Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Benjamin Bullit, 12 March 1800

From Benjamin Bullit, 12 March 1800

Major Genl. Hamilton

Lancaster 12 March 1800


Agreeably to your letter of the 12th. Novmr 1799 dated New York which I receved in Kentucky; I came forward as soon as I could with conveniencne to the Secrety of War—Where I reced. my commision and also information that I was not intitled to any expence for traveling—And that by letter I could receve instructions from you—

Upon this information I ⟨demined⟩ to return to W. Virga. at Morefield where I will receve any Orders You may give and obey them with pleasure & I hope with punctuality—If it is Agreable I wish to be attached to Capt Edward T Turner’s Compy for this reason that in my opinion that I could serve the United States by recruting men in the Country whar I am well accquainted and very Certain of Success

Your Orders if diferent I will Chearfully Comply with being my duty which I never wish to loose sight of

Your Obt Servt.

Benjn Bullit 2d Let

to the Sec Regt. US. Ar

(ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).

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