George Washington Papers

To George Washington from William Livingston, 13 January 1780

From William Livingston

Morris Town 13 Janry 1780

Dear Sir

I take the Liberty to acquaint your Excellency that having the most solid Reasons to believe that it would be imprudent for me to reside at present, at Persippeney, I have fix’d my Quarters (after having visited my Family) at Mr Parsons,1 at Collo. Wards’ Quarters, about two miles from your Excellency’s. What induces me to inform your Excellency of this particular is, that in case you should have occasion to direct any Dispatches to me, you may know where they will find him who is with the sincerest Attachment Dear Sir your Excellencys most humble & most obedient servant

Wil: Livingston

ALS, MH: Jared Sparks Collection; ADf, NN: William Livingston Papers, Letterbook; copy MHi: Livingston Papers.

1Livingston may be referring to the home of the Parsons whom he identified in June 1779 as the commander of a Morris County militia regiment (see Livingston to Nathaniel Heard, 7 June 1779, in Prince, Livingston Papers, description begins Carl E. Prince et al., eds. The Papers of William Livingston. 5 vols. Trenton and New Brunswick, N.J., 1979–88. description ends 3:106–8).

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