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Results 26201-26250 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : New York Public Library I take the Opportunity of a Ship from this Place to Leith, once...
ALS : Yale University Library I am now here just on the Point of departing for America. I cannot...
ALS : New York Public Library; copy (incomplete): Scottish Record Office It gives me Pleasure to...
ALS : New York Public Library My last Expedition convinc’d me that I grow too old for Rambling,...
ALS : Western Reserve Historical Society It gave me great Pleasure to learn from Dr. Robertson,...
ALS : Mrs. Ailsa Joan Mary Dick-Cunyngham, Prestonfield, Edinburgh (1955) Dr. Franklin and his...
Your favor of Feb. 20. came safely to hand together with the miniature of Governor Lewis & watch...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Doctr. Dickson and observes that his rule has been not...
Please to send the following Shoes & Boots and apply to Robt Cary Esqr. & Co. for Payment. For...
I wrote you a Letter of the 27th Ulto in which I desired that you woud send for my own wear 2...
Please to forward the Shoes &ca as required below, and Robert Cary Esqr. & Co. will pay the costs...
Please to send the following Shoes &ca and apply to Messrs Cary & Co. for the amount. For Geo....
The first Shoes which I desird might be made by you for me on Colo. Baylors Last are come in, and...
The last Cargoe of Shoes you sent me, fit very well, and I hope you will continue to preserve my...
You will please to send me the following Shoes and charge them respectively—I have also sent my...
Please to send me the following Shoes and Boots; & make out your Bill as under. Messrs Cary & Co....
Inclosd you have three measures by which you will please to make the following Shoes & Boots I...
Please to send to Robt Cary Esqr. & Co. for my use 4 pair of neat Shoes—1 pair light Toed...
Inclosd you have my measure for Boots—please therefore to send me two pair of them; one of which...
I have seen in a Baltimore paper an advertisement from you of Spring rye for sale. I did not know...
By a Parole granted to two Gentlemen, M e ssrs Osborn & Bowen, I perceive that your Excellency...
Captain Hurlbutt—an Officer of this Army who was dangerously wounded about two Years Since,...
The moment I received your Excellency’s letter, without date, which reached me a few days ago, I...
I do myself the honor to inform your Excellency that Brigadier General Knox and Gouverneur Morris...
I do my self the honor to transmit to your Excellency a Letter from the Governor and Council of...
The disaster which has lately befallen our Army under the command of Major General Gates calls on...
Will you permit me, to give you the trouble of enquiring among your friends of the Eastern Shore,...
Copy: Library of Congress I received yours inclosing a very obliging Letter from Mr. President...
My memory is so unfaithful that I am always afraid to affirm any thing on it’s authority. but I...
Copy: Library of Congress We have inquired at the Bureau des Diligences de Flandres, and can...
If this letter should be put into your hands, it will be delivered by Mr Powell a Gentleman of...
Yours of 26 ultimo is before me. That of 9th. have received. I have received the Box of Books...
I had not till This afternoon, your Favour of the third of this month. I am greatly obliged to...
Copy: Library of Congress I thank you for your favours of Oct. 8. and 12. and for the news...
Copy: Library of Congress I received yours of the 29th. past, and of Inst. but that you mention...
Mr Adams will Stay, at home, for the Gentleman in No. 10, whom he will receive at ten o Clock,...
Yours of 26 and 29 Ultimo I have received and another with the Court Gazette with the...
Copy: Library of Congress I comply’d readily with your late Recommendations, placing faith in the...
Copy: Library of Congress I received yours of Sept. 4. & 6. and am glad to hear that Mr. Peters’s...
Copy: Library of Congress I have received several Letters from you lately which I have been...
I am very much obliged to you, for the Trouble you have kindly taken in Sending me Gazettes,...
Copy: Library of Congress In compliance with your Recommendation, which I very much respect, I...
Copy: Library of Congress I have just received yours by Capt. Belt I shall Comply with his...
I have duly received your favor of May 12. as well as that of the person who desires information...
I have to acknowledge, one of 14 Ap. and one 2d. May. The Parcells, have not yet seen nor heard...
Copy: Library of Congress I hear Capt. Cunningham is confined in England a Prisoner. I desire you...
Copy: Library of Congress I received yours of the 30th. past: I suspect that several of mine to...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your favours of the 14th. 18th. and 21st. Instant. You...
Copy: Library of Congress I received duly your favours of Jany. 9. 10. & 11. I gave Orders...
I have this Moment received yours of 7th—that of the 3d is not come to hand. I had received the...