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Results 26131-26160 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I observe in your communication to Congress at the commencement of the present session that our Just rights are still invaded and no reparation offered and that an appeal to arms may be necessary before those rights are respected, in that event I tender my services together with those of the officers & soldiers in the first Division of Militia of the State of Tennessee which I have the honor...
The answer to Mr Barlows note is not what was expected and most certainly is not what was intended to have been given for many days. What can have changed the Emperors opinion is not known. All the persons about the court of any influence have been of opinion that complete success would attend Mr Barlows mission. No one knows what answer Mr Barlow has recd. but it is feared it is not favorable...
I have the Honor to transmit the foregoing resolution and embrace the Opportunity of expressing the high Esteem with which I am Sir your Mo Ob st 26 December 1811. Reviews the conduct of the European belligerents toward the U.S. and describes the consequences as “a scourge from heaven.” “A retrospective view of the sufferings, injuries, and insults which have flowed to this country, from a...
1 January 1812, Boston. Forwards this memorial mentioning his six years of experience in commerce at Boston and twenty-five years at Alicante. Has “a competent Knowledge” of the languages, laws, and customs of the eastern countries. Has performed the functions of a consul at Alicante “at intervals … in the absence of his brother.” Notes that there are vacancies at the ports of Constantinople,...
1 January 1812, Mint of the United States. Forwards a report on the operations of the Mint during the past year. “With the exception of a few weeks, after the expiration of the charter of the Bank of the United States, the supply of bullion, now furnished chiefly by the other Banks in this city, has never been more abundant.” The enclosed statement from the treasurer shows the amount of...
1 January 1812. Introduces himself as a citizen of South America who was dismissed by its oppressors and brought by fate to the U.S. Was prominent in the revolution in his native country and encloses documents in support of this fact. Cites his present indigence as proof of the purity of his intentions and the disinterestedness with which he has served his country. Lacking resources, he is now...
As you are a Friend to American Manufactures under proper restrictions, especially Manufactures of the domestic kind, I take the Liberty of Sending you by the Post a Packett containing two Pieces of Homespun lately produced in this quarter by One who was honoured in his youth with Some of your Attention and much of your kindness. All of my Family whom you formerly knew are well. My Daughter...
Some time in Nov r last I transmitted by the mail to your address a copy of the Virginian Orator, in which was inclosed a letter . Separate from the packet there was delivered to the stage-driver, at the same time, a letter to G & R Waite of Baltimore in which was inclosed 3 tickets in the “ Susquehanna Canal lottery” all of which had drawn prizes, but by a reference to the post Office...
The inclosed enclosed poetical production was placed in my hands a few days ago by an English Lady, M rs Mary D e Butts accompanied with an earnest request that I would cause it to be forwarded to you. The abovementioned Lady is the Wife of Doctor Richard D
Your favour of the 28 h Ulto was receivd this morning. I must apologise for the liberty of detaining your manuscript so long: but it was done upon the presumption that you wou’d not want it, during its ditention detention ; and that if any effort shou’d be made in Congress a recurrence to the manuscript wou’d be of importance to myself, in combating M r L—s pretension before the legislature of...
I Send Some old Maderia & Sherry, the & the Curtains. I grieve that I cannot personally assist in nursing my dear Sister whom I pray God to comfort Sustain & Support under weakness her weakness, and trying afflictions. what I ever I have or can procure for her, I beg I may be calld upon for inclosed is a Small pecuniary aid. Sickness is chargeable in all families—I Send you a cheese and a...
How is your Mother to day. what night had She & how is miss Katy & Ruthey? have you procured a Nurse for her yet? have you heard from Weymouth I hoped to have ventured out to day to have Seen my dear Sister, but the weather is such that I dare not. tomorrow is a fortnight Since I was out of doors—Jackson has the same fever, tho I hope he will not be worse. he has kept his Bed this week—have I...
I Send you some oranges and Lemmons. the last night was a trying one to those who were not very Sick: I was myself so faint as Scarcly to feel able to draw my Breath—I think it equally relaxing to dog days—I hope it will clear up for the benifit of the Sick. does the Dr think your mothers fever came to the height Mrs Smith is very well unwell. I hope it is only a bad cold, but She has been...
How are all your Sick to day. what night had your Mother and how is little Lucy? I presume you know the cause why you did not hear from me yesterday, or see any of our people—I was much Shocked the event was So Sudden one of the Shipleys is taken down. Mrs Smith took an Emetic last night but She could not puke. it however opperated otherways—I Send you a pr of fowls and a peice of ham, two...
How are your dear Parents your Father I learnt when I returnd from Boston was very Sick. I have feard it for more than a week. is he as he used to be, or more lost? this terrible hot weather I fear will be too much for my dear Sister, and your Fathers illness added. your call is great for firmness and fortitude, as your day is So may your Strength be, and God knows what is best for us. to him...
If you will Send Lucy & Johny here to day we will take care of them. Betsy Says She knows her Mother will watch to night if you want her, and I will try to get an other for you. MWA : Adams Papers.
I Send your Mother a Bottle of Hermitage wine which on Serching the cellar we found. I hope it will prove a cordial to her. it is more mild than port, and excellent for herI pray it may be blest to her restoration MWA : Adams Papers.
Thomas Adams, brother of John Quincy Adams, was one of the Circuit Judges of Masstts Court very able Man & learned lawyer—but very intemperate.—He was obliged to resign his office—being threatened with Impeachment. Upon one occasion, there was an action of Trover on trial before him for a gun which had been borrowed, but which the borrower refused to return. Adams—in Charging the Jury,...
26149Memorandum Books, 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
Jan. 3. Charge John Perry 40. bushels of wheat delivd. him by McGehee on my order, at the agreed price of 9/. 6. Hhd. xp. 2.D. 7. Jerry exp. to Bedford 3.D. 8. Gave my note to George Gilmer for 120.D. for two mules paiable within the first week of April. Gave E. Bacon to pay Dettor for beef 23.17. 12.
1811. Dec. The crop of the Tomahawk plantation for 1812. Corn, oats & peas. the Shop field
Le Département des Cérémonies a l’honneur d’annoncer à Madame Adams et à Mademoiselle Johnson, sa sœur, qu’Elles sont invitées au Bal masqué de la Cour, Lundi 1er Janvier 1812. MHi : Adams Papers.
It is long since I have had occasion to address a line to you, and the present is an irksome one. With all the discouragements I can oppose to those who wish to make me the channel of their wishes for office, some will force themselves on me. I inclose you the letters of several merely to be placed on the file of candidates & to stand on their own ground, for I do not know one of them...
31 December 1811, Department of War. Lists proposed promotions in the U.S. Army for JM’s approval. RC ( DNA : RG 46, Executive Proceedings, 12B-A1); letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 107, LSP ). RC 3 pp. Forwarded by JM to the Senate in a message of 31 Dec. 1811 ( Senate Exec. Proceedings Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America (3 vols.; Washington, 1828). ,...
31 December 1811, Department of War. Lists proposed appointments in the U.S. Army for JM’s approval. RC ( DNA : RG 46, Executive Proceedings, 12B-A1); letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 107, LSP ). RC 4 pp. Forwarded by JM to the Senate in his 31 Dec. 1811 message ( Senate Exec. Proceedings Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America (3 vols.; Washington, 1828)....
31 December 1811, Boston Council Chamber. Introduces Richard Devens Harris—“a young Gentleman of this place & of one of the most respectable families in it, of a liberal education, & of correct morals & politicks”—who wishes to pay his respects. “Mr Harris having spent two or three years at London, Paris &c has obtained much useful information; which qualifies him to serve his Country in many...
31 December 1811. “Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested to cause to be laid before this House information whether, tobacco the growth of the United States is admitted into Holland, and if admitted, whether the administration en regie on that article as it exists in France, extends to Holland and the Hansiatic towns; and whether the tariff in Holland is the same as...
The people arrived here on the evening of Saturday the 28 th with every thing well except 1. hog tired & killed on the road. the articles for Dick to carry back will be now soon ready to put on board his waggon, but it is now raining, so that it is not likely he will set off today. the inclosed paper will tell you what they are & what is to be done with them. we are in very great want of the...
An absence of 6. weeks from home has prevented my earlier acknolegement of your letter of Nov. 22 . I am happy to learn from that that M adame d’Houditot d’Houdetot continues in life and health. there was no person in France from whom I recieved more civilities or for whom I entertained higher regard, and it would at all times be pleasing to me to shew my senses sense of it by services to...
A long absence from home has prevented my sooner acknoleging the reciept of your letter of the 10 th . I have this day written to the President of the US. on the subject of it. but, Sir, it is important on these occasions to send testimonies of character, which I would advise to obtain from those who not only know you, but are known themselves to the government. these papers come under regular...
It is long since I have had occasion to address a line to you, and the present is an irksome one. with all the discouragements I can oppose to those who wish to make me the channel of their wishes for office, some will force themselves on me. I inclose you the letters of several merely to be placed on the file of candidates & to stand on their own ground, for I do not know one of them...