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Results 2621-2670 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Yr Letter of the 3d I received from Mr Boyd, I don’t want the Vouchers from the People to whom...
This just serves to inform you that since my last this Country has been in a Continued Allarm and...
I wrote you Viâ Philadelphia a few Days after my Arrival, but as We have certain Advice of that...
Two copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania “I believe I shall be able to deal very well with...
I have the pleasure to inform you that the two Companies of your Regiment under my Command are...
Invoice of Sundry Goods Shipd by Richd Washington pr the Sally Captn Dick, bound to Rappahannock...
Extract: American Philosophical Society Mrs. Franklin favoured me with the Sight of a Letter...
Having but an indifferent Hand at Complimts I have hitherto referr’d writing to you & shod have...
Your favour of the 13th by Mr Boyd, I have received. The Draughts from Lunenburg are arrived, to...
If you be rememberd when I dischargd my account in your Office in March last, I desird notwith...
No. Mens Names when Inlisted County Age Size Trade Country Description Jno. Sallard } Serjeants...
MS memorandum: American Philosophical Society Pasted on page 26 of Franklin’s Ledger, 1764–1775,...
Be pleasd over and above what I wrote for in a Letter of the 15th April and 10th Instt to send me...
My Friend Colo. Fairfax earnestly desires his Son Wm Henry may have a Lieutt’s Commission in the...
Last Night I arrived here in Order to fall upon sume Method to Ingage provitions for the troop...
Yours of the 27th Ulto I recd last Night. Colo. Read from Lunenburg says he had sent You up...
Yesterday my proposals were agreed to by the Govenr. This Day I set out for Hampton in Order to...
Governor Dinwiddie directed me to get the affair relative to the provisions left by our corps at...
I received your Letter by the Post, and am very sorry I misunderstood your Directions, as I...
Letter not found: from Richard Washington, 9 Sept. 1757. On 18 March 1758 GW wrote to Richard...
I hope by the time this comes to hand you will receive Eighteen Hogsheads of my Tobo Ten in the...
The Inclosd addresses Copy of mine of the 15th April by a Vessel which I find has mistaken her...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society I make no Doubt but long before this comes to...
Lieutt Charles Smith about ½ an Hour since unfortunately killed a Man (to whom he was intire...
I. Printed in The Gentleman’s Magazine , XXVII (September 1757), 417–18. II. Printed in The...
Belhaven Send for Brown Sugar for the Hospital. Govr Write him a state of the Mischief done in...
Your favour of the 2d instant came safe to hand: and Jenkins’s sickness has prevented my...
A letter of the 22d ultimo from Captn Peachy, came to my hands the other day—contents as follows...
I am honoured with your very kind letter by Mr Hamilton confirming the Obligations I lye under...
Draft: New-York Historical Society About the time you left America I was employed in endeavouring...
Your favour of the 22d ultimo came to hand about 4 days ago. In answer to that part which relates...
I am to own the Favour of your letter by Lieut. Campbell. wish he may meet with the Deserters he...
Letter not found: to Robert Dinwiddie, 20 Sept. 1757. On 24 Sept. 1757 Dinwiddie wrote to GW: “I...
I think it my Duty Indispencibly to acknowledge with Greatfullness Your Timeous Sending Immediate...
Nothing could have given me more Dissatisfaction than the inclosd Letter from our Friend Colo. Wm...
Enclosed is a copy of a letter which I received from Captn McKenzie. Since my last, the different...
Yours of the 17th ⅌ Jenkins I recd—Ive wrote Colo. Read about the Lunenburg Draughts. I’m sorry...
After closing my Letter to You of this Date I recd Yours of the 20th by Brinker giving Acct of...
Four Deputies from the Cherokee Indians who were sent by their Chief on a visit of Friendship to...
Yesterday afternoon an unexpected occurrence brought in part a very extraordinary Scheme of...
Letter not found: from Thomas Knox, 28 Sept. 1757. On 26 Dec. 1757 GW wrote to Knox : “Your...
Invoice of Sundries Shipd by Thomas Knox on the Recovery John Collihall Master for Virginia on...
I am favoured with yours of the 6th & delayed answering it, in expectation of hearing something...
Permit me to recommend Colo. Fairfax (the bearer of this) to your Friendly notice while he stays...
Honored Madam—Your letter by Mr. Smith I received on my way to Col Fairfax’s funeral; in answer...
Draft: American Philosophical Society I took the 30 grs. of Comp[oun]d Powder of Contrayerva you...
Captains & their Names Dates of Comns Month  day  Year Lieutenants & their Names Dates of Comns...
To Governor Dinwiddie Honble Sir, [Fort Loudoun] Octobr 5th 1757. Both of your Honors letters of...
That, upon coming to Winchester, Capt. Stewart applied to, and informed me that warrants had been...
To Colo. Stanwix Dr Sir, [Fort Loudoun] Octob. 8th 1757. I am favoured with an opportunity by Mr...