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Results 261-270 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I much fear that in performing my duty, and endeavoring to give you all the information possible on the State of the public buildings, I claim an unreasonable portion of your time & attention.—My present letter is on a subject on which I see only one mode of proceeding, and that one , involves a mode of finishing the roof of the North wing on which I solicit your opinion and direction:...
Annexed is a Copy of my last Since which I have requested of Admiral Montigue the general liberation of all American Seamen. By this measure, I flatter myself I have antici p ated the Presidents wish. For his Satisfaction I inclose a Copy of my letter & the admirals answer. I formerly intimated that it was proper to insert in all Certificates of Native Americans the place of their Birth...
I use the opportunity of mr. gallatins return to the United States to acknowledge the receipt of your letter. of the 30th of oct last, and to inform you that he has taken charge of five small parcels for you containing bose and Brocheeses. Baron Humboldt sends you a copy of his last publication and Bishop gregoire a copy of his manuel de Visté . Your Parisian friends are glad to hear of the...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I wrote the Above in much haste, and yet it got To Town too late, but my Brother informs me he forwarded it a few days after by Capt. Marshall in a Schooner bound to Corke, which may Possably reach London Sooner Than if it had been sent by Capt. Budden; There is an Account in Town That the Ship Indian Trader is Taken off our Capes, and a...
I was yesterday favor’d with your Excellency’s Letter of 27th: Decr: in answer to one I had the honor to write you of 22d: Novr: relative to the Provisions due to the Convention Army; I take the earliest opportunity to acquaint you, Sir, that agreeable to your desire I have ascertain’d the quantity due, to the satisfaction of the Issuing Commissary, and he has certify’d it to Mr. Hawkins the...
According to promise I wrote to the clerk of Goochland for a copy of Reuben Skelton’s will. his answer is that there is no such will recorded there, that no administration was granted there, & therefore it is presumed that he was not a resident of that county. I know however that he was a resident of the county at the time of his death. his mansion house was at Elkhill on the Goochland side of...
267General Orders, 9 October 1778 (Washington Papers)
Particular Brigade returns to be made to the orderly Office on Monday next agreeable to a form which will be given by the Adjutant General. Regimental Returns to be delivered in the same day by the Brigade Majors containing every Article of Cloathing in Possession of the non commissioned Officers and soldiers discriminating the good and serviceable from the bad and unserviceable; These returns...
I have been favoured with two notes from yo⟨u⟩ of this date—the last, in time to prevent the mistake which the first would have led me into. The mode which you have suggested for imparting the small pittance my resources will enable me to contribute towards the comfort of the needy in this City appears to be a very eligable one, and as you have been so obliging as to offer to place it in...
Since my letter to you covering the nomination of the Staff Officers of my Regt. and the Bond required of the Pay Master, I have received from the Treasury Department, money for recruiting Service, and an advance of four Mons. pay to the Officers; from the same Office, I received a blank Bond to be executed by the Pay Master, which differs in form with the One I inclosed to you; inasmuch as...
I have the honor to transmit to you, a letter from Governor Telfair of the 20th of July, containing enclosures relative to the murder of a Creek Indian. The measures which he has taken to discover the murderer and his abettor and bring them to punishment, seem to be satisfactory and to preclude the necessity of any thing further being done on the part of the general government. As to the...