Results 26181-26190 of 184,431 sorted by author
I receiv’d your favour of the 6th. Instant with its inclosure. I feel very sensible of the respect paid me by the President of the United States, in being selected to be one of the Commissioners of Bankruptcy for the District of Connecticut, and beg through you, to return him my gratefull acknowledgments. I should most cheerfully have accepted the appointment had I not been particularly...
Ca. 26 April 1809. Urges JM to appoint Henry Seymour as federal marshal for Connecticut. His father has been a staunch Republican in the state Senate and was recently defeated by vindictive Federalists. Young Seymour, like his father, is “a firm supporter of the Administration.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, Letters of Application, 1809–17). 2 pp. Signed by Bull and thirteen other Hartford merchants....
About two years ago, we took the liberty to address your excellency in behalf of Mr. Huntington the attorney of the United States for this district. We then requested your excellency, to suspend the ultimate decision on the application which was then supposed to have been made for Mr. Huntingtons removal from office, and assured your excellency that it was the intention of Mr. Huntington to...
9 April 1811, Hartford, Connecticut. “The friends of the government have for some time past, contemplated with deep regret, the unhappy situation of the federal courts in this district”; they believe that some gentlemen, not friendly to the district attorney, have attempted a remedy by seeking his removal. Such a step would cause pain to the friends of Mr. Huntington, especially at a time when...
As a Multiplicity of public Business prevents my revisiting Philadelphia, I have embraced an Opportunity by Major Walton of enquiring after your Welfare; and as he is capable of giving you the amplest Account of the State of this Province, I wou’d take the Liberty of introducing him to your Notice and Acquaintance. I make no Doubt but it will afford you the highest Pleasure to see one...
More than three years have elapsed, since I introduced a Son of mine, to the Christian character, by naming him Thomas Jefferson . My respect for your character, and gratitude for your services to our common Country, filled me with the ambition of participating in the honor of transmitting your name to posterity, not indeed with the pen of an historian, because I am not competent, but in the...
We take the liberty of inclosing to you a pamphlet containing the proceedings of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County in the case of Edward White late Clerk, & late keeper of the records of said Court.    We deem it a duty Sir, incumbent on us to lay these proceedings before you in as much as they will have a tendency to develope to you the conduct of Mr. White a servant of the public now...
Know all Men by these presents that I John Henderson of the County of Albemarle And State of Virginia have this day bargained soald And delivared Unto Craven Peyton of s d State And County all the right tittle And interest which the three youngest children of Bennett Henderson Decs d are intitled in And adjacent to the town of Milton in the County of albemarle ., the Names, of the children Are,
The subscribers having had considerable knowledge of the Bearer hereof, M r White , as a Plaisterer, cheerfully state, that he is, in our judgment, an excellent workman; remarkable for his diligence & fidelity in his profession, & moreover that he is well acquainted with stucco & ornamental plaistering—& cheerfully recommend him to those who may wish to employ him in his professional capacity W...
4 June 1812, Savannah. “The enclosed Resolutions have been adopted at a general and very numerous Meeting of the Citizens of Savannah and agreeably to the request therein contained I have the honor to transmit them to you.” RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). RC 1 p. Enclosure signed by Bullock as chairman of the meeting and by Thomas Mendenhall as secretary. For enclosure (3 pp.; printed in...