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Results 26201-26230 of 184,431 sorted by author
Michilimackinac [ Territory Northwest of the River Ohio ] June 18, 1799 . “I had the Honour of receiving your letter of the 16th of February.… The Fort is a very irregular work without Bastions or out works is situated on an eminence which completely commands the Harbour and Village its an extensive work and will require Five Hundred Men to completely man it. When I took possession, it was in...
Michilimackinac [ Territory Northwest of the River Ohio ] October 26, 1799 . “… I beg leave to inform you that this Vessel is the last that can possibly come forward to this Post this year, and was expected would bring forward the Clothing for this Garrison, but not one article has arrived. The Winters here are very long and severe—and the want of Woolen Overalls, Shirts and Shoes will be very...
Names Rank Places Moses Porter Captain Michilimackinac James Sterrett Lieutenant Mississipi Richard Whiley   Do Michilimackinac Alexander Thompson Captain Niagara Theophilus Elmer Lieutenant Mississipi Peter Tolman   Do
John Burchan, the Young Gentleman recommended to Col. Hamilton by Thomas Lowrey, is to be found at Mr. Michael Roberts, No. 32. Hanover Square. AL , Papers of Tench Coxe in the Coxe Family Papers at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. On January 3, 1793, Burchan was listed as a clerk in the office of the register of the Treasury Department ( PAH Harold C. Syrett, ed., The...
I have sent to you to see ef I cannot be alowd a little more pention for what I reseve alrady is not sufisient to suport me and the tims is so very hard that I am not able to mak out Without a favour from thy hand I have lost my rite arm and it is rendered me intierly unable of performing any kind of laber it hapened at governors island I Reseve but 60 dollars a year and I pay 50 for board and...
Received your Excellancy, letter dated 26 Ult.; concerning, the Cathridges, that was furnished, the German, Battalion, I left, the Regiment, at Fish Kills, Colo. Weltner, was the, Commanding Officer—several times, large party’s, where Detached, up the North River, in collecting Farage for the Use, of the Army, in Exceeding bad Weather, which was, the Ocasion, of a Quantity, of Cathridges...
Some time after my return home from the unfortunate loss of the Revenue Cutter Diligence attached to this Port but lying at Occracock with the Surveyors of the Coast where at I lost all my Instruments and Cloaths, except what I had on my back. I was informed by Timothy Bludworth Esqr. Collector of this port that I was discharged from the Service until another Cutter was built. I have since...
An advertisement having been published in a number of Newspapers, by Nelson Barksdale , Proctor of the University of Virginia , encouraging the applications of Mechanics of all kinds for employment in the erection of an edifice for that institution, Richard Ware , of the City of Philadelphia , Carpenter, is desirous to obtain from the Subscribers that recommendation of his character and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Upon the News of your arrival in France I did myself the honor of writing to you at the particular request of their Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Baaden, as well as from the pleasure I felt upon your return to Europe. This letter in all probability never reached your hands, or if it did, the multiplicity and importance of your present engagements,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer is Baron Steieben of whome I had the honor to write to you by the hands of a Friend about a month since. He is a Gentleman of Family, Merit and great experience, well known to some of the First Personages in Europe, and hereby gives you sir a strong proof of his Ambition to make the Acquaintance of Doctor Franklin in actualy performing a Journey...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania My Passage thro London and departure from England was so sudden and unexpected that I was deprived of an opportunity of Paying my respects to you as I otherwise fully intended. I am now arrived at Rastatt and have the Honor to be engaged in the service of the Margrave of Baaden whose Gracious reception and extraordinary Benevolence has placed me above...
j’ai differé d’avoir l’honneur de vous faire passer la lettre de recommandation que je joins ici, parceque je desirais extrêmement vous la remettre moi même et vous présenter mes enfans pour qui M rs de la fayette et du Pont m’ont fait esperer Votre bienveillance, mais ne prevoyant pas quand je pourrai avoir l’honneur de vous voir permettez moi Monsieur, de vous demander votre interet et de...
Voudrez vous bien avoir la bonte de me pardonner de vous avoir fait attendre l’ouvrage de M r faugeas de S t fond , ce livre etait dans une de mes caisses qui est arrivée à Philadelphie et y est restée pendant que j’étais à la campagne. Je sollicite et j’ose èsperer toute votre indulgence mais il me reste beaucoup de regret d’avoir si mal rempli la commission dont j’avais eté honorée pour...
New York, December 16, 1800. “ Le General me Permet—I de lui rappeller qu’il a bien voulu me promettre une petite portion de l’une de ses Soires, pour lui rendre compte de mes idees Sur la defense Sont la Rade Et le port de New York Sont Susceptibles? … quelle Serait l’heure la moins incommode pour lui? ” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. For background to this letter, see James...
J’ai eu l’honneur de voir à Philadelphie, d’ou j’arrive, Monsieur McHenry. Dans une conversation relative aux objets de mon ancienne profession, il a daigné me témoigner qu’il pensait que, peut-être, je pourrais vous être bon à quelque chose dans les projets existans ou a faire pour la défense du port de New York: je Serais bien flatté de mériter en partie Les choses obligeantes qu’il m’a...
[ Bergen Point, New Jersey, July 19, 1800. ] Thanks Hamilton for recommending him for a position in the United States Government. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. This letter is written in French. See James McHenry to H, May 12, 1800 ; Bureaux de Pusy to H, May 16, 1800 ; H to Samuel Dexter, July 9, 1800 .
L’Assemblée Nationale de France, Monsieur, qui avait reçu avec la plus vive sensibilité la réponse du Président du Congrès des Etats unis d’Amérique, à la communication qui lui avoit été fait des dernieres marques d’honneurs décernés par les représentans d’un peuple libre à votre illustre compatriote Benjamin Franklin, n’a pas été moins touchée des nouveaux témoignages d’amitié fraternelle que...
The friends of the Vice President deem the publication of the correspondence I have referred to, important, but he feels a delicacy to permit its publication without your consent. To meet the circumstance of your not having the letters in your possession, I take the liberty of enclosing copies which have been taken from the Vice President’s letter book. I am fully aware, Sir, of your aversion...
An election of a chief magistrate for this state of more than ordinary interest is approaching. The Republican members of our Legislature have nominated Daniel D. Tompkins as their candidate for that station. A leading motive (independent of his fitness for the station) which has induced to this selection, was a strong desire in the people of this state, to renew the expression of their...
The Governor called the attention of the board to the subject of appointing Visitors for the University of Virginia in Conformity with the provisions of an act of assembly passed the 25 January 1819 —Whereupon, the following persons were duly appointed Visitor—to wit: Thomas Jefferson — James Madison — Chapman Johnson — Jos. C. Cabell
A warm but humble wellwisher to the rights of humanity, and consequently of thy Country, begs thee would oblige him so far as to accept of this small token of his esteem for thee, on account of thy very laudable and unblemishd conduct in the cause wherein thou hast been engaged. Thy friend DLC : Papers of George Washington.
City & County of Newyork } ss An Inquisition Indented taken for the People of the State of Newyork At the third Ward of the City of Newyork in the County of Newyork, the thirteenth day of July in the year of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and four, and Continued by adjournment until the Second day of August in the year Aforesaid, before me John Burger Coroner for the Said City and County...
Sir, You did me the honor the winter before last to subscribe to a little Astronomical essay of mine and on my presenting the work I was honor’d by your invitation at Braintree, which gain’d me access to your Excellency: when on your understanding that I had been some many years in the East Indies, Your Excellency was pleas’d to intimate that you would present to your friends in Congress a...
Letter not found : from Vachel Burgess, 16 Aug. 1779. On 16 Aug., GW wrote Burgess: “I received Your Letter of this date.”
DS : American Philosophical Society; two copies: Yale University Library Apud Civitatem Sancti Andreae Secunda die mensis Octobris anno partus Salutiferi Millesimo Septingentesimo quinquagesimo nono. Quo Die Magistratuum illustris ordo et Honorandus Senatorum Coetus Inclitae Civitatis Sancti Andreae Indebiti amoris et affectus tesseram Erga virum valde generosum Benjaminum Franklin Armigerum...
When I Vew the Kind Prvidence of God in Delivering me Throw So many Dificultys I think I Canot Give him Sufficient Praise At the Same Time I Feel a hart Full of Gratitude For the Many Favours I have Recevd From Your Excelency Your Order: For Rations for my Self and Children Are Punktily Obeyd Wicth is Great Releif to me in A Strange Place I Recev’d a Kind Letter From Your Aidicamp Informing me...
July 17th being Sent for by generr. Patterson Surspacted For helping the amaricans presiners to mak their acape gorge Hebbuy Coming from your Exelence the Weak before and Cared out Mager van Burah Capt. Crain Lt Lee Who Mad ther acape from the guard on Long Island Gorge Higby Braught a paper to me from your aide Derectted to Col. Md gaw on Long Island he the Sd gorge Higly being taking up and...
C’est avec la joye la plus vive, que nous avon⟨s⟩ vû par la Copie des patentes, presentées au Bourguemaitre President de cette ville par le Citoÿen Arnold Delius, que Vôtre Excellence, de concert avec le tres Illustre Senat des Etats Unis de l’Amerique, lui a fait expedier les heureuses dispositions, de resserrer les liens, dont les avantages mutuels du Commerce et de la navigation,...
Le Sr Fréderic Jacques Wichelhausen, venant de nous présenter les lettres patentes, qui font foi de sa nomination au poste de Consul des Etats Unis de l’Amerique pour le port de cette Ville, nous ne tardons pas, de marquer à Votre Excellence, combien il nous est agréable, que Son choix pour cet employ est tombé sur une personne, que les talens, que nous lui connoissons, Ses merites & Sa...
A letter from the Secretary of State Mr Randolph written to us on the 3 of february of the present year, in reply to one which we had the honor of addressing to your Excellency on the 15 of October of the last year with respect to the nomination of Mr Arnold Delius to the office of Consul of the United States of America in this City, gave us the pleasing expectation that you would nominate a...