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Results 26181-26210 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
There are many things which deserve to be maturely considered before the meeting of congress. I...
The Courier by whom I did myself the Honor to address your Excellency the 16th. inst. having been...
Your favor of Dec. 24. came but by our last mail, and with it the piece of cloth made of wool and...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; copy: Yale University Library I have been applied to by...
[8–22 May 1776] When JM, a delegate from Orange County, took his seat in this Convention on 8 May...
Je vous demande pardon de la liberté que j’ose prendre en vous écrivant, Sans avoir l’honneur...
Paris, 2 Feb. 1787. As a token of appreciation of services “your lordship has rendered us,” she...
Your favor on your departure from Richmond came to hand in due time. altho’ I may not have been...
There are about four hundred of the Oneidas & Tuscaroras in & about Schenectady who from their...
Captain Burnham, who will have the honour of delivering this letter, was commander of the first...
Your Excellency’s favor of the 18th ulto came to Head Quarters during my visit to Count de...
I have lately received from Lynchburg 100 Bbls of your flour.—35 bbls of it I have sold to John...
I have been honoured with Your Letters of the 7th & 10th Instant. With respect to the matters...
Letter not found: from Auguste de Grasse, 20 Aug. 1799. On 9 Sept. GW wrote de Grasse : “I have...
The Secretary of War has the honor to propose to the President of the United States, that, Robert...
261961771. Tuesday June 11. (Adams Papers)
Rode to Kibbys at Somers but got caught in the Rain—very heavy plentifull Showers—I was much wet....
I transmit a Letter from a Soldier at Fort Sumner soliciting his Discharge from the Service. You...
26198[Diary entry: 21 March 1786] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 21st. Thermometer at in the morning—60 at Noon, and 58 at Night. Wind brisk from the No....
I inclose d an authentication of the blood of the our Merinos, as translated from the Original by...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Fearing my Letters by this Conveyance might be long in...
Gibraltar, 25 Aug. 1793 . Having already written by this opportunity, he only mentions that the...
We have the Honor to inform you that this Board having finally acted upon every Complain⟨t⟩...
When I had the honour of calling on you, I only conjectured that the printing of the Journals of...
In soliciting your attention to the enclosed copy of a letter which I have addressed to the...
Your favor of the 6th. was duly recieved. The double treachery of Henry will do lasting good both...
Ma derniere est du 17e. Je viens de recevoir, traduire et porter au g— F— une Lettre Allemande....
Availing myself of your kind indulgence in permitting the payment of my last instalment to be...
[ Headquarters, Middlebrook, New Jersey, March 26, 1779. “This will be delivered to you by Mr....
I received your letter of the 28th ultimo, respecting the terms upon which the Directors of the...
Vous recevrés par M. de Vauban une lettre de M. le Comte de Rochambeau. Il informe Votre...