Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to William Eustis, 25 January 1812

To William Eustis

Monticello Jan. 25. 12.

Dear Sir

I reject a multitude of applications for recommendations to office, but now and then a case occurs which cannot be declined. the inclosed letter is from a friend of my youthful days, & one of our most worthy citizens. of the son I know little, but if like his father he should be a good man. the father seems to speak of him with the candor for which he is remarkeable. mr Duval having staid with me one evening has given me an opportunity of observing that he is sensible and gentlemanly. the father speaks of a captaincy. but the son is of a very juvenile appearance & slender form to head a company. however he will present himself & you will judge. accept the assurance of my great esteem & respect

Th: Jefferson

PoC (DLC); at foot of text: “The Secretary at War”; endorsed by TJ. Enclosure: William DuVal to TJ, 17 Jan. 1812, recorded in SJL as received from Buckingham on 24 Jan. 1812, but not found.

John Pope duval, of Virginia, was commissioned a first lieutenant in the 20th Infantry Regiment, United States Army, on 9 Apr. 1812, promoted to captain on 31 Jan. 1814, and honorably discharged on 15 June 1815 (Heitman, U.S. Army description begins Francis B. Heitman, comp., Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army, 1903, 2 vols. description ends , 1:391; JEP description begins Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States description ends , 2:247, 248, 489, 503 [8, 9 Apr. 1812, 17 Feb., 4 Mar. 1814]).

Index Entries

  • DuVal, John Pope; TJ recommends search
  • DuVal, William; letters from accounted for search
  • DuVal, William; seeks appointment for son search
  • Eustis, William; letters to search
  • Eustis, William; recommendations sent to search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; letters of application and recommendation from search
  • patronage; letters of application and recommendation from TJ search