Results 26131-26160 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
In reply to your Excellency’s favor of the 15th Instt I have to observe, that considering the...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; AL (draft): American Philosophical Society M. Märter,...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 1st. inst. and am ever thankful for communications which...
The dispute of Territory between the States of Pennsylvania & Connecticut being now decided, and...
No pleasure can exceed that which I recieved from reading your letter of the 21st. ult. it was...
I lately gave permission for two Vessells to proceed as Flags of Truce from New York to...
I was in hopes I should not again have had occasion to have troubled your Excellency on the...
Mr Lloyd did me the honour to call at this place with your favour of the 4th Instt. If the...
I feel myself much obliged by the friendly Communication of your sentiments to me on the subject...
Having always entertained an esteem for you personally I could not without reluctance yield to...
Your favour of the 25th Ulto recommendatory of Mr Moylan, came duely to hand, & I have the...
Your favr of Yesterday came safe to hand. What the real designs of the Enemy are remains yet to...
I have received your Letter of the 1st Inst. informing me of the delay of the Governor and...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. Philemon Dickinson, 5 Feb. 1777. In his letter to GW of 9 Feb. ,...
[ Valley Forge, June 18, 1778 .] States that enemy is crossing Delaware and orders Dickinson to...
You may be assured that nothing would give me greater pleasure than to interest myself in a...
The Enemy are exerting every nerve to reduce the Forts on the Delaware viewing them as...
I have this moment received intelligence, that the rear of the enemy are crossing the Delaware—I...
The vast quantity of Stores of different kinds that are accumulated at Trenton will make it a...
I have just received yours of this day, from the Drawbrige. The army marched this morning to this...
Letter not found : to Philemon Dickinson, 15 June 1778. In another letter to Dickinson of this...
Coryells Ferry [ New Jersey ] June 22, 1778 . Acknowledges receipt of Dickinson’s letters. Is...
I was favoured with your Letter Yesterday by Mr Hindman. The measure you recommend, respecting...
Letter not found : to Philemon Dickinson, 24 May 1778. Later the same day GW wrote another letter...
I was yesterday morning favoured your Letter of the 18th & this morning with that of the 19th. I...
I have the pleasure of receiving yours of the 11th instant—The enemy still continue upon...
I have been favd with your two letters both of to-day—One of them is dated at 11—the other at 2...
Near Germantown [ Pennsylvania ] September 14, 1777. Forwards to Dickinson steps taken to...
In Maryland from causes which you will easily comprehend it will be extremely difficult, if at...
Letter not found : to Philemon Dickinson, 8 June 1778. On 10 June, Dickinson wrote GW in...