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Results 26131-26160 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
By a letter from Colonel DAboville commanding the french Artillery in Virginia it appears there have been lately discovered in that State 14 heavy battering brass cannon, which are indisputably the property of that State. These cannon have no carriages and I presume little or no proper ammunition & few or no implements. In their present, or indeed in a perfect state, it would be difficult to...
I have just receiv’d your letter of the 25th of July inclosing the recommendations of several gentlemen for the vacant office of Marshal for this district. I am sensible of the confidence you place in me, when you authorize me to fill the commission with the name of such person, as on the best information I can collect, shall appear most proper; & I shoud not have hesitated to insert the name...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. le Mis. de brancas prie Mr. franclin de lui faire dire a qu’elle heure il pouroit avoir l’honneur de le voir le matin et quel jour lui conviendroit il s’interesse beaucoup a un jeune homme qui est a philadelphie et dont il voudroit lui parler. Louis-Paul de Brancas, marquis de Brancas (1718–after 1791), son of Louis, maréchal de France , was a...
There is nothing new here—By last accounts the General was indisposd & had not left Carlisle, on Sunday. By all reports, there has been a great miscarriage at an Enemy’s post calld the Saw-Mill within two miles of Ticonderogo—We have no distinct account of the affair, nor is it known here, who Commanded the Attack; It is imagind that the Advanced Party, or rather First Division, made too great...
I am much obliged by your Civility and Politeness to Mr Polk. After many Disappointments I got the Deed from Mr Adams & his Sisters to You executed, in the Begining of last Month: & desired your Friend Doctr Craik to have it recorded and the Original sent to Mr Lund Washington. The Delay in this Affair was not, I am inclined to believe, owing to any Disinclination in Mr Adams to do what was...
We have to beg, you would lay before the President, of the United States, our request, that he would favor us, with a draft on the Governor of Virginia, for such a part of the donation of that state as is due for the second Year. Besides other circumstances, which require a replenishment of our funds, some of the Proprietors, have called on us for a payment, of the appropriations which have...
26 January 1803, Tunis. “The enclosed copy of a letter to Commodore Morris conveys an unequivocal expression of the kind of respect this Bey entertains for the flag of the United States, as well as of his intentions.” Has been informed the project of a peace between Tunis and Portugal is “considerably advanced.” The negotiation is said to be conducted through the intervention of the French....
26138[Diary entry: 23 April 1796] (Washington Papers)
23. Clear morning with the Wind fresh from No. Et. wch. continued so through the day & weather cooler.
Having been highly gratified & instructed, by the perusal of your address to the Agricultural Society of Albemarle in may last—I take the liberty of forwarding herewith, enclosed, the last number of the Massts. Agricul. Journal; & to request your attention to a letter in that publication, on “dairy Stock,” in which I have hinted at the expediency of introducing the practice of Spaying heifers...
Your letter from Harwich, dated August 10, reached us upon the 11th. We were very glad to hear of your arrival there, and continue to follow you with our good wishes. When you tendered me your services, and asked my commands, I did not know you had any thoughts of returning by the way of Paris; otherwise I should have charged you with a few. I now write by Mr. Short, requesting your care of an...
It again becomes my duty to inform you, that, at an Election of Officers for the American Philos. Society held this Afternoon, pursuant to Notice, at their Hall, you were unanimously reelected their President; and I perform this Office with more pleasure, as I well know your Zeal for the promotion of useful Science; which you have never ceased to evince, in many ways, but particularly by your...
I am honored by your letter of the 5th, and wholly agree with you on the appropriateness of a policy focused on protecting French and Spanish commerce and destroying the enemy’s, and wish that such a policy be adopted and pursued. On the other hand, it should be noted that the English have experienced an astonishing run of good luck, while the others have seen only continued misfortunes....
The Invasion of this State calling for an immediate and large Supply of Lead, be pleased to send us immediately all the Lead you have on Hand, notwithstanding my former Direction to let one half go to the Southward Army with which on the present Occasion we must dispense. The Bearer Mr. Tate is sent to see this Service performed. The Money for paying the Waggonage not being ready at this...
I take the liberty to transmit to your care a Letter for Major General Heath under a flying Seal. From an apprehension that he might have left Boston before it arrived and the importance of the objects to which it extends I am induced to use this freedom. If the General has not returned to the Army, I would request the favor of You to have the Letter sealed after perusing it, and delivered to...
26145[August 1781] (Washington Papers)
1st. By this date all my Boats were ready—viz.—One hundred New ones at Albany (constructed under the direction of Genel. Schuyler) and the like number at Wappings Creek by the Qr. Mr. Genl.; besides old ones which have been repaired. My heavy ordnance & Stores from the Eastward had also come on to the North Rivr. and every thing would have been in perfect readiness to commense the operation...
O finalmente avute le suo nuove! Mr. Apleton mi portò la sua dei 21. 8bre. La sensazione che ne provai ma non può esprimersi. Ero nel colmo della contentezza mentre l’aprivo. Ma quando giunsi alla dettagliata descrizione dei cambiati costumi, restai stordito, immobile, come un’infermo che sognando larve funeste smania, non può svilupparsene e fuggire. Pi—volte, riflettendo su quel che è...
J. M. with his respects to Mr. Du[e]r, incloses with a corrected ad[s] the letter return, him[.] has left unchanged the [place] in the description; Yellow Birches sundry letters recd from that quarter, having that apparently as a post—mark on them. Draft (DLC) .
I am directed by the General to inform you that he had receiv’d your Letter, and Sends you 42 falling axes which could not be collected Sooner. The General thinks that Col. Armstrong is not upon the good Road. Therefore desires that you Send Capt. Shelby to blaze the Road before you and bring Col. Armstrong’s Party in it. The distance of his last Encampment being only 16 miles from here, does...
26149[Diary entry: 8 August 1770] (Washington Papers)
8. Began to sow Wheat in the Neck in that Cut upon the Creek above Carneys Gut. The Ground here was tolerably clear and in Good Order the Grass and Weeds being Choped over. Carney’s Gut, named for GW’s former tenant John Carney, is on the east side of Little Hunting Creek a short distance above the creek’s mouth (see illus., p. 3).
AL : American Philosophical Society M. Grand a payè au Cape. de Frey 2500 l.t. Sur lordre de Monsieur Franklin du 10 de ce Mois, mais il n’a pas reçu du Cape. les 20 Louis que Monsieur franklin lui chargeoit de payer à M. Grand qui s’empresse de l’en prevenir en l’assurant de son Respect. M. de frey s’est contenté d’observer qu’il s’acquitteroit personnellement envers Monsieur franklin....
Michael Ross Esqr. Collector of the Revenue for the 21st. District of the State of Pennsylvania, having transmitted his resignation in consequence of indisposition, We take the liberty of recommending Dr. Joseph Wood of the Borough of Williamsport, Lycoming county as his Successor. Dr. Wood, in our opinion certainly possesses the requisite qualifications to discharge the duties of Collector...
My letter to mr. Smith takes up the whole of the subject of his & your letters by the last post, and as he informs me he has a vessel on demurrage till he recieves my answer, I hire an express which will deliver it 5. days sooner than the post would. Not to detain him I must refer you to my letter to mr. Smith for answer to yours. I return you mr. Barlow’s letter. His anxiety makes me more...
12 July 1801, Columbia, South Carolina. Mentions James Miller, of the Charleston firm of Miller and Robertson, as possible candidate for consulship at Bordeaux. RC ( DLC ). 2 pp.
In the year 1819 I had the honour to address a letter to you requesting your friendly aid in enabling me to pursue with effect my just demands against Isaac Cushing , my former partner, who carried off a large amount of property; and I had the honour of an answer from you on the 31 st August of that year. I have lately heard of the death of Cushing by the enclosed advertisement dated at...
New York, June 25 [ –July 1 ] 1799 . Summarizes the contents of “letters … from Major Rivardi, at Niagara,” which “contain very unpleasant representations of the state of things at that post.” Describes steps taken to meet some of Rivardi’s complaints. States: “It appears by the statement of which a copy is enclosed that debts have been contracted for purposes of the garrison to the amount of...
I send the Books thou paid for 2 months past. They are not in such good order as I could have wished. They suffered while in the Bookseller’s hands—that if thou does not approve of them, I cannot insist on thy taking them. 6 vol; Plutarch’s lives Greek. } 2.10.— 7 vol; do …………… Latin. Thy friend, I have not as yet received any reply to the Letter I wrote my Brother Isaac Zane respecting the...
I should wish to be able to transmit you faithfully the sweet and deep impression of happiness and gratitude made on my young friend by your expressions of consolation & affecting marks of interest which were conveyed to him by Mr Cabot, at Boston: I should be equally desirous to inform you what beneficent balm was poured upon his heart by the reading (a thousand times repeated) of the letter...
I have the honor, agreeably to the Enactments, to lay before you the journal of the Faculty. In company with them are two reports of Committees appointed by the Faculty; one (marked A ) relates to a Police and the other (marked B , is upon our Enactments. They are both respectfully submitted for your most serious consideration. In conclusion, Gentlemen, I beg to present my sincerest respects....
You may be assured that nothing would give me greater pleasure than to interest myself in a matter which concerned you or your friend, could I do it with propriety, but, unfortunately, the request which you make cannot, from the present circumstances of Affairs, be complied with by me. As I have never had the least correspondence with Don Galvez or any of the spanish Commanders, except a...
I have taken upon me the Liberty of Addressing these few Lines to you—I—Hoping your Honour will have the goodness to See into my Distressed Situation as I am an American Born in Queen Ann’s County in Mary Land—and as an American Protection given to me at Boston in the year of our Lord 1 Thousand & Hundred and 6—on April the 18th. and Filled up and Signed By John Gardner Not—pub: and Justice of...