James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Thomas Bulkeley, 9 October 1801

From Thomas Bulkeley, 9 October 1801

Lisbon 9 October 1801


I have the honor to hand you the above copy of a Circular from Our Consul at Leghorn forwarded me by this days Post from Our Consul at Barcelona—a Copy of which will transmit to Gibral⟨tar⟩ & Tangeir. I hope this will overtake the Brig Neptun⟨e⟩ Captn. Coleman getting under sail. If not will be forwa⟨rded⟩ by the first conveyance to the United States. The information given you by this Conveyance of the Peace between this Country & France gains credit and seems beyond a doubt certain. I am with every sentiment ⟨o⟩f respect Sir Your most humble & Obedt. Servant

Thomas Bulkeley

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