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Results 26131-26160 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Morristown [ New Jersey ] April 10, 1780 . States charges by Samuel Allison against Lieutenant Patrick Carnes. Orders trial of Carnes. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
The inclosed letter came to hand two days ago, and I take the earliest opportunity of forwarding it. I cannot forbear indulging my feelings, by entreating you to accept the assurances ⟨of my⟩ gratitude for your kind ⟨complia⟩nce with my wishes to be ⟨united⟩ to your amiable daughter. I leave it to my conduct rather than expressions to testify the sincerity of my affection for her, the respect...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] April 15, 1780 . Approves of plans for expedition against St. Augustine. Discusses situation in the South. Instructs Lincoln to “determine places of deposit” for provisions and forage in North and South Carolina. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Morristown [ New Jersey ] April 15, 1780 . Asks that Moore Furman be provided with teams needed for transporting provisions to Army. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. This letter is dated April 14 on the date line and April 15 in the endorsement.
Morristown [ New Jersey ] April 17, 1780 . Reports that the Maryland Division has marched to relief of Charleston. Discusses advisability of expedition against the enemy at Penobscot. Describes British attack on Paramus. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Morristown [ New Jersey ] April 18, 1780 . Asks Lincoln to employ Lieutenant Colonel Dubuysson “in such a manner as will enable him to indulge his ardor.” Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Lieutenant Colonel Charles François Dubuysson des Hays.
Morristown [ New Jersey, April 26 ] 1780 . Thanks Bowdoin for a copy of “the plan proposed for the constitution of [his] state.” Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Morristown [ New Jersey ] April 26, 1780 . Discusses situation at Charleston. Is apprehensive of the fall of the city. Sends news of British embarkations. Regrets inability to go to the South. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Morristown [ New Jersey ] April 28, 1780 . Discusses deficiencies of Army. Instructs Howe to “set on foot a collection of boats on the river” in order to “make a demonstration of a movement on our part.” Asks Howe to direct Lieutenant Colonel Jean-Baptiste Gouvion to “repair to this army.” Emphasizes that supplies for main Army are not to be diverted. Df , in writing of H, George Washington...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] April 28, 1780 . Reports death of Juan de Miralles. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Morristown [ New Jersey ] April 28, 1780 . Fears that loss of the “Bar” may mean loss of Charleston. Sends news of enemy’s movements and of the march of the Maryland Division. Df , in writings of George Washington and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Philadelphia, April 29, 1780. On May 5–8, 1780, Hamilton wrote to Barbé-Marbois : “The day before yesterday I had the honor of your letter of the 29th. of April.” Letter not found .] Barbé-Marbois was secretary of the French legation at Philadelphia.
Morristown [ New Jersey ] April 30, 1780 . Reports death of Juan de Miralles. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Navarro was Governor of Havana.
The inclosed Letter of the 1st. of March I received sometime ago from Doctor Gordon which a variety of pressing business has prevented me from communicating to you before. I request your determination on the points contained in it, that I may transmit it to the Doctor. You will be pleased to return me his Letter with the inclosure to which it refers. I am Dr Sir   Your Most Obt Servt. Df , in...
The last week I was designing to send You a friendly letter, without introducing into it any of my own concerns: but Col Henly calling upon me on the saturday afternoon, with a most extraordinary letter from Col Hamilton hath reduced me to the necessity of altering my plan. In some stations moral character is of little importance, but in mine it is next to All; & like female honour must be...
I am extremely sorry your Excellency has been troubled with the affair to which the papers transmitted in your letter of this morning relate. Admitting the possibility of Doctor Gordons not being the author of what I must always call a calumny, and had he not been an irreconcileable enemy to plain dealing, the matter might have been brought to a very easy issue, without the necessity of an...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] May 5, 1780 . Acknowledges Barbé-Marbois’s letter of thanks for attentions paid him during his visit to Camp. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Morristown [ New Jersey ] May 5, 1780 . States gratitude for La Luzerne’s visit and intention to “represent the Army in so favourable a light” to the French King. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
The day before yesterday I had the honor of your letter of the 29th. of April, transmitting the latest Philadelphia papers. I immediately sent them to the officer commanding on the lines to be exchanged in persuance of the plan which has been preconcerted. The papers expected in return are not yet arrived, the moment they do, they shall be forwarded. ’Tis probable our first experiment may meet...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] May 8, 1780 . Asks Huntington to inquire into the circumstances of Major Benjamin Throop’s affair. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Morristown [ New Jersey ] May 8, 1780 . Reports that he has asked Brigadier General Jedediah Huntington to inquire into Major Benjamin Throop’s affair. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Woodruff was a justice of Elizabethtown, New Jersey.
Morristown [ New Jersey ] May 9, 1780 . Gives Trescott permission to “ascertain the strength of the party at Bull’s ferry and to make an attempt upon it.” Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Trescott was a major of Colonel Henry Jackson’s Additional Continental Regiment.
General Knox in conversation has observed to The General, that instead of sending to Philadelphia for the 1500 arms mentioned in your letter of the 6th. and sending those here to that place to be fitted, it would be a great saving of expence in the article of transportation, to have the bayonets and accoutrements brought on without the arms, and fitted to those now here which can easily be...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] May 11, 1780 . Requests “detail of the land and Sea forces arriv’d at Martinique.” Reports arrival of Lafayette with news from French court. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
This will be handed you by the Marquis, who brings us very important intelligence. The General communicated the substance of it in a private letter to you & proposes a measure which all deem essential. For God’s sake, my Dear Sir, engage Congress to adopt it & come to a speedy decision. We have not a moment to lose. Were we to improve every instant of the interval, we should have too little...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] May 14, 1780 . Proposes that a small committee with all necessary power, rather than Congress, should handle proposed cooperation with French fleet and army. Believes that “we shall probably fix the independence of America if we succeed.” Would like to see Philip Schuyler, Robert R. Livingston, and James Duane on committee. Df , in writing of H, George Washington...
I thank you kindly for your candid reply. I confess my self unable to write a milder letter upon this subject than this I send you. My feelings are so irritated that the moment I begin to write my passions take the lead in the Sentiment and mingle in such a manner as you see by my composition. I strove as much as ever Mortal did to keep down my resentment; but I found it impossible and there...
When you ask my opinion as a friend, I must always act the part of a true friend, however frequently the advice I give may happen to clash with your feelings justly irritated by injuries which you have not merited. Considering the Board of treasury as so many individuals, the complexion of their letter to you would abundantly justify the asperity of your reply; but considering them as a public...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] May 16, 1780 . Gives reasons why first objective of the French fleet should be New York. Reiterates the importance of having Comte de Guichen “come upon this Coast without delay.” Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Luc-Urbain de Bouëxic, Comte de Guichen, lieutenant general and commander in chief of the French navy in the West Indies.
Morristown [ New Jersey ] May 16, 1780 . Encloses two letters for Major General Benjamin Lincoln. Discusses advantages and disadvantages of raising the siege of Charleston. Asks for “speedy” opinion on a suitable place of debarkation, if French fleet should proceed south. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.