Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Henry Grand, [13 March 1782]

From Henry Grand

AL: American Philosophical Society

Ce Mercredi [March 13, 1782]5

M. Grand a payè au Cape. de Frey 2500 l.t. Sur lordre de Monsieur Franklin du 10 de ce Mois,6 mais il n’a pas reçu du Cape. les 20 Louis que Monsieur franklin lui chargeoit de payer à M. Grand7 qui s’empresse de l’en prevenir en l’assurant de son Respect.

M. de frey s’est contenté d’observer qu’il s’acquitteroit personnellement envers Monsieur franklin.

Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Benjn. Franklin / en son Hotel / Passy / Grand

Notation: Mr. Grand.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

5The first Wednesday after March 10, 1782.

6On March 10, Frey signed two receipts stating that the United States had now discharged all obligations toward him (APS). Grand’s payment is recorded under March 11 in Account XXVII (XXXII, 4).

7To discharge a personal loan from BF: XXXIII, 279. On April 6 Frey wrote WTF promising to repay the 20 louis after May 8, when he would receive money from a bill of exchange (APS). We have no record of his having done so, and there is no further correspondence with him. He received a recommendation from Lafayette to Castries and sailed to join French forces in India: Lasseray, Les Français, I, 225.

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