James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Thomas Bulkeley, 11 June 1801

From Thomas Bulkeley, 11 June 1801

Lisbon the 11th. June 1801


Since my private letter of yesterdays date, accounts have arrived in Town of the surrender of Campo Mayor & The Portuguese army posted at Gaviao retired to Abrantes ⟨w⟩here they intend making the strongest resistance. An express arrived last night from Cadiz in 6 days brings an ⟨a⟩ccount of the arrival there of the Earl Gower Packet on this ⟨s⟩tation captured by a french privateer on her passage from Falmouth to Lisbon & that to a certainty the Spanish fleet ⟨co⟩nsisting of 9 Sail of the Line were ready for sea & several ⟨o⟩thers equipping with the greatest expedition besides frigates ⟨&⟩ small craft, & that Troops had arrived there to embark aboard the fleet. I am with the greatest respect Sir your humble Servant

Thomas Bulkeley

A Report is now in circulation that there is an express arriv⟨ed⟩ in town this morning with an account of a Cessation of Hostilities between Portugal & Spain.

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