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Results 26221-26230 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
19 December 1811. Resolve “That the President … be requested to cause to be laid before this House, by the proper officers, a statement of the capital employed in the Indian trade; the amount of annual purchases, sales, and articles, received in payment; together with the number, names, and salaries, of agents employed, the places where stationed, and specifying, as far as practicable, the...
19 December 1811, Philadelphia. “At the present eventful moment I beg leave to offer my services as Consul & Commercial Agent at Vera Cruz, to which I am recommended by the general voice of my fellow Citizens, expressed in the most flattering manner. Above 28 years this has been my home; at intervals wherever Commercial pursuits have found me, the prosperity of the United States & the freedom...
Latitude of Willis’s mountain by observations of the Sun’s meridian altitude taken from the peak on the right side of the gap, & next adjacent to it, as seen from Monticello . º ′ ″ 1811. Nov. 21. Meridian alt. of ☉ by observn * ° ′ 65 –
To the General Assembly of Virginia the memorial & Petition of the subscribers Inhabitants of the county of Albemarle humbly Represents, That a spirit for the extension & improvement of domestic manufactures exists at present throughout the state of Virginia with an ardor which requires only a slight degree of Legislative encouragement to render it permanent; & place us in some respects...
At the arrival of the last Mail, I thought I could hear my dear Sister say, “Is there no Letters from Atkinson? I fear some of her Family are sick.”— It has been really so—I have had one of my silent Colds —& my dear Abby, was confined a week after her return from Boston—But we are now both of us much better—I believe, I have what may be called the Rheumatism, or the Creek at the pit of my...
I lay before Congress two letters received from Governor Harrison of the Indiana Territory, reporting the particulars and the issue of the expedition under his command, of which notice was taken in my communication of November 5th. While it is deeply lamented that so many valuable lives have been lost in the action which took place on the 7th ulto., Congress will see with satisfaction the...
It is some time since I had the pleasure to write to you, but as I know the pleasure you will feel in finding that the spirit of our first revolutionary years still exists I take the liberty of inclosing you a report I have drawn & submitted to the House of Representatives & which has just unanimously passed without the alteration of a single word: as the Post goes out in an hour & I am now...
18 December 1811, Vincennes. “By directions of the Legislative Council & House of Representatives of the Indiana Territory, I have the honor of enclosing you their Memorial, praying Congress to Admit the Territory as a Free and Independent State into the Union.” RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, TP , Indiana). RC 1 p.; enclosure 3 pp. RC signed by Johnston as Speaker of the House of...
18 December 1811, Vincennes. Encloses a memorial from the Indiana territorial House of Representatives respecting the reappointment of William Henry Harrison. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under “Harrison”). RC 1 p. Signed by Johnston as Speaker of the House of Representatives. For enclosure, see n. 1. Johnston enclosed a two-page memorial, dated December 1811, addressed...
your Servant yesterday met with me in the field where I was a little engaged & gave me your Note , I sent him to the house with the baskett & to wait till I Should return, he did not wait for me, he left the Compass & protractor, but no Chain nor Compass Staff.— the other that part of your note respecting the hearth Stones will be particularly attended to Should I see the Masons as well as any...