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Results 26181-26210 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
There are many things which deserve to be maturely considered before the meeting of congress. I shall mention two or three at present, concerning which I pray you to take as early measures as possible to obtain the advice of the heads of departments. One of them is, whether it will be expedient for the president to recommend to the consideration of congress a declaration of war against France....
The Courier by whom I did myself the Honor to address your Excellency the 16th. inst. having been detained a Day longer than I expected, I avail myself of this Circumstance to advise you of Mr. Lamb’s Arrival at Madrid last night. This morning I received a Letter from him by one of my Servants whom he dispatched for that purpose. He therein requests me to send him “any Orders or Letters on...
Your favor of Dec. 24. came but by our last mail, and with it the piece of cloth made of wool and hair which you were so kind as to send me. I pray you to accept my thanks for this present, which, while it is an acceptable mark of good will, shews also how important a resource we have in an article hitherto mostly thrown away, towards supplying our stock of wool not yet quite equal to our...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; copy: Yale University Library I have been applied to by Capt Thomas Molloney an english Prisoner whose Case seems a hard one and in consequence of his earnest Sollicitations and the Desire of Messrs Galleweys of this Place I have promised to lay it before you. He was taken by Capt Jones off Ireland in a little Brig which he commanded, & he owned half...
[8–22 May 1776] When JM, a delegate from Orange County, took his seat in this Convention on 8 May 1776, he was at once appointed to the Committee of Privileges and Elections. This large group, ultimately numbering nearly half of the 130 delegates, concerned itself primarily with the validity of their election and with alleged instances of individual Virginians manifesting disloyalty to the...
Je vous demande pardon de la liberté que j’ose prendre en vous écrivant, Sans avoir l’honneur d’être connu de vous; mais ayant appris que vous etiés en recherche de maîtres capables d’instruire les Elèves du Collège que vous avez Elevé fait Elever , et me Sentant dans le cas de repondre à une partie de vos desirs, en enseignant le dessin, les belles Ecritures, la Science de la musique, le...
Paris, 2 Feb. 1787. As a token of appreciation of services “your lordship has rendered us,” she sends TJ a letter from Eliza Livingston which she received in reply to the letter TJ forwarded for her; asks to have it returned. In executing a work she has undertaken at the suggestion of her friends, she needs a “collection of journals and strange gazettes”; has no way to procure those from...
Your favor on your departure from Richmond came to hand in due time. altho’ I may not have been among the first, I am certainly with the sincerest who congratulate you on your reentrance into the public National councils. your value there has never been unduly estimated by those whom personal feelings did not misguide. the late misunderstandings at Washington have been a subject of real...
There are about four hundred of the Oneidas & Tuscaroras in & about Schenectady who from their Attachment to the Cause of the United States have been under the Necessity of abandoning their Settlements & taking Refuge under the Protection of the United States. These People are extremely wretched being destitute of Clothing & but precariously supplied with Provisions. It is unfortunately but...
Captain Burnham, who will have the honour of delivering this letter, was commander of the first American Ship captured by the Algerines in Octr last. He has lately been ransomed for 4000 Dollars paid by himself, through the medium of the Dutch Admiral, who concluded the Treaty of Peace between Holland & Algiers. Captain Burnham will be able to give you a good deal of information on Algerine...
Your Excellency’s favor of the 18th ulto came to Head Quarters during my visit to Count de Rochambeau at Newport from whence I only returned two days ago. You may be assured that every attention shall be paid to the Exchange of Colo. Marbury in his due turn, more than that I cannot promise without deviating from a Rule of conduct which I myself had ever observed and which has lately been...
I have lately received from Lynchburg 100 Bbls of your flour.—35 bbls of it I have sold to John F. Robertson of Manchester at 4. ¼ $ at 60 days. I know but little of Mr. R., but he is to give Cornelius Buck of the same place as endorser. This sale I made, without knowing the flour was inspected in Lynchburg.—for the balance I could not obtain the same price, without having it reinspected here,...
I have been honoured with Your Letters of the 7th & 10th Instant. With respect to the matters submitted by the first—The Commissary General of Military Stores has certainly a right to direct in every thing relative to the execution of the public works, under his care—and every Officer stationed at the Laboratories is bound so far, to follow his directions. The rank of Lieut. Colonel which he...
Letter not found: from Auguste de Grasse, 20 Aug. 1799. On 9 Sept. GW wrote de Grasse : “I have received your letter of the 20th of August.”
The Secretary of War has the honor to propose to the President of the United States, that, Robert Richie and Richard Smith both of the State of Maryland, be appointed 2d. Lieutenants respectively in the Regiment of Artillerists. That, Alpha Kingsley and Gideon Warner, both of the State of Vermont, be appointed Ensigns respectively, in the 1st. Regiment of Infantry. That, Samuel Williamson of...
261961771. Tuesday June 11. (Adams Papers)
Rode to Kibbys at Somers but got caught in the Rain—very heavy plentifull Showers—I was much wet. Thus I have hitherto had not very good Luck upon my homeward bound Voyage. Dined at Kibbys and then rode over the Mountain to Stafford, went to the Spring and drank of the Waters with a Gentleman from New Jersey, who was there, with a Servant. Dr. McKinstry was gone to Brookfield, to accompany Mr....
I transmit a Letter from a Soldier at Fort Sumner soliciting his Discharge from the Service. You will be pleased to take such Order upon it, as it may require. I have the Honour to be Sir, Your most obedt Servt. ( LS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
26198[Diary entry: 21 March 1786] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 21st. Thermometer at in the morning—60 at Noon, and 58 at Night. Wind brisk from the No. West all day (drying the ground finely)—in the morning it was a little cloudy but clear afterwards. The Count de Cheiza D’Artingnon (so calling himself) was sent, with my horses, to day, at his own request, to Alexanda. Mr. Shaw went to town to day on my business. In the So. West square of my fruit...
I inclose d an authentication of the blood of the our Merinos, as translated from the Original by M r Graham : also a state of the charges incident the to their passages &c. The half falling to your share, of course, may be left for any convenient occasion of being replaced. You need not trouble yourself to remit it hither. On the first publication of the dispatches by the J. Adams , so strong...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Fearing my Letters by this Conveyance might be long in reaching you, I wrote by last Nights Post. With this you will receive several Pamphlets, some of which have been given, the others purchas’d. I likewise forward you a Letter which was left here Yesterday, I know not by whom.— In the Packet from Dr. Price, is likewise a Letter from that worthy—but at...
Gibraltar, 25 Aug. 1793 . Having already written by this opportunity, he only mentions that the Portuguese consul was advised from Málaga that some days ago an American schooner, name and destination unknown, was captured off Vélez-Málaga by three Algerine cruisers, but that the crew had escaped and arrived at that port. Two of the cruisers were the small galleys he mentioned from Oran and the...
We have the Honor to inform you that this Board having finally acted upon every Complain⟨t⟩ preferred to it under the Seventh Article of the Treaty by duly executing and delivering Awards against the respective Governments in favour of such Complainants as appeared to them to be entitled to Compensation, and by rejecting and dismissing such Complaints as appeared to them not to be so entitled,...
When I had the honour of calling on you, I only conjectured that the printing of the Journals of the Convention, &c would be under the direction of the Secretary of State; but by the inclosed N. Intelligencer it appears to be very certain that the publication will be committed to his care.— You will recollect that in the letter wh. I shewed you from Mr: King, it was suggested that, were I on...
In soliciting your attention to the enclosed copy of a letter which I have addressed to the Adjutant General of the Army, preparatory to a review of the principal occurrences of the late war with England, in which I was immediately concerned; I cannot but hope that my conduct may occur to your recollection in a light sufficiently favorable to exonerate me from any possible charge of a...
Your favor of the 6th. was duly recieved. The double treachery of Henry will do lasting good both here & in England. It prostrates the party here, and will prove to the people of England, beyond the power of palliation by the ministry, that the war is caused by the wrongs of their own nation. The case of the Batture not having been explained by a trial at bar as had been expected, I have...
Ma derniere est du 17e. Je viens de recevoir, traduire et porter au g— F— une Lettre Allemande. En attendant qu’il me renvoie mon feuillet, après en avoir fait tirer copie, j’aurai l’honneur de vous dire, que les Etats d’hollande se sont séparés, et que le Prince part aussi pour Los en Overyssel. On n’a point donné d’Instructions nouvelles au Comte de Welderen, ie. parce qu’après avoir fait...
Availing myself of your kind indulgence in permitting the payment of my last instalment to be postponed, I this day desire my friend and correspondent in Richmond , mr Gibson , to remit you 432. D 25 C the interest on that instalment from Jan. 1. 1816. to the 15 th of the ensuing month of June , by which time I expect the remittance can reach you. it is true that having a few days past had...
[ Headquarters, Middlebrook, New Jersey, March 26, 1779. “This will be delivered to you by Mr. Garranger, who comes to pass through a probation with you. He is to give you such proofs of his knowledge in the theory and practice of artillery as you shall deem satisfactory. He will, on your certificate of the same, be recommended to Congress for an appointment as Preceptor to the artillery, or...
I received your letter of the 28th ultimo, respecting the terms upon which the Directors of the Bank propose to furnish Bills of Exchange on Amsterdam for the use of the Government. These terms, under all the circumstances of the case appear to me reasonable and consistent with that spirit of accommodation to the public service which has so uniformly marked the conduct of the Directors. I...
Vous recevrés par M. de Vauban une lettre de M. le Comte de Rochambeau. Il informe Votre Excellence qu’il sera ici vers le 13, ou le 14 de ce mois. J’éspere avoir l’honneur de Vous y voir pour le 15 au plutard et je me felicite de ce que les affaires concourent à Vous amener ici précisement à l’epoque où je celebre la naissance du Dauphin. Votre presence et celle de Madame Washington rendront...