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Results 26131-26160 of 184,431 sorted by author
5 July 1801, Lisbon. Has no certain news since last dispatch. Anticipates determination of fate of country in a few days. Napoleon has reportedly refused to ratify the treaty. Notes in postscript that since closing his letter, Bulkeley has seen an order in council directing all Portuguese commanders of men-of-war to capture Spanish vessels wherever they meet them. “The order directs the...
24 October 1801, Lisbon. Reports that peace has slowed the sale of American produce, “particularly the Articles of Provisions.” Has dismissed acting vice-consul Marcelino Roiz da Silva for fraudulent overcharges and collusion with customhouse officials. Roiz’s subsequent behavior toward him resulted in the police intendant-general’s threatening Roiz with banishment to Africa. Warns JM that the...
4 October 1801, Lisbon. Delay in departure of brig Neptune gives him the opportunity to announce that the peace treaty between France and Portugal was concluded on 30 Sept. at Madrid. An express brought the news to Lisbon on 3 Oct., and letters from Spain confirm it. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Lisbon, vol. 1). 1 p.; docketed by Wagner. A full transcription of this document has been added to the...
12 June 1801, Lisbon. Reports peace between Portugal, Spain, and France to be publicly announced the next day with three nights’ illuminations. Suspects terms will be disadvantageous to Portugal. In postscript states that British merchants have been advised to exercise caution regarding their Portuguese property. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Lisbon, vol. 1). 2 pp.; cover marked private; postmarked...
The foregoing is copy of what I had the honor to write you the 15 Instant I received this morning the enclosed letter from the Secretary of State informing me it was the answer of Recredence of Mr. Smith (with a copy of the same which will forward by next Conveyance) Within these few days a very hot press has taken place all over the Country The order of every One hundred fires to produce 4...
27 March 1801, Lisbon. Acknowledges receipt of State Department letters of 13 Sept. and 21 Nov.—the former regarding the capture of the brig Sea Nymph . Has learned that captors bribed mate to take false oath “declaring the Vessel & Cargo French property.” Later, mate made counterdeclaration, and the ship and cargo have been liberated. Meanwhile, Gavino has obtained court order in Gibraltar...
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your very much respected favors of the 13 September & 21 November last Year. The former being on the s ubject of the Capture of the Brig Sea Nymph Capt. McKever belonging to Mr. Tarascon of Philadelphia, you may rest fully assured my most unwearied exertions are always paid to the Interest of our Citizens whenever they fall under my protection and no...
5 August 1801, Lisbon. Encloses a letter received by last post from consul at Tripoli announcing pasha’s declaration of war against U.S. Letters from France, Great Britain, and Spain announce approach of general peace in Europe. Believes he has performed duties well and asks to be continued in office. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Lisbon, vol. 1). 2 pp.; unsigned. Bulkeley’s 6 Aug. dispatch begins on...
20 April 1801, Lisbon. Encloses statements on three American ships captured and taken into Lisbon. The Atlas has been detained for seven months while case is tried in London. Hostilities between Spanish and Portuguese have not begun. In consequence of his further efforts, quarantine on U.S. vessels has been raised. Offers congratulations to president on his election. Owing to shortage of wheat...
6 August 1801, Lisbon. Relays a report given out at the palace that peace is concluded between Portugal and France. Details movements of Portuguese diplomats, including Pinto’s return from Badajoz and recent sudden departure of Chevalier Freire for Madrid. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Lisbon, vol. 1). 2 pp. First page written at the bottom of a copy of Bulkeley’s 5 Aug. dispatch. Docketed by Wagner...
I have the honor to enclose my dispatch to His Excellcy. Dn. Rodrigo & his answer on the subject of the American Schr. Hope Asa Hooper Master, laden with salt fish detained at Faro by the Collector of the Customs there on a demand for the full duties on his Cargo. The determination on this point is left to the Conselho da fazenda or Court of Exchequer; this tribunal has ordered the...
10 February 1802, Lisbon. Encloses a copy of a letter from Charles Frederick Knise, U.S. deputy consul at Faro, reporting the “unfortunate circumstance that has happened to one of our vessels, stranded on that coast.” Has written to the customs collector at Boston, enclosing an abstract of the letter to be made public in order to discover the ship’s owners. RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 59, CD...
I had the honor to write you the 2nd. Febry by the Ship Strafford bound to Philadelphia also the 5 & 10 following which hope have been received. The Schooner I mentioned to have been lost on the Coast of Faro has been claimed by James Philips & Co. of Philadelphia and delivered to them in consequence of proper vouchers sent by one of the Partners in London. I have obtaind an order for the...
15 September 1801, Lisbon. Reports that an express from Paris has presented Portuguese government with an ultimatum: accept peace on harsh terms or face invasion. Believes Portugal may be able to avoid the latter. In spite of the treaty’s having been published, British ships, both merchant and naval, continue to arrive and depart. The Spanish army has received orders to withdraw but may not...
I have now the honor to enclose you the State of o ur Trade with this Kingdom from the 1st. January to the 30th. June of the present year, also copies of Letters one received from our Consul at Tangier & the other through our Consul at Leghorn from our Consul at Tripoli as they contain information relative to the Tripoline forces, & advice of the arrival o f our Squadron under Come. Dale the...
Inclosed are copies of two notes from His Excy. Dn. John de Almeida de Mello e Castro inclosing each a letter for you, one came to hand some days after the other. the first inclosure was forwarded by the Margaret Captn. Resolved Gardner under cover to the Collector of the Customs at Philadelphia, & the second now enclosed was not s ent before for want of an opportunity. I have the honor to be...
The preceeding is copy of my Letter to you dated the 7th. Inst. forwarded by the Schooner Nabby bound to Boston. I have now the honor to enclose duplicates of the Vouchers No. 1 à 9 and a copy of a letter from our Consul in London to Captn. Kimball giving him the cruel information of the condemnation of his Cargo. His Vessel is restored, but without even Costs of detention so long in this...
2 February 1802, Lisbon. Encloses copies of two notes from Almeida de Mello, each covering a letter for JM. One arrived several days after the other. The first enclosure has already been sent; the second was not sent earlier for want of an opportunity. RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Lisbon, vol. 1). RC 1 p.; in a clerk’s hand, signed by Bulkeley. Enclosures are two 29 Dec. 1801 notes...
The enclosed documents consisting of N 1. 2. & 3 My letters to His Excy. Dn. Joao de Almeida de Mello Castro, Minister & Secretary of State for the foreign & war Departments 4 & 5 His Excellcys. Note’s to me 6 Captn. Peleg Barker’s memorial w ill inform you of the capture & seizure of two of our vessels by the Governor of Pará in the Amazons & of the treatment & confinement of their Crews on...
I have the honor to hand you the above copy of a Circular from Our Consul at Leghorn forwarded me by this days Post from Our Consul at Barcelona—a Copy of which will transmit to Gibral tar & Tangeir. I hope this will overtake the Brig Neptun e Captn. Coleman getting under sail. If not will be forwa rded by the first conveyance to the United States. The information given you by this Conveyance...
2 February 1802, Lisbon. Transmits a parcel containing a report on the state of trade in the ports of Lisbon, Setúbal, and Figueroa. American trade with Portugal has suffered as a result of peace and large importations of grain from the Mediterranean and Baltic. Since suspension of hostilities American captains have not considered certificates of property “of any further utility to them”;...
16 July 1802, Lisbon. Refers to his dispatches of 2, 5, and 10 Feb. “The Schooner I mentioned to have been lost on the Coast of Faro has been claimed by James Philips & Co. of Philadelphia and delivered to them.… I have obtaind an order for the restitution of the Duties imposed on the Cargo of Fish by the Hope.… The duties were demanded on an old law which has never been revoked.” Reports that...
The preceeding is copy of a letter I had the honor of writing you the 1st. Inst. by the Schooner Enterprize, bound to New York, accompanied by the Vouchers therein mentioned. I have now further to inclose you copy of a Letter I received by last post from our Consul at Tripoli announcing the Declaration of War in form by the Bashaw against the U.S. Comodore Dale left a Frigate to watch the...
Since my private letter of yesterdays date, accounts have arrived in Town of the surrender of Campo Mayor & The Portuguese army posted at Gaviao retired to Abrantes w here they intend making the strongest resistance. An express arrived last night from Cadiz in 6 days brings an a ccount of the arrival there of the Earl Gower Packet on this s tation captured by a french privateer on her passage...
2 February 1802, Lisbon. Lists six enclosures, including copies of his correspondence with Almeida de Mello and a copy of Capt. Peleg Barker’s memorial, which will inform JM of “the seizure of two of our vessels by the Governor of Pará in the Amazons & of the treatment & confinement of their Crews on suspicion of contraband trade.” Has written John Murray & Son, underwriters of brig Aurora ,...
Inclosed are copies of what I had the honor of writing you the 2nd. Inst. by the Ship Strafford bound to Philadelphia, which vessel hope has arrived, and that you are in possession of the documents. I also hand you herewith an original letter intended to have been sent by same vessel, but she sailed that day. I have since received a letter from Captn. Danl. Savage dated Pernambuco 4 Decemr....
Since my last it appears the arrangements of a Peace between Portugal & Spain had actually taken place & made public in Madrid. Hostilities has ceased in consequence. However private Letters mention that Lucien Buonaparte the Minister at Madrid has (tho invested with the fullest powers) protested against it either because it does not meet his sanguine e xpectation or untill the First Consul...
I Take the Liberty of Calling on your Honer For Some Asistance in Gitting My Partner alfred Isham Recommend to the French Genral and Agants at the Iland of Hispanolia I Expected to Have ben at Washington My Self to Laid a Claim For a French Capture that I Sufferd in July 1797 but I Concluded to See What Congress Did on Account of French Spiolations if you Will Please to Write Me a Letter to...
To his Excellency General Washington The Citizens of Annapolis feel themselves happy in having an opportunity personally to express their affection for, and gratitude to your Excellency. Your private character forces admiration from the foes of virtue and freedom. We derive peculiar pleasure from the contemplation that the successes at Trenton and Princetown, laid the corner stone of our...
I have to Inform your Excellency that at Sunset this Evening, came from the Wtward one 20 gun Ship one Brig & 2 Schooners, the Latter being so far in the Rear of the Ship ’twas dark before they came up, therefore cou’d not ’tell whether they were armed or not Can send your Excellency a Mess of Black fish whenever ’tis agreable they are now in Cur. I have the Honor to be your Excellencys Mot...