Results 26201-26250 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
26201 Adams, John Smith, John Adams From John Adams to John Adams Smith, 22 December 1811 1811-12-22 Your kind letter of Nov, might have been sooner acknowledged, if I had been younger, my eyes...
26202 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail Smith From John Quincy Adams to Abigail Smith Adams, 22 … 1811-12-22 After I had written the letter of which I now enclose a copy, intending to have it ready for Mr:...
26203 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Boylston From John Quincy Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 22 … 1811-12-22 More than four months have again passed away, since I have received a line from you, and nearly...
26204 Geddes, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Geddes, 22 December 1811 1811-12-22 I have the honor to transmit to you an Address unanimously adopted by the House of...
26205 Sully, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Sully to Thomas Jefferson, 22 December 1811 1811-12-22 An association has lately been formed in this City consisting of Artists, & Amateurs, residing in...
26206 Adams, John Boston Patriot From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 21 December 1811 1811-12-21 The journal of the 22d of May 1783, proceeds— Mr. Hartley’s observations and propositions left...
26207 Russell, Jonathan Madison, James To James Madison from Jonathan Russell, 21 December … 1811-12-21 The inclosed is a copy of a letter which I received several months since from Mr. Wichelhausen. I...
26208 Harrison, Micajah Jefferson, Thomas Micajah Harrison to Thomas Jefferson, 21 December 1811 1811-12-21 I trust you will excuse the freedom I have taken in addressing you on a subject, by no means...
26209 Adams, John Cranch, William From John Adams to William Cranch, 20 December 1811 1811-12-20 Will you be kind enough to advance five Dollars for me to Mr Gales for a Second years...
26210 General Assembly of Pennsylvania Resolutions of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania … 1811-12-20 The present is a period replete with National occurrences as momentous as ever marked the Annals...
26211 Madison, James Gelston, David From James Madison to David Gelston, 20 December 1811 … 1811-12-20 20 December 1811, Washington. “J. Madison, with respects to Mr. Gelston, requests the favor of...
26212 Campbell, John W. Jefferson, Thomas John W. Campbell to Thomas Jefferson, 20 December 1811 1811-12-20 After reviewing the papers contained in the volumes you were pleased to lend me, I have concluded...
26213 Campbell, John W. Jefferson, Thomas John W. Campbell to Thomas Jefferson, 20 December 1811 1811-12-20 I have taken the liberty of enclosing you a proposal for a work which I expect to publish during...
26214 Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel Jefferson, Thomas Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours to Thomas Jefferson … 1811-12-20 J’ai eu l’honneur de vous adresser ces jours derniers une Lettre assez étendue que M r Barlow...
26215 Humboldt, Alexander von Jefferson, Thomas Alexander von Humboldt to Thomas Jefferson, 20 December … 1811-12-20 J’arrive hier de Vienne où mon frere est Ministre du Roi de Prusse et ou j’ai passé un mois pour...
26216 Adams, John Monroe, James From John Adams to James Monroe, 19 December 1811 1811-12-19 I thank you for The Copy of The Presidents Message, and for the Volume of Documents. They do...
26217 Adams, John Rush, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Rush, 19 December 1811 1811-12-19 When I was a Boy, not ten years old, I heard Smith Richard Thayer, a great Authority, say “When...
26218 Adams, John Van der Kemp, François Adriaan From John Adams to François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 19 … 1811-12-19 Lord! Lord! What a Coat you have cutt out? It would require an hundred Taylors for twenty years...
26219 Barlow, Joel Madison, James To James Madison from Joel Barlow, 19 December 1811 1811-12-19 As an additional apology for detaining the Frigate as well as for believing that an answer...
26220 Cocke, Richard Madison, James To James Madison from Richard Cocke, 19 December 1811 … 1811-12-19 19 December 1811, Springfield, Kentucky. Not having the honor of being acquainted with JM and...
26221 House of Representatives Madison, James To James Madison from the House of Representatives, 19 … 1811-12-19 19 December 1811. Resolve “That the President … be requested to cause to be laid before this...
26222 Kingston, Stephen Madison, James To James Madison from Stephen Kingston, 19 December … 1811-12-19 19 December 1811, Philadelphia. “At the present eventful moment I beg leave to offer my services...
26223 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on the Latitude of Willis’s … 1811-12-19 Latitude of Willis’s mountain by observations of the Sun’s meridian altitude taken from the peak...
26224 Albemarle County Residents Virginia General Assembly Petition of Albemarle County Residents to the Virginia … 1811-12-19 To the General Assembly of Virginia the memorial & Petition of the subscribers Inhabitants of the...
26225 Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw Adams, Abigail Smith From Elizabeth Smith Shaw Peabody to Abigail Smith … 1811-12-18 At the arrival of the last Mail, I thought I could hear my dear Sister say, “Is there no Letters...
26226 Madison, James Congress From James Madison to Congress, 18 December 1811 1811-12-18 I lay before Congress two letters received from Governor Harrison of the Indiana Territory,...
26227 Pinckney, Charles Madison, James To James Madison from Charles Pinckney, 18 December … 1811-12-18 It is some time since I had the pleasure to write to you, but as I know the pleasure you will...
26228 Johnston, Washington Madison, James To James Madison from Washington Johnston, 18 December … 1811-12-18 18 December 1811, Vincennes. “By directions of the Legislative Council & House of Representatives...
26229 Johnston, Washington Madison, James To James Madison from Washington Johnston, 18 December … 1811-12-18 18 December 1811, Vincennes. Encloses a memorial from the Indiana territorial House of...
26230 Clay, Charles Jefferson, Thomas Charles Clay to Thomas Jefferson, 18 December 1811 1811-12-18 your Servant yesterday met with me in the field where I was a little engaged & gave me your Note...
26231 Jefferson, Thomas Mitchell, William Thomas Jefferson to William or Reuben Mitchell, 18 … 1811-12-18 I did not bring with me from home the papers respecting my wheat ground at your mill of the crop...
26232 Pinckney, Charles Jefferson, Thomas Charles Pinckney to Thomas Jefferson, 18 December 1811 1811-12-18 It is sometime since I had the pleasure to write to you but as I know the pleasure you will find...
26233 Gallatin, Albert Madison, James To James Madison from Albert Gallatin, 17 December 1811 1811-12-17 I enclose a statement of the regular force in Canada (Quebec excepted) transmitted to me...
26234 Logan, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Logan, 17 December 1811 1811-12-17 Every friend of the civilized world, must contemplate with deep regret the melancholy spectacle...
26235 Pinkney, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Pinkney, 17 December 1811 1811-12-17 I had the Honour to receive, late last night , the Letter which you were so good as to write to...
26236 Cazenove, Anthony Charles Madison, James To James Madison from Anthony Charles Cazenove, 17 … 1811-12-17 17 December 1811, Alexandria. Acknowledges JM’s letter of 16 Dec. enclosing a check for $385.55,...
26237 Crawford, John Jefferson, Thomas John Crawford to Thomas Jefferson, 17 December 1811 1811-12-17 In 1808 I did myself the honourr honour to forward to you a periodical paper, the Observer, then...
26238 Rush, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas Benjamin Rush to Thomas Jefferson, 17 December 1811 1811-12-17 Yours of Decem r 5 th came to hand yesterday. I was charmed with the Subject of it. In order to...
26239 Rush, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Rush, 16 December 1811 1811-12-16 Mr Jefferson and I exchange letters Once in six, nine or twelve Months. This day I received a few...
26240 Adams, John Boston Patriot From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 16 December 1811 1811-12-16 The Journal proceeds—1783, May 22, Thursday. This morning I drew the following letters too be...
26241 Randolph, David Meade Madison, James To James Madison from David Meade Randolph, 16 December … 1811-12-16 Notwithstanding my communications may be deemed unworthy your notice, yet since my conscience...
26242 Madison, James Cazenove, Anthony Charles From James Madison to Anthony Charles Cazenove, 16 … 1811-12-16 Letter not found. 16 December 1811. Acknowledged in Cazenove to JM, 17 Dec. 1811 . Encloses a...
26243 Low, John Jefferson, Thomas John Low to Thomas Jefferson, 15 December 1811 1811-12-15 About 2 weeks ago I sent you p r mail a Sett of the Encyclopædia, accompanied with a letter ,...
26244 Adams, Abigail Smith Warren, Mercy Otis From Abigail Smith Adams to Mercy Otis Warren, 14 … 1811-12-14 I thank you for your kind inquiries after my Daughter Smith. She is, and has been as well, the...
26245 Tatham, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Tatham, 14 December 1811 1811-12-14 The inclosed offer to the people of Norfolk, in whom I have not yet found those boasted patriotic...
26246 Cazenove, Anthony Charles Madison, James To James Madison from Anthony Charles Cazenove, 14 … 1811-12-14 14 December 1811, Alexandria. “I have the honor to inform you that, to my great astonishment your...
26247 Union Volunteers of Westmoreland and Fayette … Madison, James To James Madison from the Union Volunteers of … 1811-12-14 Ca. 14 December 1811. The officers of the light infantry company called the Union Volunteers,...
26248 Adams, John Smith, Samuel From John Adams to Samuel Smith, 13 December 1811 1811-12-13 I have received your letter of the first of this month, in answer to mine of the twenty fifth of...
26249 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 13 December 1811 1811-12-13 The extract contained in one of your last Winter’s letters to me from the Astronomics of...
26250 Cazenove, Anthony Charles Madison, James To James Madison from Anthony Charles Cazenove, 13 … 1811-12-13 13 December 1811, Alexandria. States that he delivered JM’s wine “this day” to Thomas McGraw....