Results 26131-26180 of 184,431 sorted by author
5 July 1801, Lisbon. Has no certain news since last dispatch. Anticipates determination of fate...
24 October 1801, Lisbon. Reports that peace has slowed the sale of American produce,...
4 October 1801, Lisbon. Delay in departure of brig Neptune gives him the opportunity to announce...
12 June 1801, Lisbon. Reports peace between Portugal, Spain, and France to be publicly announced...
The foregoing is copy of what I had the honor to write you the 15 Instant I received this morning...
27 March 1801, Lisbon. Acknowledges receipt of State Department letters of 13 Sept. and 21...
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your very much respected favors of the 13 September &...
5 August 1801, Lisbon. Encloses a letter received by last post from consul at Tripoli announcing...
20 April 1801, Lisbon. Encloses statements on three American ships captured and taken into...
6 August 1801, Lisbon. Relays a report given out at the palace that peace is concluded between...
I have the honor to enclose my dispatch to His Excellcy. Dn. Rodrigo & his answer on the subject...
10 February 1802, Lisbon. Encloses a copy of a letter from Charles Frederick Knise, U.S. deputy...
I had the honor to write you the 2nd. Febry by the Ship Strafford bound to Philadelphia also the...
15 September 1801, Lisbon. Reports that an express from Paris has presented Portuguese government...
I have now the honor to enclose you the State of o ur Trade with this Kingdom from the 1st....
Inclosed are copies of two notes from His Excy. Dn. John de Almeida de Mello e Castro inclosing...
The preceeding is copy of my Letter to you dated the 7th. Inst. forwarded by the Schooner Nabby...
2 February 1802, Lisbon. Encloses copies of two notes from Almeida de Mello, each covering a...
The enclosed documents consisting of N 1. 2. & 3 My letters to His Excy. Dn. Joao de Almeida de...
I have the honor to hand you the above copy of a Circular from Our Consul at Leghorn forwarded me...
2 February 1802, Lisbon. Transmits a parcel containing a report on the state of trade in the...
16 July 1802, Lisbon. Refers to his dispatches of 2, 5, and 10 Feb. “The Schooner I mentioned to...
The preceeding is copy of a letter I had the honor of writing you the 1st. Inst. by the Schooner...
Since my private letter of yesterdays date, accounts have arrived in Town of the surrender of...
2 February 1802, Lisbon. Lists six enclosures, including copies of his correspondence with...
Inclosed are copies of what I had the honor of writing you the 2nd. Inst. by the Ship Strafford...
Since my last it appears the arrangements of a Peace between Portugal & Spain had actually taken...
I Take the Liberty of Calling on your Honer For Some Asistance in Gitting My Partner alfred Isham...
To his Excellency General Washington The Citizens of Annapolis feel themselves happy in having an...
I have to Inform your Excellency that at Sunset this Evening, came from the Wtward one 20 gun...
I have to Inform your Excellency that the Fleet of Transports which lay at Frogs Neck have this...
I have to acquaint your Excellency that I did not Inform myself any better as to the Shiping by...
I have to Inform your Excellency that the Fleet which came to Sail Last Night have got as far...
there has passed by this Place to the Wtward, to day 3 Sloops & one Schooner Loaded with Hay—&...
I have to Inform your Excellency that between 7 and 8 OClock the Fleet made Sail and Stood on to...
About two years ago I addressed a letter to Mr. Granger on the subject of a Change of one of the...
I have to acquaint your Excellency that the Fleet from the Etward have now Past this place, there...
Letter not found : from Capt. Epaphras Bull, 29 Aug. 1778. On 30 Aug., Bull wrote to GW : “the...
I have to acquaint your Excellency that the two Brigs & Sloop which Anchored near Hempstead...
Before this you will have seen the proceedings of the Legislature of this State. It is with much...
Agreeably to your letter of the 12th. Novmr 1799 dated New York which I receved in Kentucky; I...
We are situated at so great a Distance from each other that I am obliged to take this Method to...
My having Early in Life ingaged in the Last war under you, and the present one we are Ingaged in,...
as I have not bin Troublesom to you with Cilicitations on Acct of my Brothers prefermt make free...
As we are well assured You take pleasure in distinguishing Merit where ever it is found. We beg...
Having Recd your Orders Shall Comply with them[.] As to Sending Sub[alter]ns Commands up to you I...
As John Waid a Soldier in my Company was Seting at the Indian Camp Eating some Victuls, one of...
It is not Agreeable to my Inclinations to be Thus Troublesom as to my Repeated Letters for Leave...
I Recd yours Janry 1st wherein you was pleased to Signifie that I had not proceeded in a Regular...
My Brother Benjamin Bullitt who has lately been appointed an Ensign in the second Regiment of the...