 285. Your most obliging letter demanded an early answer. It has not received the acknowledgment which was so justly due to it . But providence has well supplied my deficiences; and the delay of the answer has made it much more satisfactory than at the time...
ALS (fragment): Library of Congress My friend & Depu[ty? torn ] a few days at Paris, & is extr[ torn ] =ly knowing you whom he has [ torn ] admiration. I approve very mu[ torn ] cannot refuse him the best [ torn ] it. I am not a little anxiou[ torn ] may have had in your regard [ torn ] revive myself in your re[ torn
ALS : American Philosophical Society I flatterd myself that by this time we might have shaken hands as publick friends as I hope we always should have done as private. In the Latter Case States have no power, though in other respects they may & do put us in odd & awkard Situations. Two friends of mine are going to Paris one of whom I know for a long time & have valued just in proportion as I...
Having suspended the publication of the “Virginia Argus” it becomes necessary for me, to call upon those indebted to the Establishment, for payment. Accompanying this, you have your account stated—Being desirous to close my business, you will much oblige me by remitting the amount by mail, or if more convenient, by some private conveyance. RC ( MHi ); printed circular, with portions filled in...
The inclosed papers are referred to us by Congress, and we wish for the assistance of your Ideas to enable us to make a more perfect report. we request you therefore to take the trouble of committing to paper your Opinion on the proposed terms for the exchange of Prisoners in the Southern department, and also any thing which you think will conduce to that End without Contravening your general...
I have been labouring to prevail on Tuckers Executors to come to a Speedy trial of the Cause, but without Success. Mr. Taylor seems determined to remove it by if possible, and even Mr. Wallers advice to the Contrary Seems to have no Effect on him. I fear we must have recourse to an Injunction unless It may be your Opinion that if ever Mr. Hunt Subjects the lands we shall be able to recover...
Mr Edward Winslow of Cross Creek in this State will have the honor of handing your Excellency this. he is an active, Spirited Citizen, who resided in the midst of our disaffected, and has been almost constantly in arms. he is a native of Boston, the son of a clergiman, who early differed with him in politics and retired into New York, where, argeeably to Mr Winslows Intelligence, he has lately...
When I had the pleasure of Seeing you in this City, I had a little Conversation with you on the Subject of reinlisting Such of the North Carolina Troops and levies whose time of Service might be nearly expired. My Collegues and myself wrote to the State on the Same Subject The assembly thereupon resolved that “three hundred dollars per man be given to each Soldier who Shall reinlist for one...
I have at length prevailed on Mr. Taylor to answer a Bill in our Court spedily, and I here inclose you a Draught of what I purpose filing which you will please return with your remarks and Improvements. We purpose not Coming into Court untill all our papers are ready and then to set it for hearing immediately. If the Decree here be in our Favor we are to give him Security for performing it and...
I have your Favours of June and July 20th the first dated from Albermale the last from Williamsburg. I wish I had the Pleasure of Conferring with you when you were down but my business so Interposed it was not in my Power. The case of Plume vs. Portlock was thus, A Warrent of the Peace was Obtained vs. Plume, upon hearing the Court Continued the Recognizance. Costs Consequently accrued. Plume...
I have long laboured to do something with Mr. Taylor but almost in vain. Altho the Question is undoubtly of greatest Importance to him Viz. whether Colo. Tuckers Assets shall be legally or Illegally administered there is no Possibility of awakeing him to his Danger. All I have been able to do is to get a faint Consent from him to use his Name in Obtaining the Injunction or Interpleader. I have...
The Governor of South Carolina has pressed the Governor of Virginia for an aid of Cavalry, and the latter has recommended to the Several Counties of his State which lie contiguous to Carolina to raise Corps of Volunteer Cavalry in order to march to the aid of the Southern army and has transmitted his proceedings to Congress. the affair is Comprehended in a Business referred to A Committee of...
I yesterday received a Letter from Mr. Jefferson relative to the Suit Intended against Coll. Tucker’s Executors wherein he has Judiciously considered the several points upon which our Inquiry can properly turn in Chancery and an Abstract of his reasoning follows. “The Question whether Mr. Hunt is to be considered as a Bill of Exchange or Simple Contract Creditor is properly triable at Law and...
Your Letter of 22d of January last has reached me. it shall be laid before the Legislature as soon as they meet, and I doubt not they will give it all the weight which your distinguished Character, and unremitting Zeal for the public Welfare merit. I have the honor to be your Excellency’s very obdt St Nc-Ar : Thomas Burke Papers.
I received yours of July 15th a few days past, and Immediately communicated your Sentiments and my own relative to the Suit of Tuckers Creditors vs his Executors to the persons concerned and endeavoured to enforce what you recommended which was Intirely agreeable to my own Opinion. I also recommended the Joining Creditors to undertake all the Enquiries at their common Expence and to average...
The Ministers & Messengers of the several Baptist Churches, of the North Carolina Chowan Association, held at Salem, on Newbiggen Creek, in the District of Edenton, & State of North Carolina; having met by appointment, to offer up the Sacrifices of a broken and contrite Heart , to the great Author of their being, for the unbounded display of Goodness, & of tender Mercys bestowed upon the...
Strongly impressed by the belief that the first magistrate of a Republic is obliged not merely to administer what are termed its political concerns, but to give countenance also, and patronage to the exertions of Genius; I venture, not without reluctance, to enclose for your perusal, extracts from a poem of the epic kind, entitled the Columbiad . You will perceive from the title, that is...
I am employed in writing an history of Virginia . My contract is made; the subscription fills beyond my expectations and I shall doubtless receive the stipulated sum, whether the work be excellent or otherwise: but my pride and my principles instruct me that something more is expected from me; that it is my duty to make my book, as far as my opportunities will admit, correct and interesting....
The file of newspapers and the collection of the old laws of this commonwealth, which under certain restrictions you politely stated were at my service I want urgently at this moment; and I pray you to instruct me where and In what manner I must apply for the temporary possession of the first and for the inspection of the last— The copy of laws in particular will be of signal benefit in the...
I have taken the liberty of troubleing you with a few lines—As their is now a vacancy in our Regiment—I only beg the favour of you to say something of me to the Secretary of War—refer him (if you think propper) to my Letters of recommendation—which were inclosed to you by Colo. Parker—I have been in the Service of my Country for four years And find a Military life more Congenial with my...
27 July 1802, Beverly. Acknowledges JM’s letter of 12 July [not found] appointing him a commissioner of bankruptcy for the district of Massachusetts. Declines the appointment but recommends Daniel Kilham of Wenham for the position. RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1801–9, filed under “Burley”). 1 p.; docketed by Brent as received 2 Aug.
I am sensible that in addressing a letter to you, as the first political Character, in the United States; I might be accused of unjustifiable Confidince . But, I have been taught to believe, from your own writings, and Common fame ; that you, unite the Philosopher with the States-man. And I am the more readely induc’d, to troble you, with the result of my rescearches for obtaining an univercal...
By Mr. George Budd of the US Navy, I some time since, took the liberty of forwarding from Newport for your acceptance & inspection; a specimen of earthen ware of the ancient Peruvian manufacture.—The expectation of visiting Washington myself before this, prevented me Sir, from writing you on the subject at the time.— The knowledge that you had a pretty large collection of this kind of ware,...
Want of Opportunity alone has prevented me from answering your obliging letter of the 10th of Augst last sooner. Indeed we have so seldom any Ships bound from this Port to America, that I am necessitated to hasard this by a very round about way and send it first to London. Believe me it gave me real pleasure to find I was still in your remembrance, and I assure You it has recalled very...
I should not have been so long in England without writing to You, had it not happened that I was undetermined whether I should not return to Virginia again: but as I am now come to a fixed determination to continue in these parts, I do myself the pleasure of writing this, to return You my sincerest thanks for all the favours You showed me in America, and with the hopes that You will give me...
Availing myself of the present moment of tranquillity, I sit down to renew a correspondence, which has been long interrupted, either by my residence in Italy, or by that common calamity which I am persuaded we both most sincerely lament. Yet how shall I resume a subject, which, by naturally carrying us back to those happy days when our acquaintance commenced, and obliging us to compare them...
Were I not certain that I am acting agreeably to your humanity, I should not so far presume upon that partial regard with which you formerly honoured me, as to beg leave to recommend to your protection the Honourable Mr Ludlow, a Son of the Earl of Ludlow, for whom I have a particular esteem, and who was captivated, with the British forces under Lord Cornwallis, at York-Town. Any indulgence...
I arrived here the 15th past, after an Agreable journey; and desire You will think me extremely Obliged to you for the favour you did me in sending me to Annapolis, and by the letters you gave me to recommend me. I had not an Opportunity of seeing Mr Sharp; but Dr Macleane has behaved with the greatest Politeness to me, introduced me to General Stanwix by Mr Doe his Aid de Camp, and contrived...