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Results 2621-2630 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Yr Letter of the 3d I received from Mr Boyd, I don’t want the Vouchers from the People to whom Money is due for the Indns, but surely yo. may get the particular Summs to qualify me to grant a Warrant on the Treasurer, by this loose Method of writing, I know not whether they amt to 100£ or 1000£—Yo. will before this have some more Draughts from Lunenburg, & some other Counties which I hope will...
This just serves to inform you that since my last this Country has been in a Continued Allarm and hurry[.] you will see by the inclosed that the French have made themselves masters of Fort Wm Henry[.] the Accot I send you has the greatest appearance of truth, but there is as yet no Certainty what Terms the Fort was surrender’d upon or who of that Garrison are safe[.] I will write you again...
I wrote you Viâ Philadelphia a few Days after my Arrival, but as We have certain Advice of that Vessel’s calling in at Cape Francois, I set down to write you the same as near as I can guess, only adding the News that We have had in the Interim. No Doubt youl expect a particular and authentic Account of this Place and its Inhabitants—I shall endeavor to satisfy you in both as far as my...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania “I believe I shall be able to deal very well with Mr. Franklin,” wrote Thomas Penn when first informed of the Assembly’s plan to send him as agent to England. To undercut his mission, Penn sought assurance from the Duke of Cumberland that Postmaster General Sir Everard Fawkener would “by no means support Franklin” in opposing the Proprietors, and...
I have the pleasure to inform you that the two Companies of your Regiment under my Command are well—They are well disciplin’d and have this advantage of all other troops in America that they know the parade as well as prussians, and the fighting in a Close Country as well as Tartars. We are all peace & Quietness on this Quarter, But notwithstanding Some of your Officers have not escap’d being...
Invoice of Sundry Goods Shipd by Richd Washington pr the Sally Captn Dick, bound to Rappahannock in Virginia, on the proper Account and Risque of Collo. George Washington, & go consignd to himself or Collo. John Carlyle. A Cask . 6.   2 pr Cornish planes Compleat 1. 1.   1 pr Spring Ditto . 9.   2 plows Ditto . 7.   3 Ashticles 3/ 8 Beeds 8/ .11.   8 Ogees 8/ 4 quarter rounds 4/ .12.   2...
Extract: American Philosophical Society Mrs. Franklin favoured me with the Sight of a Letter wrote to you by one Mr. Waring, in which your Thoughts are desired on the important Subject of instructing the Negroes in the Principles of Christianity. As I have the Honour of being employ’d by the Society, a[s] Catechist to the Negroes in this City I take the Freedom to make mention of the Affair to...
Having but an indifferent Hand at Complimts I have hitherto referr’d writing to you & shod have still continued to do so, untill I cou’d hear something that might be new or entertaining, had not an Affair happen’d a little while since, that lays me undr the Necessity of it, in Ordr to prepare you (if not too late) for the hearing of a ps. of Malice that none but the Devil or some of this Crew...
Your favour of the 13th by Mr Boyd, I have received. The Draughts from Lunenburg are arrived, to the number of 16; which does not replace the Soldiers that have deserted since my last. So prevalent is this infamous practice yet. The Draughts, when they were divided among the eight companies in July, completed them to 86 rank and file, and there remained over and above 40 workmen, which I...
If you be rememberd when I dischargd my account in your Office in March last, I desird notwith standing the Post was discontinued to Winchester, that the Papers might be sent to Alexandria for me, from whence I coud get them, tho. not so regularly. I conceive, as I have [not] got any since, that you must have mistaken my meaning or directions. The Officers of the Virginia Regiment and some...