Results 26131-26140 of 184,431 sorted by author
5 July 1801, Lisbon. Has no certain news since last dispatch. Anticipates determination of fate of country in a few days. Napoleon has reportedly refused to ratify the treaty. Notes in postscript that since closing his letter, Bulkeley has seen an order in council directing all Portuguese commanders of men-of-war to capture Spanish vessels wherever they meet them. “The order directs the...
24 October 1801, Lisbon. Reports that peace has slowed the sale of American produce, “particularly the Articles of Provisions.” Has dismissed acting vice-consul Marcelino Roiz da Silva for fraudulent overcharges and collusion with customhouse officials. Roiz’s subsequent behavior toward him resulted in the police intendant-general’s threatening Roiz with banishment to Africa. Warns JM that the...
4 October 1801, Lisbon. Delay in departure of brig Neptune gives him the opportunity to announce that the peace treaty between France and Portugal was concluded on 30 Sept. at Madrid. An express brought the news to Lisbon on 3 Oct., and letters from Spain confirm it. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Lisbon, vol. 1). 1 p.; docketed by Wagner. A full transcription of this document has been added to the...
12 June 1801, Lisbon. Reports peace between Portugal, Spain, and France to be publicly announced the next day with three nights’ illuminations. Suspects terms will be disadvantageous to Portugal. In postscript states that British merchants have been advised to exercise caution regarding their Portuguese property. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Lisbon, vol. 1). 2 pp.; cover marked private; postmarked...
The foregoing is copy of what I had the honor to write you the 15 Instant I received this morning the enclosed letter from the Secretary of State informing me it was the answer of Recredence of Mr. Smith (with a copy of the same which will forward by next Conveyance) Within these few days a very hot press has taken place all over the Country The order of every One hundred fires to produce 4...
27 March 1801, Lisbon. Acknowledges receipt of State Department letters of 13 Sept. and 21 Nov.—the former regarding the capture of the brig Sea Nymph . Has learned that captors bribed mate to take false oath “declaring the Vessel & Cargo French property.” Later, mate made counterdeclaration, and the ship and cargo have been liberated. Meanwhile, Gavino has obtained court order in Gibraltar...
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your very much respected favors of the 13 September & 21 November last Year. The former being on the s ubject of the Capture of the Brig Sea Nymph Capt. McKever belonging to Mr. Tarascon of Philadelphia, you may rest fully assured my most unwearied exertions are always paid to the Interest of our Citizens whenever they fall under my protection and no...
5 August 1801, Lisbon. Encloses a letter received by last post from consul at Tripoli announcing pasha’s declaration of war against U.S. Letters from France, Great Britain, and Spain announce approach of general peace in Europe. Believes he has performed duties well and asks to be continued in office. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Lisbon, vol. 1). 2 pp.; unsigned. Bulkeley’s 6 Aug. dispatch begins on...
20 April 1801, Lisbon. Encloses statements on three American ships captured and taken into Lisbon. The Atlas has been detained for seven months while case is tried in London. Hostilities between Spanish and Portuguese have not begun. In consequence of his further efforts, quarantine on U.S. vessels has been raised. Offers congratulations to president on his election. Owing to shortage of wheat...
6 August 1801, Lisbon. Relays a report given out at the palace that peace is concluded between Portugal and France. Details movements of Portuguese diplomats, including Pinto’s return from Badajoz and recent sudden departure of Chevalier Freire for Madrid. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Lisbon, vol. 1). 2 pp. First page written at the bottom of a copy of Bulkeley’s 5 Aug. dispatch. Docketed by Wagner...