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Results 25991-26040 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I received your letter this day, written from Springfield; this has been a relief to us to hear...
“Delightful praise, like summer rose, That brighter in the dew-drop glows.” They were sweet drops...
I was made very happy by the receipt of your letter of the 7th. I have enclosed two papers to...
Yesterday was our Thanksgiving day. In our own way, and with tempers suited to the occasion, we...
Your letter of the 5th November gave us all great pleasure and certainly none more than me. I was...
As Dean Swift says, “eyes with writing almost blind,” I commence a letter to you, near ten...
Thursday the 30th of November was our thanksgiving day. I was not able to go to meeting owing to...
Your kind letter of the 14th. has given me great pleasure, I congratulate you on the Birth of...
I do not know how our account stands, whether I am indebted for a letter or you, but I shall not...
Thank Mr De Wint for his Box of New york Cider Grove champaigne—Accept my thanks for the two...
Your Letter, my dear Caroline, gave me pleasure. As all your’s are calculated to enliven the...
I wish you a happy New year, and as many new-years as your Nature can bear, in health Peace and...
I gave the Portrait of my beloved and lamented Sister your dear Mother, to mine, without reserve...
This morning’s post brought me your letter of the 20th. We were all delighted; grandfather’s...
Your letter of May the 8th, your grandpapa brought home with him from church, on Sunday the 20th;...
There is but one copy of the “Epistle to my Mother” extant, and that is an unfinished fragment—I...
your letter of the 6th. of January gave me much pleasure, to which was added was that of your...
my dear Caroline must be informd that her Grand mothers Eyes are so much afflicted as to oblige...
I have been informed that you have read Mr Locks Essays on the human Understanding it would also...
I can scarcly belive that I have not written to my dear Girl for so long a time as two months,...
If you find as many joyful faces to receive you, as you have left sorrowful hearts behind you,...
It was with a heavy heart and trembling hand, that I yesterday broke the seal of your letter to...
I must acknowledge that some time ago, I fostered the expectation of being gratified with a few...
delightfull praise! like summer Rose that brighter in the dew drop glows— they were Sweet Drops...
The few first days after I came to Quincy namely 19th. 20th. & morning of 21st—She was very weak...
I write you a few lines just to say that I send your mother a century Sermon, preached in this...
I am as much delighted with answering your pritty Letter, of June 3d. as you was with writing it,...
I inclose you a volm from Harriot, and I have written to your Mother so late, that I have not a...
Thursday, 30th November, was our Thanksgiving Day; I was not able to attend church, owing to my...
To-morrow will be a fortnight since you left me; I have watched the weather with much solicitude,...
Extract. I was not able to accept the condescending invitation of the Government of the State and...
I have not written to you this year! and this is the second month of it, and let us ask the...
I have received your very kind letter of 7th. october—the friendly conspiricy between your Aunt...
The Executors of the last Will and Testament of John Adams, late of Quincy deceased, enclose...
I hope you received the letters safe which I inclosed to you from your brother. I wish I could...
The Executors of the last Will and Testament of John Adams deceased, have proceeded to the...
Had I known where to direct my aim, I should have shot at you long ago: but hit or miss I will...
You would be pleased to See the pretty Figure your Peach Trees and Cherry Trees make in my...
We are under great concern here—We have written to Mrs De Wint—I have written to her myself...
Thanks for your favour of the 2d. I rejoice in your health and that of all your connections; and...
I enclose herewith an order upon the U.S. Branch Bank at New York, for 460. Dollars, with many...
I beg your pardon for neglecting so long to acknowledge the receipt of your letter—Announcing the...
I have this moment received the Joyful News in your Letter of the 3d. Say to Caroline “Macte...
your delightful letter of the 31st of October, has made us all happy, and seems to be a sensible...
I send you herewith a copy of the pamphlet lately published by me of which I request your...
I received yesterday the letter you did me the honor to write me on the 20th of March in the...
I have received & read with great pleasure, your ingenious & instructive memoir on the Onondaga...
I have rec d . your Letter of the 4 Inst, informing me that you are a Grandson of the late Col l...
I have received and read with great pleasure your address of the first of Sept. which, in this...
The inclosed letter and the map which accompanies it came to Head Quarters the day before...