George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Captain Epaphras Bull, 28 August 1778

From Captain Epaphras Bull

Maroneck [N.Y.]
9 OClock Friday Evening [28 August 1778]1


I have to acquaint your Excellency that I did not Inform myself any better as to the Shiping by going below, as they lie Chiefly behind the Islands, therefor was not able to discover whether there was Troops on Board or not. there appears to be 30 or 40 Sail of them, (I mean of those Transports from N. York) Chiefly Ships—Lt Hurlbut is Just Returned from Et Chester and can give no further Account of them than what I shall write which he desires me to mention it to your Excellency the Fleet which came from the Et Ward came to anchor near those from the Wtward Except the wood & forrage Vessels who past on towards N. York—at Sun set this Evening a gun was fired, upon which the whole maid Sail and are now Standing to the Et Ward, 15 Sail have already Past Whortlebury Island2 and the others now comeing on—it is now got so dark that I am not able to discover any of them I Shall Look out for them at the dawn of the day. I am your Excellencys Most Obt Hble set

Epaps Bull

P:S. while I was at N. Roshel I discoverd between the Islands 2 Ships one of 40 guns the other of 36 whi[c]h I Suppose to be the Largest there is amonge them.



1The date is taken from a docket on the cover.

2Whortleberry Island was another name for Huckleberry Island, in Long Island Sound off New Rochelle, about three miles northeast of City Island.

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