George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Thomas Bullitt, 24 March 1757

From Thomas Bullitt

Vases [Vause’s Fort] March 24th 1757


as I have not bin Troublesom to you with Cilicitations on Acct of my Brothers prefermt make free this Opertunity with Something of that sort.1

It may appear uncommendable for a Brother offering any thing of the Like In behalf of Another still as he was Very afficious in Recruiting for your Regt (winter was a Year) and Raised fifteen men (the promise of which, was Terms many your Officers Obtained their Commisions on), and since have served as a Cadit,2 this must be sinking a small Country Living, (which is Certain Bread with Frugality & Care), for an Uncertainty, while we only Injoy provincial Commissions. Tho. as I am Very Cencible my Brother is Desirous of serving his Country. Hope you will Take him into Consideration and if Vacancy’s & Establist will admit provide for him,3 Otherwise Let him know it. Except4 your Regt is Like to be on a better Footing or he Can shortly obtain a Comn. I am sir your Most Obedt Hble Servt

Thos Bullitt


1Bullitt struck out the word “my” before “Cilicitations” and the words “to write to you” after “free.”

2Thomas Bullitt wrote GW as early as 18 Oct. 1755 that his brother Benjamin had been out recruiting and hoped for a commission in the Virginia Regiment.

3Benjamin Bullitt was listed as an ensign in the Virginia Regiment on 12 June 1757. Later in the summer he, along with Capt. Robert Spotswood and others, was killed while on a scouting expedition toward Logstown, Pennyslvania.

4Bullitt is using “except” in the sense of “unless.”

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