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Results 26151-26180 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Michael Ross Esqr. Collector of the Revenue for the 21st. District of the State of Pennsylvania, having transmitted his resignation in consequence of indisposition, We take the liberty of recommending Dr. Joseph Wood of the Borough of Williamsport, Lycoming county as his Successor. Dr. Wood, in our opinion certainly possesses the requisite qualifications to discharge the duties of Collector...
My letter to mr. Smith takes up the whole of the subject of his & your letters by the last post, and as he informs me he has a vessel on demurrage till he recieves my answer, I hire an express which will deliver it 5. days sooner than the post would. Not to detain him I must refer you to my letter to mr. Smith for answer to yours. I return you mr. Barlow’s letter. His anxiety makes me more...
12 July 1801, Columbia, South Carolina. Mentions James Miller, of the Charleston firm of Miller and Robertson, as possible candidate for consulship at Bordeaux. RC ( DLC ). 2 pp.
In the year 1819 I had the honour to address a letter to you requesting your friendly aid in enabling me to pursue with effect my just demands against Isaac Cushing , my former partner, who carried off a large amount of property; and I had the honour of an answer from you on the 31 st August of that year. I have lately heard of the death of Cushing by the enclosed advertisement dated at...
New York, June 25 [ –July 1 ] 1799 . Summarizes the contents of “letters … from Major Rivardi, at Niagara,” which “contain very unpleasant representations of the state of things at that post.” Describes steps taken to meet some of Rivardi’s complaints. States: “It appears by the statement of which a copy is enclosed that debts have been contracted for purposes of the garrison to the amount of...
I send the Books thou paid for 2 months past. They are not in such good order as I could have wished. They suffered while in the Bookseller’s hands—that if thou does not approve of them, I cannot insist on thy taking them. 6 vol; Plutarch’s lives Greek. } 2.10.— 7 vol; do …………… Latin. Thy friend, I have not as yet received any reply to the Letter I wrote my Brother Isaac Zane respecting the...
I should wish to be able to transmit you faithfully the sweet and deep impression of happiness and gratitude made on my young friend by your expressions of consolation & affecting marks of interest which were conveyed to him by Mr Cabot, at Boston: I should be equally desirous to inform you what beneficent balm was poured upon his heart by the reading (a thousand times repeated) of the letter...
I have the honor, agreeably to the Enactments, to lay before you the journal of the Faculty. In company with them are two reports of Committees appointed by the Faculty; one (marked A ) relates to a Police and the other (marked B , is upon our Enactments. They are both respectfully submitted for your most serious consideration. In conclusion, Gentlemen, I beg to present my sincerest respects....
You may be assured that nothing would give me greater pleasure than to interest myself in a matter which concerned you or your friend, could I do it with propriety, but, unfortunately, the request which you make cannot, from the present circumstances of Affairs, be complied with by me. As I have never had the least correspondence with Don Galvez or any of the spanish Commanders, except a...
I have taken upon me the Liberty of Addressing these few Lines to you—I—Hoping your Honour will have the goodness to See into my Distressed Situation as I am an American Born in Queen Ann’s County in Mary Land—and as an American Protection given to me at Boston in the year of our Lord 1 Thousand & Hundred and 6—on April the 18th. and Filled up and Signed By John Gardner Not—pub: and Justice of...
26161General Orders, 12 November 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
Be pleased to pay to Thomas Johnson, David Stuart, and Daniel Carroll esquires, Commissioners of the Federal district, or to their order, or the order of any two of them—twenty-four thousand Dollars, in part of the Seventy-two thousand dollars given by the Assembly of Maryland, towards the defraying the expences of the public Bu[i]ldings within the said District. LB , DLC:GW . As the state of...
This is to acknowledge and thank you for your favour of Novr. 5 . (a day anciently memorable in this Country on account of the Gunpowder plot, to destroy the King and Parlamment) And the application therein made to our great Men of Mayne, in their anxiety and eagerness to Acquire an Independence from Massa. and the Indifference to its places of Honour and profit, after they had acquired...
26164[November 1774] (Adams Papers)
Left Brother Paine at New York to go by the Packett to New Port. Rode to Cocks at Kings bridge to break fast, to Havilands at Rye to Dinner, and to Knaps at Horse Neck in Greenwich to lodge. Rode to Bulkleys at Fairfield to dinner, and to Captn. Benjamins of Stratford to lodge. We design to Great Swamp to day. 42 miles. At Newhaven, Coll. Dyer, Deane and Sherman, Mr. Parsons, the new Speaker...
When Colonel Lear was here he said you were desirous of knowing if Mr Blagdin had laid in all the materials requisite for your Houses, as you thought they would not only be likely to rise, but probably be difficultly obtained properly Seasoned. I called on him, but not meeting with him I went the Day before yesterday to his Partner Mr Lenthall, who informed me that every Contract was made, and...
Mr. Tazewell has communicated to me the enquiries you have been so kind as to make relative to a passage in the Notes on Virginia, which has lately excited some newspaper publications. I feel with great sensibility the interest you take in this business and with pleasure go into explanations with one whose objects I know to be truth and justice alone. Had Mr. Martin thought proper to suggest...
17 April 1805, Havana . “I have this Day taken the Liberty to address to you a Letter [not found], in your Official Capacity, in Consequence of Information I received from my friend Mr. Gray, that Mr. Rob. Young had resigned his appointment as Consul to this island. “In thus offering myself once more to the notice of the President in a public manner, I have been guided by motives and by...
My last to you was of the 8th. inst. yesterday I recieved your two favors of the 11th. there ought to be no further hesitation with E. Livingston.   the importation of negroes from the French islands ought to be vigorously withstood: but I think we should not tread back our steps as to the reduction of the size of our revenue cutters on bare supposition that they will be resisted. when such a...
detained here by a cold North East rain, I write to inform You I am thus far on My journey to Quincy 100 44 miles from Philadelphia which I left this Day week in the afternoon; I tarried one day in Nyork and have taken Little susan on with me— I went to the incampment upon scotch plains and lodged one night in the col’s Log House, which I found quite a comfortable habitation. Mrs smith was...
§ From Daniel Parker. Ca. 10 December 1813. “I sent a copy of my letter of Oct. 30th. to the Secy. of War with extracts from the Govr. of Oct. 19th. & stated my belief that the Govr. would expect a further answer. The Secy. directed that Col. Armistead of the Engineers should examine the forts & report. No report has been rec’d from the Col.” Adds in a postscript: “The money was offered to be...
I this day received a Letter from my son dated october 21 from constradt—we had heard three weeks before of your arrival there by a vessel which came in to Salem, I rejoice that you are once more released from old ocean, and that you were so near the place of your destination. your voyage has been long and tedious. I hope you will experience Friendship and hospitality altho in so frozen a...
26172[Diary entry: 10 May 1772] (Washington Papers)
10. Cool, Wind being pretty fresh from the Northwest.
Letter not found: from David Bell, 15 Aug. 1756. On 6 Sept. 1756 GW wrote to Bell: “I received yours of the 15th August.”
I now have it in my power to give decisive information on the enquiries you did Genl Marshall and myself the Honor of confiding to us in regard to Colo. Innes, & regret, exceedingly, that they have issued in his declining the appointment contemplated, as he would certainly have filled it with all the advantages you are so solicitous to Secure. He has given the proposition a very thorough...
Lorsque nous avons eu des raports ensemble, vous avez bien voulu m’accorder estime, confiance et amitié, et je conserve comme une chose bien précieuse pour moi la lettre dont vous m’honorates lors de votre départ. j’ose reclamer aujourd’hui l’effet des sentiments que Vous y avez exprimés. La circonstance est on ne peut pas plus intéressante pour moi. Mr. Dupont, porteur de cette lettre, et qui...
Your favor of Jan. 1. came to hand on the 10 th inst. with information from the Collector of Boston of the arrival at that port of the Cadmus capt Jones , with the Ledanon wine, & it’s invoice. of the letter you mention of preceding date , and the articles by the brig Union of Marblehead , I have as yet heard nothing; and as she has been out long enough to excite apprehensions, I wrote immediately
26177General Orders, 26 September 1782 (Washington Papers)
For the Day tomorrow Colonel Vose Lieutenant Colonel Grosvenor Brigade Major Smith Brigade Quarter Master Tuckerman, For duty tomorrow the 4th Connecticut & 1st Massa. Regiment. Ezra Pasco a Soldier of the 2d Massa. Regiment tried by the General Court martial of which Col. Cortlandt is president for Deserting from Guard is found guilty of breach of Article 1st Section 6th of the rules and...
When I looked for your Name among those who form the Representative Body of the people this year I could not find it. I sought for it with the Senate, but was still more dissapointed. I however had the pleasure of finding it amongst the delegates of this Commonwealth to Congress, where I flatter myself you will still do us Honour which posterity will gratefully acknowledge; and the virtuous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Je ne doute pas que la Lecture de l’incluse pour le Congrès ne fasse plaisir à Votre Excellence. C’est pourquoi je la fais passer par vos mains, Vous priant de la fermer & acheminer ensuite, avec celle pour Mr. Van Berckel, soit par le Paquebot de Port Louis à N. York le mois prochain, ou par Mr. Barclay, s’il sait une...
We have been made very happy by the accots from Richmond by yesterday’s post which were to the 5th. of June. From them we learn that Governor R. has acquiesced in the evident sense of the Majority of the States and of the people & that all Questions were to be defer’d till the whole should be considered in parts—and a letter from the head of the Convention expresses the fullest belief, that...