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Results 261-270 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
DS : Haverford College Library Robert Grace (see above, I, 209 n), whose parents died when he was young, was brought up by his grandmother and her second husband, Hugh Lowden, in their home on the north side of Market Street, between Front and Second, facing the Jersey Market. Under Lowden’s will, Grace inherited the life use of the property when his grandmother died in 1725. He was living...
262Poor Richard, 1746 (Franklin Papers)
Poor Richard, 1746. An Almanack For the Year of Christ 1746 , … By Richard Saunders, Philom. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin. (Yale University Library) Preface . A Table for the more ready casting up of Coins , in Pennsylvania. No. Ps. Eight. Spanish Pistoles. English Guineas. Moidores. £ s. d. £ s. d.
263Extracts from the Gazette, 1746 (Franklin Papers)
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 7 to December 30, 1746. [ Advertisement ] All Persons indebted to the Printer hereof for a Year’s Gazette, or more, are desired to make Payment. [February 11] From Lancaster County, and the upper Parts of Philadelphia County, we have received several Accounts of the Mischiefs done by mad Dogs, among the black Cattle, Horses, Sheep, &c. many of...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I receiv’d yours with others enclos’d for Mr. Bertram and Mr. Armit, to which I suppose the enclos’d are Answers. The Person who brought yours said he would call for Answers, but did not; or, if he did, I did not see him. I understand Parker has begun upon your Piece. A long Sitting of our Assembly has hitherto hinder’d me from beginning the Miscellany. I...
Draft: New-York Historical Society There is no Question but in the case you mention of a ships being taken up in a Southern latitude and let down in one some degrees more northerly the same moment she would have a degree of Motion Eastward but that it would shorten a Voyage from America to Europe I cannot think because as the alteration is made by insensibly small steps it can only be so much...
Draft (fragment): American Philosophical Society has been blown off that Coast. Our Governor thinks they contain the Commissions for the Officers, and Orders to draw for the Pay of the Troops &c. and therefore directs me to forward them per Express to N. York, that they may overtake the Post. In haste I am &c. [ On back ] { One Month at £45 per Ann. is 3. 15. 0 Hire of Horse 2 Trips at 25 s....
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , May 22, 1746. As it is a Minister’s Duty to provide Things honest in the Sight of all Men, I thought it my Duty, when lately at Georgia, to have the whole Orphan House Accounts audited, from the Beginning of that Institution to January last; the same I intend to do yearly for the future: An Abstract of the whole, with the particular Affidavits, and common...
Reflections on Courtship and Marriage: in Two Letters to a Friend. Wherein a Practicable Plan is laid down for Obtaining and Securing Conjugal Felicity. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, M,DCC,XLVI . The Gazette of April 17, 1746, announced this pamphlet as “Just Published.” Charles R. Hildeburn assigned it to Franklin on the authority of a note, which he quoted as “By Benjamin...
269Memorandum, [18 April 1746] (Franklin Papers)
MS : American Philosophical Society Sally was inoculated April 18, being Fryday at 10 a Clock in the Morning. Sarah Franklin (Genealogy, D.3) was about two and a half years old. Her brother Francis had died of smallpox before he was inoculated. See above, II , 154. The memorandum is in BF ’s hand.
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; also duplicate: Boston Public Library I have had no Line from [you] since that dated June 1745, which, with your equal Silence to our Friends Hall and Read, made me apprehend that Death had depriv’d me of the Pleasure I promis’d myself in our growing Friendship: But Lieut. Grung writing in February last that you and your Family were well, convinces me...