Results 26121-26130 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I hope you will pardon me but as the manuel is out of print and many applications for it I wished...
Mr. Hartley’s memorial—June 1, 1783. The proposition which has been made for an universal and...
The Count de Crillon, son of the celebrated Duke, who beseiged Gibralter, & was famous as a great...
2 January 1812, Philadelphia. “A reverse of fortune has led a man of sixty six years of age, to...
Your favor of Dec. 17. has been duly recieved, & with it the pamphlet on the cause, seat, & cure...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments & thanks to mr Frazer for the copy of the Compendium...
Your favor of Dec. 4. has been duly recieved, & with it your addresses to the Tammany &...
As you are a Friend to American Manufactures under proper restrictions, especially Manufactures...
I will not suffer the first day of this new year to pass over, without renewing to my dear Mother...
You will perceive in my dispatch to the Secretary of State, that a treaty of commerce is to be...