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Results 26171-26180 of 184,431 sorted by author
Agreeably to your letter of the 12th. Novmr 1799 dated New York which I receved in Kentucky; I came forward as soon as I could with conveniencne to the Secrety of War—Where I reced. my commision and also information that I was not intitled to any expence for traveling—And that by letter I could receve instructions from you— Upon this information I demined to return to W. Virga. at Morefield...
We are situated at so great a Distance from each other that I am obliged to take this Method to notify to you that I no longer consider the Articles entered into relative to improving the Hot Springs , in Augusta County, as binding upon me. Give me Leave to say, when the Articles were executed, I expected you would immediately proceed, as well to build and improve upon my Lands adjoining to...
My having Early in Life ingaged in the Last war under you, and the present one we are Ingaged in, appearing to be an affair that will not be Verry Shortly Settled Induces me to Solicit your Notice and patronage, in obtaining a promotion of rank in Some measure adequate to my Long Service and rank Last war, in this I Flatter myself with your Notice to Congress, as otherwise I may pass...
as I have not bin Troublesom to you with Cilicitations on Acct of my Brothers prefermt make free this Opertunity with Something of that sort. It may appear uncommendable for a Brother offering any thing of the Like In behalf of Another still as he was Very afficious in Recruiting for your Regt (winter was a Year) and Raised fifteen men (the promise of which, was Terms many your Officers...
As we are well assured You take pleasure in distinguishing Merit where ever it is found. We beg leave to recommend to Your notice a Person not altogether unworthy of it[.] If we may Judge from the diligence & Fidelity he has shewn in a low Station we may still expect he will support his Characture in a higher where he will meet with frequenter Opportunities to exert himself & do Justice to Our...
Having Recd your Orders Shall Comply with them[.] As to Sending Sub[alter]ns Commands up to you I see no Hopes of doing it for I have not Recd but two Men from any of the Recruiting officers Ordered to Rendevous at Alexandria Since Capt. Wagoners Departure. Mr Triplep has Recruited One man & I am Satisfied has bin at no Small Expence[.] I have about Ten men In Town Seven Whereof I Recruited I...
As John Waid a Soldier in my Company was Seting at the Indian Camp Eating some Victuls, one of the Cherokees Askt him for some whiskey, he not giving him a Direct Answer, pickt up his gun and shot him through the back. I immediately sent out a Command to the Camp, which place was found Avacuateed by all of them but one which was found dead with his throat Cutt from Ear to Ear by one of their...
It is not Agreeable to my Inclinations to be Thus Troublesom as to my Repeated Letters for Leave to be Removed from this Compy and as it is much against my Inclinations the Continuing Hope you will Indulge me in this my Last Request. I have Marchd the Detacht from Fort Dinwiddie to Vases, and Shall be as Afficious as in my power for three Weeks or a month in Carrying on the Work—In which Time...
I Recd yours Janry 1st wherein you was pleased to Signifie that I had not proceeded in a Regular Manner in not Laying in a formal Complaint if I was not well used by my Capt. I am not uncensible Sir—of the Difficulty an Enferiour Officer Encounters, when he Lay’s in a Compt of that Nature against one of his Superiours in Clearly proving Alligations, Especially when such Superiour as by our...
My Brother Benjamin Bullitt who has lately been appointed an Ensign in the second Regiment of the united States army has been and now is in Jefferson County in the state of Kentuckey, he has accepted of the appointment, & when he left this place he expressly directed me If any Orders or letters came to this place directed to him, to answer them and repost himself to the General or Other Office...