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Results 26021-26030 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The Parliamentary Manual, originally compiled for my own personal use, was printed on the supposition it might be of use to others, and have some tendency to settle the rules of proceeding in Congress , where, in the lower house especially they had got into forms totally unfriendly to a fair extrication of the will of the majority. no right over it was therefore wished to be retained over it...
Your Letter of the 15 Ins t is now before me. I observe its contents and observe that the stattments therein contain’d are perfectly correct so farr as they respect the A/c’s and Nails. I am very sorry that the young Man who you saw; should have (through in attention to the a/ situation of the accounts betwen us) made the Errowneous demand which he did; which occation’d you the trouble of...
I recieved your favor of the 12 th by our last post and avail myself of it’s first return to inclose you the letter desired . if I conjecture rightly the nature of the connection likely to take place between mr Clarke & yourself, I congratulate you on it, having heard very favorable report of the link which will constitute the connection, & knowing the extreme worth of mr Clarke himself. I...
On a suggestion that it may be interesting to Cap t Colin Buckner , & perhaps to yourself, I have been requested to make him the subject of a letter to you. my personal acquaintance with him is small. when Congress , towards the latter end of my administration, authorised the raising some new regiments, Capt Buckner was one of the competitors for a command I remember that his recommendations...
Your favor of the 16 th came to me by post, & not by mr Griffin as it would seem to infer. the new method of selling tobacco by the hogshead renders it difficult for me to sell mine in Lynchburg , as it would require a journey & considerable stay in an inclement season: and if to be sent to Richmond the earlier it goes off the better. I h therefore left orders to hurry it down. another reason,...
Our last post brought me your favor of the 11 th informing me that the American Philosophical society had again done me the honor of electing me to their Presidential chair. I feel continued gratitude for these repeated marks of their good will, & consider them as renewed obligations to devote myself to their service in any way in which they can make me useful. I regret indeed that the...
25 January 1812, Fincastle. Declares that when the councils of the nation have decided on war, “It becomes the duty of each individual in society attached to his Government of every political denomination to yield minor considerations and rally around the national flag that the enemies of our country may be combated with unanimity and certain effect.” Refers to his “more than seven years...
un livre de la plus haute importance m’a êté prêté par M r Warden ; et je voudrais bien qu’il m’eut êté donné de votre part . Ce Sont les Commentaires Sur Montesquieu . Un autre Américain m’a dit qu’on croyait aux
I reject a multitude of applications for recommendations to office, but now and then a case occurs which cannot be declined. the inclosed letter is from a friend of my youthful days, & one of our most worthy citizens. of the son I know little, but if like his father he should be a good man. the father seems to speak of him with the candor for which he is remarkeable. mr Duval having staid with...
I was on a visit of six weeks to a distant place of mine when the elegant work of mess rs Franzoni & Andrei arrived, & an attack of rheumatism subsequent to my return has prevented till now my acknolegements for it, and what acknolegements can I make adequate to it’s merit? the one formerly contemplated is unworthy of a thought, and nothing in that line to which my resources are competent,...