Results 25981-26010 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The petition of your children, the principal chiefs, and sachems of the nation of Wyandots, in...
At the war office on Monday the Secretary observed to me that I must get myself placed on Some...
I rec d your Letter of the 26 th ult o yesterday, & Accept your proposal of Seven Dollars ⅌ 100 t...
I have rec d . your Letter of the 31 Ult. and am glad that the Tidings of Mary’s Illness and of...
4 February 1812, Milledgeville, Georgia. Forwards at the request of the officers of the Baldwin...
Sitting at My Fireside, with my Daughter Smith, on the first of February My Servant brought me a...
While the military nominations are under consideration, I have ventured to think that it would...
Sitting at My Fireside, with my Daughter Smith , on the first of February My Servant brought me a...
You are to consider me in this letter as a witness & not a sollicitor. it is written at the...
1. doz. teacups of the pattern laid by 1. doz. saucers to d o 1. doz. coffee cups as near the...
Observing that you edit the Edinburgh Review, reprinted in N. York , and presuming that your...
I have received two pretty Letters from you, and know not how to account for my own delay in...
I duly recieved your favor of the 1 st ult. together with the volume accompanying it, for which I...
As you will See by the Enclosed proof of the first 12 pages of the Manual I have had it printed...
Your favor of Dec. 18. is duly recieved and I am happy to learn from it that you are well and...
Your favour of the 26th ulto: came to hand this day. I return you my hearty thanks for the very...
I must once more take the Liberty of requesting your Attention to a Solicitation on Behalf of...
1 February 1812. Transmits a report of the secretary of the treasury containing a statement of...
J’ai eu l’honneur et le si sensible plaisir de reçevoir vos deux lettres et celle de M r Barnes...
I have written on to washington to Obtain a Majors Commision in the Service to Several friends—at...
For the sake of harmony and ananimity Mr. Jay and Mr. Adams very readily agreed with Dr. Franklin...
I sailed from New York about Fifteen Months back in the Febra Schooner belonging to Boston, bound...
It being provided by the 7th Section of the Act entitled “an Act to regulate the laying out and...
31 January 1812. “M Leib received the enclosed recommendation this morning, and in compliance...
Your favor of Dec. 20. was between two & three weeks on the road. with it I recieved safely the...
30 January 1812, Washington. Has received a letter from St. Louis, handed to him by Colonel...
30 January 1812, War Department. Lists proposed promotions and appointments in the U.S. Army for...
Your letter of the 5 th Ins t relative to your crops of flour and Tobacco, we observe was replied...
I had the honor of receiving by this days Mail, your letter acknowledging the receipt of the...
29 January 1812, Richmond. Transmits at the request of the General Assembly of Virginia “the...