Results 26121-26130 of 184,431 sorted by author
The Brig Schuylkill bound to Norfolk, Virginia gives me an opportunity of transmitting the preceeding Copy of my last letter to you dated 20th. Inst. & to advise you, Our Consul at London mentions in his letter to me dated 18th. March “You will have heard that the Dey of Tripoli has declared War against the United States.” Our communication by Post being stopped, prevents our getting the...
My last was by the Neptune Captn: Coleman bound to Alexandria handing you the answer of Recredance of Mr. Smith & informing you the Peace with Portugal was concluded & which now have the pleasure to confirm. Also to give you the pleasing intelligence of the Peace between England & France being signed between Mr. Otto & Lord Hawksbury the 1st. this month & which is confirmd by the Arrival here...
The preceeding is copy of what I had the honor to address you the 5th. Inst. An Armistice is said to be concluded between Portugal an d France. The report is given out at the Palace, and appears almost certain. The Portuguese army stationed at Abran tes has orders to be ready for marching. Part of them are to be qu ar tered at Coimbra, and part at Luria and Pombal. The Duke of Alafoens has...
It is now most creditably assured that Peace has taken Place between this Country Spain & France. It is said, it is to be Publickly announced to morrow & 3 nights eluminations are to be in consequence of the event. The terms are not known but its m ore than probable are very disadvantageous to this Country. My next will I hope be able to give y ou further particulars. I have the honor to...
The enclosed copy of a letter from Mr. Charles Fredk. Knise, our deputy Consul at Faro, will relate the unfortunate circumstance that has happened to one of our vessels, stranded on that coast. I have written by this conveyance to the Collector of the Customs at Boston enclosing him the abstract of said Letter requesting he will cause the same to be made public, in order to discover the...
5 February 1802, Lisbon. Encloses petition “made in the Name of the Captains of eight American vessels arrived the 3 Inst: with its translation, done in order to aleviate the Quarantine & which you will see notwithstanding the very favorable information given has no effect.” Will renew his solicitations in a few days. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Lisbon, vol. 1). RC 1 p. Enclosure (6...
10 June 1801, Lisbon. Transmits copies of his 7 June letter and enclosures. Encloses copy of letter from American consul in London to Captain Kimball informing him of the condemnation of his cargo. Although vessel was restored, verdict excluded costs of detention, and port expenses of Atlas have exceeded its value. Has not yet received requested exemption of U.S. vessels from port charges. RC...
I had the honor to write you last by the Neptune Coleman Master bound to Alexandria and Schooner Essex Storey Master bound to Newbury Port. As I understand Col. Humphreys forwards you by this Conveyance the Preliminary Articles between France & England I do not enclose them. The Peace has made a very great alteration in the sale of our produce here, particularly the Articles of Provisions for...
Inclosed is a copy of the articles of the Treaty of Peace co ncluded at Badajoz the 6th. of June 1801 between Spain and Portugal and received here only by yesterdays Post. The British Packets have lately entered as flags of truce and it is likely they will continue to enter as such. No public order has yet been issued by the Government for the departure of the British ships, or the prohibition...
I had the honor to write you 6th. Ultimo since which nothing has transpired with respect to the Political situation of this Country on which any dependence can be placed. An express arrived last sunday from Paris thro Spain to this Court. It appears pretty evident that the answer to be sent by this Government i s reduced to the monosyllables yes or no—Peace on certain hard conditions or in...