Results 26131-26160 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I observe in your communication to Congress at the commencement of the present session that our...
The answer to Mr Barlows note is not what was expected and most certainly is not what was...
I have the Honor to transmit the foregoing resolution and embrace the Opportunity of expressing...
1 January 1812, Boston. Forwards this memorial mentioning his six years of experience in commerce...
1 January 1812, Mint of the United States. Forwards a report on the operations of the Mint during...
1 January 1812. Introduces himself as a citizen of South America who was dismissed by its...
As you are a Friend to American Manufactures under proper restrictions, especially Manufactures...
Some time in Nov r last I transmitted by the mail to your address a copy of the Virginian Orator,...
The inclosed enclosed poetical production was placed in my hands a few days ago by an English...
Your favour of the 28 h Ulto was receivd this morning. I must apologise for the liberty of...
I Send Some old Maderia & Sherry, the & the Curtains. I grieve that I cannot personally assist in...
How is your Mother to day. what night had She & how is miss Katy & Ruthey? have you procured a...
I Send you some oranges and Lemmons. the last night was a trying one to those who were not very...
How are all your Sick to day. what night had your Mother and how is little Lucy? I presume you...
How are your dear Parents your Father I learnt when I returnd from Boston was very Sick. I have...
If you will Send Lucy & Johny here to day we will take care of them. Betsy Says She knows her...
I Send your Mother a Bottle of Hermitage wine which on Serching the cellar we found. I hope it...
Thomas Adams, brother of John Quincy Adams, was one of the Circuit Judges of Masstts Court very...
26149Memorandum Books, 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
Jan. 3. Charge John Perry 40. bushels of wheat delivd. him by McGehee on my order, at the agreed...
1811. Dec. The crop of the Tomahawk plantation for 1812. Corn, oats & peas. the Shop field
Le Département des Cérémonies a l’honneur d’annoncer à Madame Adams et à Mademoiselle Johnson, sa...
It is long since I have had occasion to address a line to you, and the present is an irksome one....
31 December 1811, Department of War. Lists proposed promotions in the U.S. Army for JM’s...
31 December 1811, Department of War. Lists proposed appointments in the U.S. Army for JM’s...
31 December 1811, Boston Council Chamber. Introduces Richard Devens Harris—“a young Gentleman of...
31 December 1811. “Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested to cause to be...
The people arrived here on the evening of Saturday the 28 th with every thing well except 1. hog...
An absence of 6. weeks from home has prevented my earlier acknolegement of your letter of Nov. 22...
A long absence from home has prevented my sooner acknoleging the reciept of your letter of the 10...
It is long since I have had occasion to address a line to you, and the present is an irksome one....