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Results 25971-25980 of 184,431 sorted by author
§ From Joseph Bryan. 3 February 1806. “I am sorry to trouble you on a trifling occasion. I applied to the president for permission to put a couple of mares to the Barbary horse sent over by the Bey of Tunis. On Saturday he told me I might send the mares whenever I pleased provided I would agree to be answerable to the government for the payment of the price he should cover at the ensuing...
I much regret that a circumstance So painful as the loss of a most Sincere and affectionate friend Should be the cause of my present communication, but it is the common fate of all mankind to die and what is more to be lamented is, that with their bodies their Virtues sink into oblivion on the night of the 24th. Ultimo my friend & Brother in law Wm. Keais Esqr. Collector of the Port of...
As there will not be time after the death of the Collector of this Port which is daily expected, for me to represent as fully as may be necessary my pretensions to succeed to that Office; I must solicit your indulgence to my communications on this subject, hoping they will not interfere with your attention to the great national concerns.— After a long career of unremitted exertions to serve my...
It not having been the will of the President to appoint me Collector of this port, may I presume upon his friendly patronage in the instance of the vacancy in the Office of Post-Master General or any other which promotion in subordinate Post Masters may occasion— I have dedicated all my time and talents to the public service & long habit has unfitted me for private business. I studied law with...
My uniform & inflexible adherence to the genuine principles of representative Government for upwards of thirty years, amidst trials & seductions which have thoroughly tested my principles & firmness, encourages me to look with confidence to the patriotic sympathy and patronage of the present Executive of the Union—The Democratic members of Congress feeling in common with the Democratic Party a...
I had the honor of writing to you some weeks ago on the subject of an appointment , and transmitting sundry documents to sustain my pretensions to your notice—Mr. William Findley one of our most distinguished characters wrote a letter to your Excellency in which he gave a detailed statement of my conduct in the Office I have held for six years past that of Register General of the State, an...
The late political revolution in Pennsylvania has placed me in a novel and very distressing situation. If I had been influenced by the dictates of what in the estimation of most men would have been imperiously obligatory, self preservation; I should like all those whose livings were at the mercy of the Executive, with one other exception have concurred in the subversion of the republican...
Altho’ personally an entire stranger to you, I am encouraged by a knowledge of your public principles and conduct to address you on the subject of an appointment under the new administration of the Federal Government— Aware that you will be oppressed with the number and length of statements of the pretensions of Candidates for Office, I shall be as brief in the exhibition of mine as the nature...
As a vacancy in the Office of Collector of this Port in the course of a few days is inevitable in the opinion of the Physicians attending General Muhlenberg, it is proper I conceive to communicate to the President every material circumstance within my knowledge that may be useful in the selection of a successor— Numerous Candidates appear to be making interest for the appointment of Collector,...
I had the honor of addressing you on the 16th. Ultimo, a copy of which Letter accompanies this communication I heard about an hour ago of the death of the patriotic General Shee whose loss will be greatly felt by the Republican Party at this all important Crisis. Permit me to solicit the honor of succeeding this friend of his Country. I conceive the illustrious patriotic career of my late...