Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to John W. Campbell, 31 January 1812

To John W. Campbell

Monticello Jan. 31. 12.


Your favor of Dec. 20. was between two & three weeks on the road. with it I recieved safely the returned volume which you have certainly done wisely not to reprint. I shall gladly become a subscriber for your work; but it is not in my power to furnish any materials. exactly at the date to which your letter states your work to be arrived (1776) I began to be called from home, & was thenceforward sometimes at Philadelphia, at Williamsburg & in foreign countries, & scarcely ever at home. so that even the collection of newspapers which I had continued to 1776. ceased at that period. what materials I had preceding that period, I lent to mr Burke, & have never been able to recover them. as from that period you enter into the revolutionary war, the materials become wider spread. during the years 1779. 80. 81. while I was governor of Virginia I made it a point in a continued series of letters to Genl Washington & the President of Congress to give them a connected detail of the military proceedings in this state. the copies of my letters in the council office are probably lost: but the originals are among General Washington’s papers & in the Secretary of state’s office (Colo Monroe’s) General Stevens of Culpeper who was in command, has probably interesting papers. I recollect no other deposits of any consequence. Accept my best wishes for the success of your work and the assurance of my respect

Th: Jefferson

PoC (DLC); at foot of text: “Mr John W. Campbell”; endorsed by TJ.

John Jay and Samuel Huntington served successively as president of congress during TJ’s Virginia governorship.

Index Entries

  • Burk, John Daly; and TJ’s newspaper collection search
  • Campbell, John Wilson; decides not to publish TJ’s public papers search
  • Campbell, John Wilson; History of Virginia, from Its Discovery Till the Year 1781 search
  • Campbell, John Wilson; letters to search
  • Continental Congress, U.S.; TJ’s gubernatorial correspondence with search
  • historiography; of Va. search
  • History of Virginia, from Its Discovery Till the Year 1781 (Campbell) search
  • Huntington, Samuel; president of Continental Congress search
  • Jay, John; and Continental Congress search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; subscriptions search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Public Service; as governor of Va. search
  • Monroe, James; as secretary of state search
  • newspapers; Virginia search
  • Stevens, Edward; Revolutionary War papers of search
  • Virginia; TJ as governor of search
  • Virginia; TJ’s collection of newspapers search
  • Washington, George; TJ’s Revolutionary War correspondence with search