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Results 25991-26000 of 184,431 sorted by author
Herewith you will find Some cuttings of the Rosa Sinica —which I Spoke to you of, in June last, when I had the honor to See you at Monticello : as a valuable acquisition for Hedges— I could not get here a tin box as we are without mechanics of almost any kind, & I did not like to risk my ingenuity it in making one the box would have been badly made with p the precautions I have taken to wrapp...
I have the honour to address you these few lines to bring you acquainted with the necessity of Sending Some regular troops here. The Choctaws Indians are very numerous & troublesome neighbours. They commit depredations on the property of the industrious planters; Complaints of that kind are daily brought before me. No agent for them has been named yet in this County & agreeable to our Laws the...
I beg leave to introduce to you M r Henry Bry —He is an old inhabitant of Louisiana —you will find him an intelligent and agreeable man RC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “ M r Jefferson ”; endorsed by TJ as received 28 June 1821 “by mr Bry ” and so recorded (with additional bracketed notation: “Bry”) in SJL
I can hardly presume that you can remember my visit at Monticello on the 28 th of June last which I shall never forget. Since I left your hospitable mansion I travelled through the Northern & Eastern States, went in Canada viewed the falls of Niagara ; by far the grandest Sight I have beheld in the Union; I crossed lake Erie to Portland and the State of Ohio diagonally where I Saw a wilder and...
Supposing that it might not be unacceptable; I have taken the liberty of enclosing you an extract from the Ordinance of Congress, for Regulating the Post Office &ca concerning the powers given the Post Master General, respecting the carriage of News papers by the Posts. Wishing at the same time (when you have leisure) that you would please to mention the circumstance to the other Gentlemen of...
I hasten to relieve the anxiety of our Friends in Washington by informing you that your Daughter Carolina gave birth to a Son this Morning about 10 OClock—All that I can say of him at present is that he is a fine, fat, plump Boy with excellent lungs— C. is doing charmingly her trial was about two doubtful hours before Doctor White’s arrival, and two real ones after— Yours Very Affectionately...
I take the liberty of applying to you in behalf of a man, who from his advanced age is without resourse—His youthful days were spent in the defence of American liberty & his mature days have been devoted to the same cause—He came here in the John Adams Frigate, and after being paid off, went to Philadelphia to see his Wife and family—but was most grievously disappointed on going there to find...
Having just published a small work which Interests the States at large, I have thought it my duty to transmit you a copy, as it is incumbent upon every American to pay every respect to your worthey Character that he may have in his power. I am also happy Sir in having so good an excuse for writing to you, as my Friends have solicited me to offer as a Candidate for the office lately vacated by...
I hope I have not taken too great a liberty in Dedicating the enclosed to you, the subject I know corresponds with your principles, and the civilities which I had the honor of receiving from you while in Paris, not being obliterated from my memory, enduced me to it. And should it meet with your approbation it will add much to my satisfaction. I have sent the President a Copy, accompanyed with...
I beg leave to submit to your consideration, as a member of the American Philosophical Society, the principle on which, I have conceived, the construction of a machine, capable of perpetuating its own motion, is practicable. The following outline embraces the principle. Let a wheel, of an adapted make to receive its revolution from a current of air, be inclosed in an airtight trunk, as snugly...