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Results 2611-2660 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Yours of the 20th Instant I Recd this Day; I have not the Least thought, (nor Ever had) of making...
Colo. Bedel on his March Sent to me to Provide Some Trusty Persons to Pilot Soldiers by way of...
Etats des Bleds et farines venus des Etats unis d’Amérique en france depuis le 15. février...
I have just time to acknowledge receipt of your favors of the 8th: and 10th: Currt. and to assure...
The success of our friend Mr Munroe in the late popular negociation has determined many of our...
… You will see by the commission which will be forwarded from the Department of State, that I...
I received this afternoon your No. 11 and I never received a letter which caused such a variety...
2618[Diary entry: 9 August 1785] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 9th. Thermometer at 68 in the Morning—72 at Noon and 74 at Night. Having provided a light...
Inclosed is a letter from Ebenezer Skiff, with many recommendations from select men, Minister &c...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; variant copy: Yale University Library <Nantes, June 27,...
To secure the Liberties of the People and the legitimate Rights of their Government, against...
You have heretofore known that the ability of the University to meet the necessary expences of a...
[ Philadelphia, May 1, 1792 . On May 2, 1792, Hamilton wrote to Washington: “The case was here...
I think that none of the circumstances preceding the passage of the Embargo law stated by M....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you pretty fully per the Packet, and shall write...
It is the natural of course for you to take the Directions of your Commanding Officer Major Hoops...
Wilmington [ Delaware ] August 27, 1777. Discusses failure of Staten Island expedition. Advises...
The Act establishing the New Revenue System, imposing Duties on Spirits imported, and those...
MS not found; reprinted from The Atlantic Monthly , LXI (1888), 26. Your Favours of March 18 and...
The exigency of our affairs makes it necessary, you should use all the diligence and dispatch in...
§ From John Gavino. 4 October 1806. “The restraint on Tobacco from the United States continues at...
Articles of agreement made & concluded between Th: Jefferson and John H. Craven, both of the...
I have been honored with your Excellys favor of the 18th from Annapolis covering a letter from...
I have received your favour of the 5th of August—and the Cheese by Genel Boyd—for both—which I...
Yesterday I received Advice from Boston that a Number of Transports, have sailed on a second...
I avail myself of the opportunity by this days mail, to inform you of the great regret I have...
I now avail myself of your obliging permission, to transmit through you to Mr: Randolph the...
263814th. (Adams Papers)
I walk’d with Thompson up to Mrs. Atkins’s. The old Lady is gone to Boston to spend a fortnight....
me voila dans votre Patrie; et la premiere chose que j’y trouve est une marque de votre bonté...
2640[Diary entry: 10 July 1799] (Washington Papers)
10. Morning perfectly clear with very little wind. Mer. at 66—clear all day. Mer. 74 at Night....
The president of the U.S. requests the Secretary of State to prepare copies of the remaining...
I do myself the Honour to inclose the Kings speech at the Opening of Parliament as it has been...
Cold in my professions, warm in ⟨my⟩ friendships, I wish, my Dear Laurens, it m⟨ight⟩ be in my...
I was yesterday honored with your Excellency’s favor of the 21st. General Greenes letter so...
After the most deliberate review of the arguments for and against my acceptance of the Chair in...
Letter not found: from William Price, 15 Nov. 1799. On 20 Nov. GW wrote Price that his “favour of...
Among the numerous applicants who trespass upon your time, the writer of this craves leave to...
I received, at Norristown, while attending a County Court, your favor of the 25 th: ult: with an...
Letter of June 18th. from Secy. of W. to Genl. Izard referred in that of   from latter to former,...
I have received your letter of the twenty fourth instant ultimo, and am glad happy to find that...
1. Favor to England. Smith . 1798. Oct. 18. pa. 1. Answer to Grand jury of Ulster county N.Y. ‘if...
I am now in Port au Prince , employed by the Government . Deign to excuse me for the coar se ness...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have to Inform you the Printing Press I have sent to M. le...
Mr. Madison . I take the liberty Mr. Chairman, at this early stage of the business to introduce...
In your favour of the 12th. you Say that you had believed, “that during the War of the...
The Accounts I receive of your Indisposition, excite much Grief. Your Father by Precept and...
FC ( NA : PCC , Marine Committee Letter Book, fol. 288). The Board are favoured with your letter...
I have been long waiting in the hope of picking up a 5.D. bill of the US. bank to remit you...
Mr. Duer my assistant goes to Philadelphia to transact some business with the bank there in which...
We the subscribers being the superintendant Constructer and Clerk of the Navy Yard, during the...