George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Captain Epaphras Bull, 27 August 1778

From Captain Epaphras Bull

Maroneck [N.Y.] Augt 27th 1778


I have to acquaint your Excellency that the two Brigs & Sloop which Anchored near Hempstead Harbour Last Night, to day made Sail & went down, the Sloop was Armed Carrying 12 guns, the Brigs were not, but deeply Loaded, two Sloops past Wtward with Hay—the Vessels which I discovered yesterday, far Etward have made very Little Progress to day, they this Evening appeard to be Standing in to Oyster Bay, near which there is a Small Encampment, which in some of my former Reports, I made mention of to your Excellency,1 there is about twenty five Sail of them four of which appear to be Ships—I am your Excellencys most Obt Hble Sert

Epaps Bull


1These “former Reports” have not been identified.

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