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Results 26201-26250 of 184,431 sorted by author
Michilimackinac [ Territory Northwest of the River Ohio ] June 18, 1799 . “I had the Honour of...
Michilimackinac [ Territory Northwest of the River Ohio ] October 26, 1799 . “… I beg leave to...
Names Rank Places Moses Porter Captain Michilimackinac James Sterrett Lieutenant Mississipi...
John Burchan, the Young Gentleman recommended to Col. Hamilton by Thomas Lowrey, is to be found...
I have sent to you to see ef I cannot be alowd a little more pention for what I reseve alrady is...
Received your Excellancy, letter dated 26 Ult.; concerning, the Cathridges, that was furnished,...
Some time after my return home from the unfortunate loss of the Revenue Cutter Diligence attached...
An advertisement having been published in a number of Newspapers, by Nelson Barksdale , Proctor...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Upon the News of your arrival in France I did myself the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer is Baron Steieben of whome I had the honor to...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania My Passage thro London and departure from England was so...
j’ai differé d’avoir l’honneur de vous faire passer la lettre de recommandation que je joins ici,...
Voudrez vous bien avoir la bonte de me pardonner de vous avoir fait attendre l’ouvrage de M r...
New York, December 16, 1800. “ Le General me Permet—I de lui rappeller qu’il a bien voulu me...
J’ai eu l’honneur de voir à Philadelphie, d’ou j’arrive, Monsieur McHenry. Dans une conversation...
[ Bergen Point, New Jersey, July 19, 1800. ] Thanks Hamilton for recommending him for a position...
L’Assemblée Nationale de France, Monsieur, qui avait reçu avec la plus vive sensibilité la...
The friends of the Vice President deem the publication of the correspondence I have referred to,...
An election of a chief magistrate for this state of more than ordinary interest is approaching....
The Governor called the attention of the board to the subject of appointing Visitors for the...
A warm but humble wellwisher to the rights of humanity, and consequently of thy Country, begs...
City & County of Newyork } ss An Inquisition Indented taken for the People of the State of...
Sir, You did me the honor the winter before last to subscribe to a little Astronomical essay of...
Letter not found : from Vachel Burgess, 16 Aug. 1779. On 16 Aug., GW wrote Burgess: “I received...
DS : American Philosophical Society; two copies: Yale University Library Apud Civitatem Sancti...
When I Vew the Kind Prvidence of God in Delivering me Throw So many Dificultys I think I Canot...
July 17th being Sent for by generr. Patterson Surspacted For helping the amaricans presiners to...
C’est avec la joye la plus vive, que nous avon⟨s⟩ vû par la Copie des patentes, presentées au...
Le Sr Fréderic Jacques Wichelhausen, venant de nous présenter les lettres patentes, qui font foi...
A letter from the Secretary of State Mr Randolph written to us on the 3 of february of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Comme les Provinces unies de l’Amerique Septentrionale...
Letter not found: from Gen. John Burgoyne, 11 Feb. 1778. In his letter to Burgoyne of 11 Mar....
I beg you to accept my sincerest acknowledgements for your very obliging letter. I find the...
Your Excellency will have observed by the dispatch from Sir Willm Howe to me which passed...
I was prevented, by business, from answering your letter as early, this day as I wished. I shall...
I gave to an English Gentleman, Mr. Brown, a Letter of introduction to You, as a man that has...
Your letter of this day in which you explictly declare that you had no intention, in your...
5 June 1801, Charleston. Introduces Mr. Brown, “an English Gentleman who has resided amoung us in...
I remember, it was about the last fortnight that we served together in Congress, in 1791. I one...
16 June 1801, Charleston. Supports Dominic Augustine Hall for federal judgeship. RC ( MiU-C ). 1 p.
I have some days Agoe Wrote to You to request You would Permit me to Joyn Colonell Pattens regimt...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; AL (draft) and two copies: Sheffield Central Library I...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin...
ALS (fragment): Library of Congress My friend & Depu[ty? torn ] a few days at Paris, & is extr[...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I flatterd myself that by this time we might have shaken...
Having suspended the publication of the “Virginia Argus” it becomes necessary for me, to call...
The inclosed papers are referred to us by Congress, and we wish for the assistance of your Ideas...
I have been labouring to prevail on Tuckers Executors to come to a Speedy trial of the Cause, but...
Mr Edward Winslow of Cross Creek in this State will have the honor of handing your Excellency...
When I had the pleasure of Seeing you in this City, I had a little Conversation with you on the...