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Results 26201-26250 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Gibraltar, 25 Aug. 1793 . Having already written by this opportunity, he only mentions that the...
We have the Honor to inform you that this Board having finally acted upon every Complain⟨t⟩...
When I had the honour of calling on you, I only conjectured that the printing of the Journals of...
In soliciting your attention to the enclosed copy of a letter which I have addressed to the...
Your favor of the 6th. was duly recieved. The double treachery of Henry will do lasting good both...
Ma derniere est du 17e. Je viens de recevoir, traduire et porter au g— F— une Lettre Allemande....
Availing myself of your kind indulgence in permitting the payment of my last instalment to be...
[ Headquarters, Middlebrook, New Jersey, March 26, 1779. “This will be delivered to you by Mr....
I received your letter of the 28th ultimo, respecting the terms upon which the Directors of the...
Vous recevrés par M. de Vauban une lettre de M. le Comte de Rochambeau. Il informe Votre...
I have rec d & read your interesting communication of the 10 th Nov r with great satisfaction,...
I heard to day, with great pleasure, that Mrs Morris & you intended to Princeton; and would be...
The Washington Federalist of the 1st. inst. has published what he calls the ‘Etiquette of the...
Inclosed My Dear friend is a letter from your sister; which she has written to supply my...
I mentioned in a former letter that Congress had separated from me my friend, Mr. Dana, and sent...
I nominate The Honourable John Sloss Hobart Esqr to be Judge of the District of New York in the...
The inclosed letter was this minute put into my Hands with a number more, and being a good deal...
I have just time while enclosing a Letter from Maria to acknowledge the reciept of your letter of...
I have met here to day, & so have your Evidences, agreable to appointment, but only two...
Since I had the honor of writing you on the 15th of July, I have been favoured with your letter...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. Hugh Mercer, 18 Aug. 1776. In a letter to GW of 19 Aug. , Mercer...
J’ai l’honneur de porter à la Connoissance du gouvernement federal le fait suivant. Tout étoit...
9 June 1804, New Orleans. “Captain Turner the Commandant at Nachitoches, in a letter to me dated...
In consequence of a note at the bottom of a petition to you in behalf of Charles Houseman , I...
The President was authorised to cause to be opened a road, or roads through the territory lately...
do you not pitty me my dear sister to be so soon all in a Bustle? and wary of Removing again, as...
I duly recieved your favor of June 13. with a copy of the letters on the calling a Convention, on...
I had the pleasure to write to your Excellency in Decr last and at the same time to send you (Via...
2622911th. (Adams Papers)
We did not recite this day. As the quarter draws near to a close, the Students are falling off...
ALS : Bibliothèque de Genève Reflecting with Pleasure on the agreable and instructive...
1 September 1802, Bank of United States. “I have been honord with yours of 26th. Ulto. enclosing...
Ever since the receipt of your last very kind and flattering letter, I have been so much occupied...
I perceive, in one of your late letters, a fresh application for medicines and Hospital stores. —...
I have received yours of the first of this Instant and am glad to find you have me still in...
1817. Jan. 25. remitted him 70.D. of which 10.D. was for his paper to May 1. 1817. June 19. sent...
Sales of Government Bills on Amsterdam, at the Office of Discount and Deposit in New York. Vizt,...
I receiv’d a letter from you containing several enclosures the Evening before I left Annapolis, &...
A Letter has been received recently from Mr Long, in which, I regret to say, it is stated, that...
Your carriage arrived here last night only, having been detained some days at Edgehill by the...
A few days since I was honored with Your Excellency’s letter of the ; and was glad to find your...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania It was late in the Evening when I came home last Night,...
John Foncin appointed at first Engineer at Baltimore, and newly at Boston, presents to the...
In your letter of the 18th. Ultimo, you intimated that you had applied for a Habs. Corps: in...
Previous to my setting off to Mt Vernon and Alexandria the last time I was up, a great Coat of...
26245General Orders, 23 February 1776 (Washington Papers)
Lieut. Thos Cummings tried at a Genl Court Martial for “behaving in a scandalous and infamous...
I put pen to paper to induce you to reply or rather to remind you of your promise to convey me...
17 March 1803, “Evans’s Hotel,” Baltimore. The brig Hope of Baltimore, in which he intends to...
Mr Dawson a member of the late Congress is appointed to be the bearer of the Convention with...
I have safely received your favor of yesterday Morning, about an hour ago. Before the arrival of...
I recieved last night from my friend in Gloucester an answer to my letter requesting some...