Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from James Brown, 15 April 1793

From James Brown

Richmond 15th: April 1793

Dear Sir

I have just time to acknowledge receipt of your favors of the 8th: and 10th: Currt. and to assure you that every attention shall be paid to the contents. I pray you at same time to write Mr. Short that his Stock with Other matters in my hands is Safe and shall remain so, subject alone to his order, however I will write you and hand a letter for Mr. Short in a day or two, at present my whole frame is so agitated that I little Know what I am about. The late unfortunate failure of D. & Burton, deranges me much, yet I will weather the gale with honor and save all my American friends from loss. With much respect I am Dear Sir Your Obt: Hbl: St

James Brown

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 22 Apr. 1793 and so recorded in SJL; with TJ’s notes for his 23 May 1793 reply to Brown penciled beneath signature:

“Camilla. Service

Young Eagle. Elias Lord

2. workmen.

shippg. tobo.


Tr (ViW); extract of second sentence in TJ’s hand on same sheet with extract of Brown to TJ, 3 June 1793; enclosed in TJ to William Short, 11 July 1793. PrC (DLC). Tr (ViU: Edgehill-Randolph Papers); 19th-century copy of extract.

The first of TJ’s favors was actually his letter to Brown of 7 Apr. 1793.

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