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Results 26221-26250 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
19 December 1811. Resolve “That the President … be requested to cause to be laid before this...
19 December 1811, Philadelphia. “At the present eventful moment I beg leave to offer my services...
Latitude of Willis’s mountain by observations of the Sun’s meridian altitude taken from the peak...
To the General Assembly of Virginia the memorial & Petition of the subscribers Inhabitants of the...
At the arrival of the last Mail, I thought I could hear my dear Sister say, “Is there no Letters...
I lay before Congress two letters received from Governor Harrison of the Indiana Territory,...
It is some time since I had the pleasure to write to you, but as I know the pleasure you will...
18 December 1811, Vincennes. “By directions of the Legislative Council & House of Representatives...
18 December 1811, Vincennes. Encloses a memorial from the Indiana territorial House of...
your Servant yesterday met with me in the field where I was a little engaged & gave me your Note...
I did not bring with me from home the papers respecting my wheat ground at your mill of the crop...
It is sometime since I had the pleasure to write to you but as I know the pleasure you will find...
I enclose a statement of the regular force in Canada (Quebec excepted) transmitted to me...
Every friend of the civilized world, must contemplate with deep regret the melancholy spectacle...
I had the Honour to receive, late last night , the Letter which you were so good as to write to...
17 December 1811, Alexandria. Acknowledges JM’s letter of 16 Dec. enclosing a check for $385.55,...
In 1808 I did myself the honourr honour to forward to you a periodical paper, the Observer, then...
Yours of Decem r 5 th came to hand yesterday. I was charmed with the Subject of it. In order to...
Mr Jefferson and I exchange letters Once in six, nine or twelve Months. This day I received a few...
The Journal proceeds—1783, May 22, Thursday. This morning I drew the following letters too be...
Notwithstanding my communications may be deemed unworthy your notice, yet since my conscience...
Letter not found. 16 December 1811. Acknowledged in Cazenove to JM, 17 Dec. 1811 . Encloses a...
About 2 weeks ago I sent you p r mail a Sett of the Encyclopædia, accompanied with a letter ,...
I thank you for your kind inquiries after my Daughter Smith. She is, and has been as well, the...
The inclosed offer to the people of Norfolk, in whom I have not yet found those boasted patriotic...
14 December 1811, Alexandria. “I have the honor to inform you that, to my great astonishment your...
Ca. 14 December 1811. The officers of the light infantry company called the Union Volunteers,...
I have received your letter of the first of this month, in answer to mine of the twenty fifth of...
The extract contained in one of your last Winter’s letters to me from the Astronomics of...
13 December 1811, Alexandria. States that he delivered JM’s wine “this day” to Thomas McGraw....