Results 26121-26130 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
The inclosed Letter, I this Moment received and can think of no other Way, to answer the...
26122General Orders, 19 November 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Pennsylvania Field Officers are desired to bring in their old commissions and receive new...
I recd yours dated Hardwick the 16th. I have only to desire you to march forward with all...
Letter not found: to Maj. John Clark, Jr., 19 Nov. 1777. Clark’s third letter to GW of 18 Nov. is...
I am informed by a person in this place that Lord Cornwallis commands the party that came down...
I reciv’d various Accounts yesterday respecting The enemys Measures for makeing an Attackt on Red...
Since my last letter, I recived a Certain Account of a Number of Heighlanders Crossing to Jersey...
The Enemy haveing thrown a considerable part of their force over Delaware with an Intention as I...
I am favor’d with yours of the 15th instant covering the Resolution of a Council of War, held the...
To his Excellency George Washington, Esquire General and Commander in Chief of the Armies of the...